“The National Action Plan articulates the Government’s vision for a future where no one is subjected to #modernslavery. Monique Villa, CEO, Thomson Reuters Foundation explains how data is crucial to ending slavery. In this Q&A Zoe takes Liberty Earth through what it means to be working with an organization that seeks to end modern slavery. In most basic terms, the regulations require financial firms and other businesses to be able to accurately identify their clients, agents, consultants, and other vendors and confirm that they are compliant with anti-money laundering and anti-bribery laws. Today, IT departments, data scientists, and even finance tax professionals with visibility into the global supply chain, all need to coordinate efforts to address a risk that is equally diffuse throughout our economies. The Modern Slavery Act represents a solid start to the UK’s task of combatting modern-day slavery. In this age of technology, social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram started as a device used to spread and share news, as well as connect individuals; thus, a simple post can be the beginning of an entire movement. At first blush, it may sound a little strange to picture a multinational corporation’s finance and compliance professionals as the tip of the sword in the fight against modern slavery. As governments around the world ratchet up enforcement on anti-money laundering, anti-slavery, and anti-bribery laws that can be used as blunt instruments to punish companies who miss or ignore these red flags, the need for corporations to get serious about rooting criminal activity out of their supply chains has never been greater. In honor of Human Rights Day on Thursday, December 10th, Refinitiv will be hosting a special Perspectives LIVE episode with a focus on ending modern slavery in supply chains. As we enter an age in which big data and sophisticated analytics are being used to accurately anticipate trends in retail sales and optimize healthcare benefit designs, it is high time we embrace the same technology to suffocate modern slavery by removing it from supply chains. Modern slavery, also known as human trafficking or trafficking in persons, affects the most vulnerable in our societies, and particularly women and youth. Ending Modern-Day Slavery: Using Research to Inform U.S. Anti-Human Trafficking Efforts | 29 NIJ JOURNAL ISSUE NO. How can you eliminate modern slavery in supply chains? Use these prayers in your own devotional time or in a church service to add your voice to the call to end modern slavery. , , suggests that strategies attempting to reduce emissions must address the global nexus of climate change, environmental degradation, and modern slavery to achieve desired targets. In the short term, now and over the next few months, responses to COVID-19 may divert state resources away from … Why Wilberforce's Fight Is Just As Relevant Today As It Was 210 Years Ago. The United States government has an essential hand in international affairs, and one should use this privilege as a tool to fight against modern-day slavery. Imagine being rescued from modern slavery, only to be charged with a crime. Since 2011 CNN has been shining a light on modern-day slavery. Methodology: Together Ending Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. The full-scale embrace of this kind of tech-forward, innovative thinking has the power to redefine the way we approach modern slavery and ultimately prosecute its offenders. That’s where modern slavery stops being just a humanitarian issue and starts becoming a corporate imperative. In the mid-1980s, at the height of his reign as the biggest drug dealer in the world, Pablo Escobar was losing $2 billion in cash each year due to spoilage, the result of having to store his profits in rundown warehouses and buried in the jungles and farmlands of Colombia. The Freedom Hub Cafe and Event venue is an ethical business for purpose. Southwest VA PTV 15.2. Unfortunately, it doesn’t get the attention it needs. It’s clear that dramatic change is needed to end a global problem as massive as modern slavery. In the U.S., for example, KYC provisions are embedded in the Bank Secrecy Act, the Money Laundering Control Act, the PATRIOT Act, and others, and are enforced by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Partnering with local churches and communities. Just in time for Human Rights Day, the Australian Government launched its 5 year plan to combat modern slavery. Even with the most stringent policies in place, it is physically impossible for a corporation to spot and investigate every potential red flag using the linear, manual approach to risk management. Learn more about modern day slavery. The roles of governments, businesses, technology, legislation and enslaved people themselves in ending slavery. Given the deep penetration of criminal networks into global supply chains and financial systems and the groundswell of regulations that have been developed to root them out, the corporate watchdog has strangely become the stakeholder with the most to gain by spotting the red flags that are the signals of modern slavery. There are a whopping 40 million people today in modern slavery, … Ending modern slavery and human trafficking would have significant payoffs for society at large. Today, Escobar’s money would have likely been diffused throughout a complex network of shell companies and stored safely on the electronic ledgers of the global banking industry. Ending modern-day slavery. Just in time for Human Rights Day, the Australian Government launched its 5 year plan to combat modern slavery. Oped on CNN.com by Nick Grono, 17 January 2018. These horrific practices undermine rule of law, corrupt global commerce, foster gender inequality, and threaten global security. More than the number of subscribers to Apple Music®. The infographic provides a graphic illustration of the nature of modern slavery… Definition: Human trafficking is defined by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime as: Keywords: ”sex trafficking“ or ”sex trafficker“ or ”sex traffickers“ or ”human trafficking“ or ”human smuggling“ or ”smuggling humans“ or ”human trafficker“ or ”human traffickers“ or ”trafficking in minors“ or ”migrant smuggling“ or ”trafficking individuals“ or ”minors trafficking“ or ”children trafficking“ or ”child trafficking“ or ”trafficking of minor“ or ”trafficking of women“ or ”smuggling women“. In honor of Human Rights Day on Thursday, December 10th, Refinitiv will be hosting a special Perspectives LIVE episode with a focus on ending modern slavery in supply chains. It would require freeing some 10,000 people each day for the next decade, it said. It is the first draft Bill of its kind in Europe and will for the first time bring together the criminal offences of human trafficking and forced labour, slavery and servitude. Leave a comment. Locate and connect complex pieces of data in a single dashboard to identify critical connections. Modern slavery disproportionately affects women and girls, who make up 71% of total victims. Guests Che Sidanius, Rani Hong, CEO of Freedom Seal and Irina Bukharin, Senior Analyst at … Overseen by a global patchwork of authorities in different parts of the world, the regulations vary by country, but follow a similar pattern. The church and faith groups can make a big difference to ending modern slavery. Ending the Modern-day Slavery that lurks in Global Supply Chains. Modern slavery happens in Australia, help us end it. Few of these departments would be mistaken as central casting for the next James Bond movie. But above all, it is a moral imperative and our common responsibility. Tweet; At the end of 2013 the Government published its draft Modern Slavery Bill. It is a decent step on the UK’s journey towards eradicating the worst forms of slavery in the UK but also around the world since companies trading in the UK and with a turnover of at least £36m need to deliver annual statements covering international supply chains. Fortunately, thanks to the last decade of increased compliance controls and technological innovation that make it easier to spot the red flags associated with these types of crimes, corporations are in the best position ever to confront this challenge. It is a prime perch for spotting crime. The world’s most widespre… Ending modern slavery by 2030 was one of the global goals adopted unanimously by members of the U.N. five years ago. No one simple solution. Modern slavery is closer than you think. In 2014, Pope Francis joined 12 other religious leaders at the Vatican where they pledged to use their religions to end human trafficking and slavery. Likewise, legal, tax, and finance departments are in a unique position to spot the kinds of trends and anomalies that are often the first red flags for foul play. 16 No. Beneath that understated appearance, however, lies the only group of people in the world who have the complete purview into the financial system that 21st century criminals currently leverage to finance their enterprises. The story of change-makers, law enforcement, NGOs, data scientists and others who are joining forces to free innocent people from the bonds of labor and sex slavery. Where can people go if they are looking to learn more, or become more involved in working to end modern slavery? While there is no globally agreed definition of modern slavery, it’s an umbrella term that includes bonded labor, descent-based slavery, forced labor, early and forced marriage, human trafficking and organ trafficking. That needs to change. What’s less clear is the path to making change happen. The German sportswear giant was hailed for its transparent audits, strong responsible sourcing guidelines, and robust tools to trace higher-risk supply chains. The root of the issue was a simple product integration oversight: The bank’s new “intelligent deposit machines” were the subject of a programming error that prevented AML and transaction monitoring departments from recognizing that large cash deposits were being made at the ATMs. Your financial support enables us to continue to educate, inspire and equip people to help end slavery now. Our full Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement can be found here. Women and girls accounted for 71 per cent of total modern slavery victims. On 19 September, Alliance 8.7, the global partnership to end forced labor, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labor, will bring together key partners representing governments, United Nations (UN) organizations, the private sector, workers’ organizations and civil society to launch new global estimates of modern slavery and child labor. In addition to the financial penalties the company faced, it was also the subject of a global consumer boycott that has since become a case study for the impact of consumer activism in the face of perceived injustice. Modern slavery is a modern day problem. In the year ending March 2019, there was a 51% rise in the number of modern slavery offences being recorded by the police compared with the previous year. Beyond the reputational and moral implications of knowingly or unwittingly supporting slavery, the threat of penalties on this scale creates some incentive for multinational corporations to get serious about eradicating the crime from their supply chains. From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources April 14, 2016. Just six months ago, Congress passed the End Modern Slavery Initiative, legislation introduced by Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker and supported by a bipartisan Congress, faith-based organizations like Bread for the World and World Vision, as … You will encounter a discussion that draws upon Wesleyan theology as the impetus for a practical and a hopeful response from the Church. Pay Attention to Survivors. Fighting for freedom is an important step to ending slavery, but ensuring … Illegal profits generated by forced labor amount to US$150 billion annually. It is one of the most pressing and complex human rights challenges of our time, yet also crosses over into such diverse areas as transnational cri… Modern slavery is not a priority compared to other political agenda movements, so utilizing social media to bring awareness to the issue can be a significant first step. By making the journey around the coast on foot I will experience some of the challenges that refugees experience and highlight how the right of asylum is fundamental to a compassionate society. Legal Leverage unparalleled legal content, expertise, and technology; News & media Find essential resources for broadcasters and publishers; Tax & accounting Explore our tax and accounting technology, guidance, and expertise Reprinted with permission from the June–August 2017, Vol. Statistics also show that 25 percent of slaves are children and 71 percent are women. Ending Modern Slavery This month on Unlocking Liberty, we have podcast guest and friend of Liberty.Earth Zoe Smith back with us in her new role as an advocate for the Medaille Trust in the U.K. Zoe takes us through what it means to be working with an organization that seeks to end modern slavery. Data sources: Thomson Reuters World-Check, Data visualization by Thomson Reuters Labs, Complying with these regulations has become a massive business challenge for multinational corporations who must now have visibility into every corner of their global operations. Since the year ending March 2016, there has been an increase in the number of modern slavery offences recorded by the police, from 909 to 5,144 offences in the year ending March 2019 (Figure 1, Table 21). We extracted human trafficking related records in the World-Check database and identified countries with which the entry was associated. Those who are in the best position to lead that change are the compliance officers of today’s global financial institutions and corporations. ACAMS Today. Anti-Slavery International is the world's oldest human rights organisation working to free people from all forms of slavery across the world. We strive to be a global role model for ethical business conduct. Modern slavery is closer than you think: a short film. Ending Modern Slavery. It served as the perfect backdrop to my talk on modern slavery in global supply chains in Asia. The Survivor School trains and equips victims of modern slavery to rebuild their lives, regain confidence and be reemployed in freedom. Ending Modern Slavery - Zoe Smith Blog. The number of slaves used in supply chains around the world has increased dramatically in recent years. On 31 July 2014, the Home Office launched a modern slavery marketing campaign to raise awareness that slavery exists in the UK. The chief compliance officer of a financial institution, for example, has eyes and ears everywhere, from new client on-boarding to ongoing transaction monitoring. It encompasses a range of illegal activities, including human trafficking, forced marriage and bonded labour. Despite the dramatic shift in the methods criminal enterprises and terrorist groups use to hide their tracks – and the far-reaching impact of these changes on financial institutions – the process of policing this activity is still rooted very much in 30-year-old best practices. Be able to note the difference between slavery of the past compared to the new definition of slavery; learn which demographic is most affected by slavery; discover which organizations strive to end slavery; and finally, how you can make a difference. Historically, a global retailer serves as one of the most recognizable examples of the financial and reputational damage that can come from a large corporation being implicated with forced labor. Settings, For CA: Do not sell my personal information. That’s why the Thomson Reuters Foundation has developed the Stop Slavery Award, a global initiative that recognizes companies that have taken concrete steps to eradicate forced labor from their supply chains. All profits support the Freedom Hub Survivor School. Slavery has been a virus to this world for too long, and now it is finally time to put an end to this dehumanizing practice. Forced labour. Spot the Signs, Report Modern Slavery, Vision and Values, About us, Contact us. Sign me up. At Thomson Reuters, we are committed to being part of the global effort to ending modern slavery, through a number of efforts across the company. In 2016, according to the International Labor Organization, an estimated 25 million people worked in forced labor servitude. While law enforcement agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and government officials have all committed resources to the problem, multinational corporations are in the best position to make a real difference. by Sally Irwin | Dec 14, 2020 | Blog, Ending Modern Slavery, Ethical Business, Stats and Facts about Modern Slavery. In the UK, they are part of the Money Laundering Regulations and enforced by the Financial Services Authority (FSA), HM Revenue and Customs, the Law Society, and the Institute of Chartered Accountants. Only the top 88 source countries are shown. End Slavery Now is a project of the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center. Social media is a key component on how to end slavery. Ending Modern Slavery #301. Modern slavery is an atrocity that I believe the world has the moral duty to fight against. Since 2012, 89 million people experienced some form of modern slavery, some for periods as brief as a few days, others for many years. Any work or services people are forced to do against their will under threat of punishment. Observed yearly on the 10th of December, Human Rights Day celebrates the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. After graduation, I started working as an independent consultant for organizations like the International Labor Organization and Seafood Slavery Risk Tool, specialising on ending modern slavery. The quiet business of fighting modern slavery can be a slow process. Under industry standard practices, however, this visibility is limited by both time and budget constraints. The co-emergence of modern slavery, deforestation and its associated industries (e.g. Ending modern slavery by 2030 is part of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG target 8.7) and the global anti-slavery community will now need to adapt its work to the impacts of COVID-19. In 2012, USAID launched its Counter-Trafficking in Persons (C-TIP) Policy to address the human The session will focus on empowering our youth to make a difference. Our Mission. Analysis and visualization by Thomson Reuters Labs. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing today on the best way forward in the fight to end modern slavery. From awareness among the public as consumers of goods contaminated by slavery, as people who can spot the signs of slavery in their local community, and as lobbyists who can campaign to their governments and … 2. However, it exists because of deeply embedded historical social norms and global inequality. Fundraising at schools, churches, after-school programs and around your local community can significantly help organizations fund campaigns and other events that will lead to the end of slavery. The U.N. is one of the many organizations working to free people and give them a new life. Forced into labor in factories, farms, and construction sites, exploited as sex workers, and sold into arranged marriages, these modern-day slaves are the backbone of a $150 billion economy thriving in the shadows. While it may not be immediately clear how these examples are related to modern slavery, it is critical to recognize that human trafficking has been identified as one of the most frequent predicate crimes for money laundering. About the Alliance to End Slavery and Trafficking (ATEST) Executive Summary Introduction Human Trafficking Defined Key Recommendations by Agency I. Possibly one of the most beneficial measures is to express your concerns with modern slavery to your local government; contacting your senator or representative can in fact lead to mass amounts of change. How can multinational corporations lead the fight to end modern slavery? Ending Modern Slavery. Slave labor is an estimated $150 billion business managed by networks of third parties, shell corporations often backed by organized crime, drug cartels, and terrorist organizations that go to great lengths to hide their true identities. Introduction. Although some forms of modern slavery are not accessible through this technology, such as domestic servitude, remote sensing can support other forms of data collection on the ground. Since 2011 CNN has been shining a light on modern-day slavery. Through our five research programmes, we deliver new and cutting-edge research that provides rigorous data, evidence and discoveries for the global antislavery effort. Ending modern slavery: A unifying cause for President Trump. They are our future leaders and they will end modern slavery/human trafficking. 25 keys to unlock the financial chains of human trafficking and modern slavery, Leverage unparalleled legal content, expertise, and technology, Find essential resources for broadcasters and publishers, Explore our tax and accounting technology, guidance, and expertise, Let us help you solve your toughest business challenges, Government professionals trust us to help them make informed decisions, Access global tax, legal, and risk management resources for today’s professional services firms, Expand your audience and your capabilities by joining our partner program, Integrate Thomson Reuters content and functionality to enhance your tools and workflows, defined by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, $2 billion in cash each year due to spoilage, overall winner of the second Stop Slavery Award, We are a member of the United Nations Global Compact, Cookies Greater awareness across all levels is vital if we are to end slavery. It is essential to know what steps and measures can be taken to know how to end slavery. Within this process of adapting are potential anti-slavery innovations for a post-pandemic world. These comprehensive risk analyses can include everything from negative media to voluntary associations to links with political campaigns and officials to digital relationships via social media. Category: Ending Modern Slavery A New National Action Plan to Combat Modern Slavery. Parts of Asia and the Pacific hold the most substantial amount of slaves, while Europe, Africa, the Arab states and the Americas also suffer from the same crisis. Over the last five years leading multinational companies have become far more willing to talk publicly about the risks and challenges of forced labour and modern slavery … To many people, the issue of slavery seems like a clear case of right and wrong. According to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), which sets the recognized global standard in anti-money laundering and counterterrorist financing regulations, a great deal of the money being laundered through our financial system is generated through the illicit buying and selling of human beings. Modern-day slavery has been defined as “debt bondage, serfdom, forced marriage of a child for the exploitation of that child.” Out of the 40 million people trapped in the slave system, around 25 million people are in forced labor, 15 million are involved in forced marriage and five million people work as sex slaves. Strategies for ending slavery at the local, national and international levels. One in four victims of modern slavery … Step 2: Follow the money. The world’s eyes were on the U.K. after the October deaths of 39 Vietnamese migrants, though the country has been taking significant steps to tackle human trafficking and modern slavery. If leveraged properly, it also has the power to spot potential risks at the point of inception, before they can metastasize into much bigger problems for the communities in which we live. Global Estimates on Modern Slavery report, 2017. – The Huffington Post, https://borgenproject.org/wp-content/uploads/The_Borgen_Project_Logo_small.jpg, How to End Slavery: Five Important Modern-Day Theories, Understanding How the US Benefits from Foreign Aid to Algeria, Struggle and Sanctuary: How the Media Misrepresents Burundi. Mr. Chairman, human trafficking and modern slavery inflict enormous human suffering. White House II. Blog posts on the topic of Ending modern slavery. Becoming involved in organizations that solely work to end slavery such as the Anti-Slavery International or the CNN Freedom Project is another excellent action-item, as is joining campaigns or hosting fundraisers for the organizations. Creating a World of Freedom by Ending Modern Slavery “Start by doing what’s necessary, then do what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” Slavery … Former U.S. President Barack Obama on human trafficking. While data collection on this underground crime is challenging, we know that tens of millions of people around the globe are subject to this abuse, and conservative estimates put global profits at $150 billion. Buy Ending Modern Slavery by Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate (ISBN: 9781518847851) from Amazon's Book Store. Run to Refuge is a 2000 mile run across Europe to support The Tribe Freedom Foundation in ending modern slavery RUN TO REFUGE Running across Europe to end the exploitation of Refugees starting in May 2020 in aid of Means being honest about how big and complex the problem is | Blog, ending modern slavery Step:! 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