English Version, "maketh His angels spirits," means, He maketh them of a subtle, incorporeal nature, swift as the wind. John Piper Mar 31, 1996 361 Shares Sermon. Thus it was necessary that the apostle should insist, not only on Christ's being the Creator of all things, and therefore of angels themselves, but as being the risen and exalted Messiah in human nature, to whom angels, authorities, and powers are made subject. the world--subject to Christ ( Hebrews 2:5 ). His right, as God with the Father, was absolute, resulting from his creating power. "Light of (from) light" [Nicene Creed]. The second lesson for today reminds us, however — as does the Gospel text — that the nativity is set within a larger story of mind-boggling scope. The Greek implies, He not only appointed His Son heir of all things before creation, but He also (better than "also He") made by Him the worlds. Scripture Hebrews 1 Sort Bible Verse. Watch our overview video on the book of Hebrews, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. by--Greek, "in." In beholding the power, wisdom, and goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ, we behold the power, wisdom, and goodness of the Father, John 14:7; the fulness of the Godhead dwells, not typically, or in a figure, but really, in him. It is because He is the brightness, &c., and because He upholds, &c., that He sat down on the right hand, &c. It was a return to His divine glory ( John 6:62 , 17:5 ; compare Wisdom 7:25,26, where similar things are said of wisdom). spirits--or "winds": Who employeth His angels as the winds, His ministers as the lightnings; or, He maketh His angelic ministers the directing powers of winds and flames, when these latter are required to perform His will. God, having of old time spoken unto the fathers in the prophets by divers portions and in divers manners. The oldest manuscripts prefix "and" (compare Esther 4:11 ). Christ shall go on conquering and to conquer. "Who is so senseless as to doubt concerning the eternal being of the Son? All rights reserved. 13 And to which of the angels has he ever said, ( W)“Sit at my right hand. It is declared how Christ was qualified for the office of Mediator, and how he was confirmed in it: he has the name Messiah from his being anointed. the antitype to Solomon, son of David. All Rights Reserved. "Christ is preached even in passages where many might contend that the Father was principally intended" [BENGEL]. 3 He reflects the glory of God and bears the very stamp of his nature, upholding the universe by his word of power. The anointing here meant is not that at His baptism, when He solemnly entered on His ministry for us; but that with the "oil of gladness," or "exulting joy" (which denotes a triumph, and follows as the consequence of His manifested love of righteousness and hatred of iniquity), wherewith, after His triumphant completion of His work, He has been anointed by the Father above His fellows (not only above us, His fellow men, the adopted members of God's family. Christ was "appointed" (in God's eternal counsel) to creation as an office; and the universe so created was assigned to Him as a kingdom. spake--the expression usual for a Jew to employ in addressing Jews. The Hebrews believe that the law from God came by *angels. The Epistle to the Hebrews is one of the most beautiful ones of the NT. Proud member God gave his name great honour when he raised him from the dead. "The sun is never seen without effulgence, nor the Father without the Son" [THEOPHYLACT]. by inheritance obtained--He always had the thing itself, namely, Sonship; but He "obtained by inheritance," according to the promise of the Father, the name "Son," whereby He is made known to men and angels. The fullest realization of His Lordship shall be at His second coming ( Psalms 97:7 , 1 Corinthians 15:24 1 Corinthians 15:25 , Philippians 2:9 ). . The image is taken from the custom of conquerors putting the feet on the necks of the conquered ( Joshua 10:24 Joshua 10:25 ). The Saviour has done much to make all men his friends, yet he has enemies. Commentary on Hebrews 1:1-4 [5-12] View Bible Text . So Psalms 18:10 , "a cherub . In Deuteronomy 32:43 , the Septuagint has, "Let all the angels of God worship Him," words not now found in the Hebrew. The writer, though not inscribing his name, was well known to those addressed ().For proofs of Paul being the author, see … 1. at sundry times--Greek, "in many portions." Chapter 6. He Made Purification of Sins Maundy Thursday. Hebrews 1:1-4. 1. The Epistle to the Hebrews. INSTRUCTION Hebrews 1-10:18: EXHORTATION Hebrews 10:19-13:25: Superior Person of Christ Hebrews 1:1-4:13: Superior Priest in Christ Hebrews … (4-14). Chapter 5. to minister--Greek, "unto (that is, 'for') ministry." "Perish" does not mean annihilation; just as it did not mean so in the case of "the world that being overflowed with water, perished" under Noah ( 2 Peter 3:6 ). Updated: Fri, 05/01/2020 - 15:01 By admin. Christ has a fourfold right to the title "Son of God"; (1) By generation, as begotten of God; (2) By commission, as sent by God; (3) By resurrection, as "the first-begotten of the dead" (compare Luke 20:36 , Romans 1:4 , Revelation 1:5 ); (4) By actual possession, as heir of all [BISHOP PEARSON]. Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. Fulfilled at the resurrection of Jesus, whereby the Father "declared," that is, made manifest His divine Sonship, heretofore veiled by His humiliation ( Acts 13:33 , Romans 1:4 ). Hebrews 1:13–14. . Philemon. John Piper Apr 4, 1996 42 Shares Sermon. Being made . Hereafter, Lane, Hebrews; F. F. Bruce, The Epistle to the 6 As far as the rest of the introductory issues they are impossible to be determined with any certainty at this point. a. Retrouvez Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews, Volume 1... - Primary Source Edition et des millions de livres en stock sur Amazon.fr. heavens--plural: not merely one, but manifold, and including various orders of heavenly intelligences ( Ephesians 4:10 ). In These Last Days, God Has Spoken by a Son Palm Sunday. Those who hunger for the truth of His inspired Word will be helped and encouraged by the insights this commentary offers in understanding, appreciating, and applying the eternal message of this inspired book of the Scriptures. His love is so great that He sends powerful creatures to minister to us in ways that we are not even aware of at times. So it shall be after the perishing by fire ( 2 Peter 3:12 2 Peter 3:13 ). God ruled the theocracy in and through Him. 5. . As the law was given by the ministration of angels and Moses, it was inferior to the Gospel given by the divine Son, who both is ( Hebrews 1:4-14 ) as God, and has been made, as the exalted Son of man ( Hebrews 2:5-18 ), much better than the angels. Chapter 11. This power … Heb 1:1-14.T HE H IGHEST OF A LL R EVELATIONS I S G IVEN U S N OW IN THE S ON OF G OD, W HO I S G REATER THAN THE A NGELS, AND W HO, H AVING C OMPLETED R EDEMPTION, S ITS E NTHRONED AT G OD'S R IGHT H AND.. They "all," how ever various their ranks, "minister"; He is ministered to. 10. This passage of the Septuagint may have been in Paul's mind as to the form, but the substance is taken from Psalms 97:7 . ALFORD refers "this day" to the eternal generation of the Son: the day in which the Son was begotten by the Father is an everlasting to-day: there never was a yesterday or past time to Him, nor a to-morrow or future time: "Nothing there is to come, and nothing past, but an eternal NOW doth ever last" ( Proverbs 30:4 , John 10:30 John 10:38 , 16:28 , 17:8 ). worlds--the inferior and the superior worlds ( Colossians 1:16 ). (1-2a) Jesus brought a revelation superior to the prophets of old. remainest--through (so the Greek) all changes. 1 In many and various ways God spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets; 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by [his] Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. The image is drawn from the custom of anointing guests at feasts ( Psalms 23:5 ); or rather of anointing kings: not until His ascension did He assume the kingdom as Son of man. better--by His exaltation by the Father ( Hebrews 1:3 Hebrews 1:13 ):in contrast to His being "made lower than the angels" ( Hebrews 2:9 ). 6. of The Jews of former days ( 1 Corinthians 10:1 ). Introduction to Hebrews. They are incorporeal spirits, as God is, but ministering to Him as inferiors. The manifestations of God by angels (and even by the angel of the covenant) at different times in the Old Testament, did not bring man and God into personal union, as the manifestation of God in human flesh does. To Noah the quarter of the world to which Messiah should belong was revealed; to Abraham, the nation; to Jacob, the tribe; to David and Isaiah, the family; to Micah, the town of nativity; to Daniel, the exact time; to Malachi, the coming of His forerunner, and His second advent; through Jonah, His burial and resurrection; through Isaiah and Hosea, His resurrection. in divers manners--for example, internal suggestions, audible voices, the Urim and Thummim, dreams, and visions. 11. The glory of His person and nature, gave to his sufferings such merit as was a full satisfaction to the honour of God, who suffered an infinite injury and affront by the sins of men. 7. of--The Greek is rather, "In reference TO the angels." And let us own and honour him as God; for if he had not been God, he had never done the Mediator's work, and had never worn the Mediator's crown. Chapter 8. when Thou hast ransomed and opened heaven to Thy people. Quotation from Psalms 110:1 . Thus He is antitype to Solomon, "chosen of all David's many sons to sit upon the throne of the kingdom of the Lord over Israel," even as His father David was chosen before all the house of his father's sons. The letter is primarily written to Jewish believers, who placed great importance on the prophets of the Old Testament. The surpassing dignity of the Son of God in his Divine person, and in his creating and mediatorial work. On comparing what God there says of the angels, with what he says to Christ, the inferiority of the angels to Christ plainly appears. KIMCHI says that the ninety-third through the hundred first Psalms contain in them the mystery of Messiah. . Of … He spoke many times and in many different ways. The angels minister to them in opposing the malice and power of evil spirits, in protecting and keeping their bodies, instructing and comforting their souls, under Christ and the Holy Ghost. 2. in these last days--In the oldest manuscripts the Greek is. Book List. "Maketh" implies that, however exalted, they are but creatures, whereas the Son is the Creator ( Hebrews 1:10 ):not begotten from everlasting, nor to be worshipped, as the Son ( Revelation 14:7 , Revelation 22:8 Revelation 22:9 ). 1. Sin has made a great change in the world for the worse, and Christ will make a great change in it for the better. The Epistle to the Hebrews. Outline: I. Christ is God’s revelation to the world (1-4) II. There are no apologetics, no hint of … They looked upon them as mediators between God and men, and some went so far as to pay them a kind of religious homage or worship. The communication of the divine essence in its fulness, involves eternal generation; for the divine essence has no beginning. General . Commentary Part I, Chapters 1-9 HEBREWS IVP New Testament Commentary Series. Christ will fold up this world as a garment, not to be abused any longer, not to be used as it has been. Hebrews 1:14 , "ministering spirits," favors English Version here. Let us not then set our hearts upon that which is not what we take it to be, and will not be what it now is. In Christ, the revelation of God is full, not in shifting hues of separated color, but Himself the pure light, uniting in His one person the whole spectrum ( Hebrews 1:3 ). 1. O God--the Greek has the article to mark emphasis ( Psalms 45:6 Psalms 45:7 ). [ a] But you are ( V)the same, and your years will have no end.”. I have chosen 2 Scriptures from Isaiah to show the greatness of Jesus. It is the final, the finishing revelation, given forth in the last days of divine revelation, to which nothing is to be added, but the canon of scripture is to be settled and sealed: so that now the minds of men are no longer kept in suspense by the expectation of new discoveries, but they rejoice in a complete revelation of the will of … Intended '' [ ALFORD ] 102:25-27 ) he says California - Do not Sell my Personal.. 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