This brings on a rush of sales volume that they use to track demand in such short bursts of time to make better pricing strategies out of it. Consider likely search terms when planning your hotel marketing SEO campaigns and don’t forget to combine your main keywords with strong secondary ones like the name of your local neighbourhood or district. I gained a lot of knowledge about how to market a hotel. Evaluate the Financial Impact Moreover, when it comes to maximizing revenue from a fixed resource, say, hotel rooms, and a permanently fixed price does not help! “Hygiene is the New Marketing Message for Hotels”, “6 Reasons Why Every Hotel Should Have a Virtual Reality Video”, “8 Tips To Gain More Bookings With Your Hotel Website”, 5 SEO Tips for Hotels to Improve your Ranking in Google”, “The Most Important Online Distribution Channels for Hotels”, “Hotel Distribution Channel Manager: What Are the Advantages?”, “Global Distribution System (GDS): What Are the Benefits for Hotels?”, “7 Social Media Marketing Tips to Promote Your Hotel”, “5 Ways Personalisation Marketing Can Benefit the Hospitality”, “Hotel Marketing; The Latest Trends in the Hotel Industry”, List of Online Travel Agents (OTAs) to Increase Your Hotel Bookings, List of Corporate Travel Agents for Hotels to Gain More Business Travellers, 8 Ways to Improve Customer Experience in the Hospitality Industry. Find more detailed information about online distribution channels in the articles “The Most Important Online Distribution Channels for Hotels” and “Hotel Distribution Channel Manager: What Are the Advantages?”. To effectively cultivate the services of your online partners, closely monitor the performance of various distribution channels. Content Marketing Strategy at Choice Hotels - Video With a yield management process, you foresee changes and promptly act on them, eliminating any miscalculated risks. Your hotel could feature dozens, if not hundreds of times on review websites, so you need to ensure that each page is loaded with positive reviews and complimentary content. Mechanisms for price control must also be in place in scenarios that cause visible price discrimination and such like. Independent hotels are small businesses, and as such they do not have the same abundant resources and corporate guidance enjoyed by the major chains. With people feeling more reluctant to stay in hotels during the pandemic, it is more important than ever to highlight your USPs. By Sean Anderson, VP of Global Sales at Book4Time. Leveraging these opportunities to maximize revenue is only possible with a well-planned yield management strategy. An effective marketing strategy can go a long way towards helping a hotel to separate itself from its main rivals and optimise revenue. Some hotels are also targeting local markets with things like food delivery. No matter how much attention social media is getting, email marketing still stands as a solid and incredibly powerful marketing tool for hotels. If a local business is regularly recommending you to potential customers, make sure you’re maintaining a mutually beneficial relationship with strong incentives. Direct bookings are the most beneficial booking for hotel operators because these bookings generate the most revenue. The importance of having the right hotel marketing strategies is difficult to overstate, as it is a key part of launching a hotel, optimising the number of bookings you generate, building brand awareness and managing your reputation. It’s also the only online distribution channel where you can generate direct online sales, so it’s crucial your website has a booking engine to handle self-service reservations. Remember, it's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. Planning marketing strategies is vital to increase business sales and return guests to your hotel. Make sure you update descriptions on third-party platforms and look into ways you can go above and beyond, such as using contactless check-ins and payments. Since festivals cause an obvious increase in the group bookings, this would call for a specific strategy to tap the group-booking segment. Adopting the right hotel marketing strategy in the right situation is crucial, but some strategies are applicable at all times too. If you are a small business owner, then it is easy to feel like you are lagging behind the competition and need some of the best digital marketing tips. These may involve, say, raising the prices of group booking packages two weeks prior, to leverage the resulting increase in demand from the said segment. • Effective Segmentation: If you focus on catering to a specific market segment for long, you may be missing on other segments that may be equally or more profitable. • Understanding Segment-Specific buying patterns: Buying patterns are segment-specific. For more information, visit our, SaaS platform RateGain recognized as the Most Innovative Startup by ET Innovation Awards, See the Green Shoots of Recovery with Smart Distribution’s latest addition “Future Demand”, Seven Tactics to Keep your Hotel's Distribution Healthy and Highly Profitable, Competitor Pricing Intelligence for OTAs & Metas, Competitor Pricing Intelligence for Airlines, Competitor Pricing Intelligence for Hotels, Competitor Pricing Intelligence for Package Providers, Competitor Pricing Intelligence for Car Rentals, Competitor Pricing Intelligence for Cruises & Ferries, Revenue Maximization for Package Providers, Revenue Maximization for Cruises & Ferries. Simply put, Hotel Yield Management involves selling the right room to the right customer at the right time. Incorporating the above practices into your business would hinge on a solid Information System, one that involves an integrated and updated central reservation system. Are Attribute-Based Bookings the New Standard for Hotels? • Competitive Pricing: When you employ a variable pricing strategy, you eagerly inquire your competitors’ rates and get a better idea of an ideal Average Daily Rate. A great review can earn you a new customer. Brand segments its services on basis of its unique ambience and experience, the bundle of offerings and other complementary services like Spa, Gym, Hygiene factors, pricing, and staffs.The brand focuses on premium pricing strategy thus catering the high profile business class and upper class of the society. This will benefit both your credibility and forecast results and actions. After all, for guests to stay with you and enjoy their visit, they need to feel that their risk is as low as possible. Thanks a lot for your tips. Although leisure travel has been impacted too, it has not been hit to the same level and there are still ways to appeal to leisure travellers, especially if you focus your hotel marketing strategies on families, couples and groups of friends. Great Post! Put these boutique hotel marketing tips to good use! • Decrease Errors: Hospitality is an industry that runs on repute. Diversification. Focusing on the local market may mean highlighting facilities like your restaurant, gym or meeting rooms and it could also involve promoting one of your hotel rooms as a temporary office, which can be ideal for those working remotely. Marriott’s social media marketing strategy isn’t like most hotels. Which demographics are most likely to travel? Make sure you’ve got at least one person appointed to keeping your hotel marketing social media message live and engaging. How Does it Benefit Hotels? The enterprise marketing strategy speaks to the broad base of consumers who shop our portfolio of 17 brands across 113 countries, and our loyal customers who are members of … However, there’s no point launching a social media presence if you don’t mean to maintain it. This means ensuring food is presented well and also including extras with the meal, such as candles, or a QR code with a romantic Spotify playlist. 6 Specific COVID & 10 Essential Hotel Marketing Strategies, 6 Specific Hotel Marketing Strategies Due to COVID. When connecting your hotel to a GDS provider your hotel can be booked via hundreds of travel agencies worldwide. In doing so, your main target demographic may need to change. All of them sell fixed time-limited resources. Executive Summary The Riverview Hotel, Notown USA, is representative of the five star brand within the 'Exclusive Business Hotels of the World' group. Remarketing is a critical component for hotel marketing due to the fact that travelers are distracted not only by everyday distractions (like pop-up phone notifications and crying babies), but to the fact that there are hundreds of other options they can choose from. uses functional and analytical cookies. Marketing strategies you should consider in the hospitality industry include special events and community partnerships, online and digital promotions, content marketing, and loyalty programs. Follow us on social media for the latest tips! For marketers operating in the hotel industry, there is a wide range of hotel marketing strategies to turn to. Hotel guests want to see exactly where they’ll be staying, the areas they’ll hang out in, and so on. A poor review can cost you hundreds. Accurate forecasting decreases pricing errors. Those in the hotel industry need to contend with the impact COVID has had on business customers. Essential strategies to increase your hotel room sales If you’re looking to appeal to the business traveller, nearby convention and exhibition centres are also a great place to promote your hotel. Help us understand your brand and we’ll help you translate your unique brand voice, to effective and engaging visual solutions. Try to encourage better reviews and recommendations from previous guests by engaging them after checking out. For hotel owners, there are numerous reasons to turn to a marketing company which specialises in working with hotels & resorts. • Distribution Channel Management Strategy: Strategic pricing alone helps little if your costs going into channel management remain high. This article elaborates the product, pricing, advertising & distribution strategies used by Hilton. There is plenty good reason they should! First, let us get to the basics! These hotel marketing strategies are very useful. Its a very informative post. Today, industries like hospitality and tourism face a constantly changing customer landscape, wherein seasonal opportunities like events, contingencies and trends rapidly come and go. If your hotel’s frequent guests are people traveling on business, you can organize your content strategy to accommodate their questions. Act now to set your hotels up for a strong rebound, with marketing tips, advice, and expert analysis. As more internet users rely solely on their smartphones and tablets, a mobile-friendly website is necessity these days. New guests will be drawn to your hotel with an effective sales and marketing plan. Yield management will enable you to understand which areas are untapped and enable you to formulate a plan to tap the same. More tips about how to create a perfect hotel website are described in the article “8 Tips To Gain More Bookings With Your Hotel Website”. How to increase your hotel’s occupancy rate. Never rely solely on online travel agencies when it comes to your hotel marketing efforts, ensuring such websites are used to generate additional sales, rather replace your direct sales efforts entirely. As of 2020, there are several marketing strategies like product/service innovation, marketing investment, customer experience etc. Read “6 Reasons Why Every Hotel Should Have a Virtual Reality Video” for more information. Hotel direct sales strategy With this sales strategy, the priority is to earn direct bookings online from as many guests as possible. These systems are especially important for hotels that have a robust event strategy. It is important to focus on the idea of value and providing experiences. It is the main way in which those in the hotel industry are able to reach out to potential customers, conveying their unique selling proposition and brand values. Hotel marketing plans should always include customer relationship management (CRM) software. Guerrilla Marketing Strategies for Our Hotel Creating Brand Identity for Our Hotel It is the duty of businesses that wants to grow beyond the corner of the street which they operate from, to utilize every available means (conventional and non – conventional means) to advertise and promote the business. Riverview Hotel offers the best, most personalized service for the corporate traveler. This article focuses on how yield management can be a boon to your revenue maximizing pursuits for your hospitality business and help you build the right hotel management strategy. Find more detailed information about managing online reviews in the article “9 Tips to Manage Online Hotel Reviews”. For this approach to truly work, a yield manager/revenue manager must have a dedicated staff for research and analysis of the required data and a strong tool to provide right insights and actionable. This sample marketing plan was created with Marketing Plan Pro software. Please check out our other recent posts: Post One: Crisis planning for hotels: Best practices in communication, revenue management, and marketing Post Two: Revenue Management Tips for the Coronavirus Pandemic In this post, Adam Wallace of Spherical Communications offers his top tips to help hotels … Within the context of COVID, many travellers need to be convinced that their visit will be worthwhile and virtual reality tours for hotels provide the ultimate way to experience a hotel or restaurant during the decision-making phase. Revenue Management & Hotel Marketing Guide. Of course, the experience and overall immersion can be enhanced further through the use of a VR headset. 5. Don’t think a mobile app is something every independent hotel needs. The best you can do is to stay current with best practices for digital marketing for hotels and to develop a sophisticated online strategy. 3 keys to an effective hotel distribution strategy. Whether it’s a printed flyer in bricks and mortar office, or a prominent link on a local tourism website, you’re guaranteed to take premier listing over many rival competitors. Effective yield management helps you understand customer expectations well and makes it easier for you to cater to the right customers and carry out price changes driven by customer preference. Professionals use our marketing, revenue management, technology and software insights, strategies and actionable tips to get inspired, optimise revenue, innovate processes and improve customer experience. • Understanding Customer Expectations: Given how dynamic the hotel business environment is, consumers’ tastes keep wavering too. Hotels using yield-management practices confirm having gained a sizeable increase in revenue with minimal investment. A GDS system (Global Distribution System) is a network that enables automated transactions between travel service providers (airlines, hotels, cruises and car rental) and travel agencies. You will also need to make sure you use distribution and communication channels that allow you to reach these guests. Monitor reviews on the most popular sites, taking note of any bad reviews and engaging dissatisfied guests with helpful and constructive feedback. It’s also worth talking to local marketing and event companies in the region as many of these may only offer part-package deals to their own customers, meaning you can cover the accommodation needs and bolster your bookings in quieter seasons. This is the third post in our series on crisis management and the coronavirus outbreak. In terms of responding to the threat of coronavirus and the changes in behaviour from customers, arguably the single biggest marketing message that hotels need to get across is that safety and hygiene measures are in place. The following are some of the strategies that those concerned with hotel management will need to consider in response to the COVID global pandemic, which has disrupted the entire travel industry. In the article “Hotel Marketing; The Latest Trends in the Hotel Industry”, you will learn more about the latest hotel marketing trends. A marketing and sales plan helps hotels to look at how holistically they are approaching their marketing strategy and way that they could diversify their approach. In the article “5 Ways Personalisation Marketing Can Benefit the Hospitality”, you will find out more about how to achieve this through personalisation marketing and learn about some of the ways this concept can improve marketing efforts and revenue generation. For example, while some hotels seem to utilize a system full of automated services well, others witness an inclination of guests towards an authentic, personal experience. Rome was not built in a day after all. Although formulating an effective revenue management system is never a one-size-fits-all process, you can focus on the following four key practices that throw you into the ballpark. You can adopt a ‘time-penalty’ approach, which involves a gradual increase in price as the date of the festival nears. This will allow potential leisure, wedding or event customers to get a clear impression of the facilities from afar. Yield management can be a great revenue-maximizing machine, if only you learn to do implement it correctly! Most marketing projects require continuous maintenance and tweaking to get the most out of each strategy. Co-branding happens when two or more brands work together in a marketing strategy without losing their individual brand names. Once you have these answers, you can start to think about changing some of your marketing messages. “What social media is allowing us to do is not draw attention to ourselves, but to see our guests in their own spotlight,” wrote Arne Sorensen, President of Marriott International, on his blog. When it comes to making changes to your hotel marketing plan, you can’t just make a change and forget about it. A well-structured hotel plan is really necessary for a hotel to get the right customers and become a success. Finally, hotels are starting to move beyond their own website into mobile marketing. No matter which hotel marketing tactic has directed a potential customer to your website, this is the place where people can learn more about your individual business and decide whether or not to book a stay with you. More detailed information about GDS systems and what the benefits are for hotels, you can read in the article “Global Distribution System (GDS): What Are the Benefits for Hotels?”. The hotel chain has seen an incredible gain in traffic since they joined Pinterest as a part of their hotel social media marketing strategy. Just like housekeeping, marketing happens daily. You will often notice them adopting a ‘U-shaped’ pricing strategy that starts with high pricing about a month prior to booking, declining subtly in the midway through the month, and then surging to its peak in the week just before the booking. Since competitor price, customer preferences, budgets and demand levels keep changing, a variable pricing strategy also called as dynamic pricing is used to tweak room rates in accordance with the said factors. Marketing strategy helps companies achieve business goals & objectives, and marketing mix (4Ps) is the widely used framework to define the strategies. In this article, you will be able to learn more about some of the most important strategies to adopt at all times, as well as some specific strategies to focus on during the COVID global pandemic. Marketing plays a crucial role in helping hotels to maximise bookings and revenue. In addition, these insights must be made with a robust competitor rate monitoring system, lest the strategy falls flat. Traffic gains include a 1,000% increase in daily average visitors from Pinterest and a 1,700% increase in daily average clicks to its website from Pinterest year-over-year. Many of these strategies can be used at all times, but it is also important to respect the disruption that coronavirus has caused and implement some specific COVID-related strategies too. This allows you to pull your dollars out of low-performing channels and drive more revenue by emphasizing on high-performing distribution sources. Any good rep should be taking stock of potential companies in the area worth making a connection with, while ongoing procurement efforts to lock down new partnerships should be at the forefront of any hotel marketing effort. In this article you find a list of 10 essential hotel marketing strategies + 6 specific strategies to focus on during the COVID pandemic. Accessibility to virtual reality tours has greatly improved in recent times and most modern VR videos are web-based and can be viewed on any device with a web browser, including computers, mobiles and tablets. A hotel marketing plan is step-by-step plan to be made for marketing your hotel to the right customers. Marketing Mix of Hyatt Hotels analyses the brand/company which covers 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) and explains the Hyatt Hotels marketing strategy. Mattisson’s goal was to put ‘heads in beds’ around Europe and figure out how to do that without additional budget. If you’re strapped for time to create new content, consider launching a hotel blog you can link back to from your social pages regularly. thank you for sharing! There are lots of ways on how to incorporate other brands into the marketing strategies of a hotel. Which demographics are least likely to travel? As a hotel owner, you must be looking out for ways to attract new guests to your property, although not be sure where to start from! Read our hotel marketing strategies for COVID-19. One of the best ways to do this is to deliver tailored, individual marketing messages. What Are The Benefits of Virtual Reality Marketing? By using this website you consent to our use of these cookies. Months into the pandemic, many hotel & resort spas are beginning to re-open their doors to the public. A simple listing can generate thousands of bookings in the long-term, but it’s worth remembering that each time a booking is generated through such an agency, a commission will be applied. More social media tips about how to promote your hotel, you can read in the article “7 Social Media Marketing Tips to Promote Your Hotel”. In the modern digital age, no hotel can secure regular business without capitalising on online travel agencies and travel brokers. For instance, group bookings happen much in advance as compared to individual bookings! Let … I have improved my marketing skills with the provided knowledge. Below, you will see a breakdown of both some “all-time” hotel marketing strategies, along with some strategies that serve as a response to the coronavirus pandemic and associated changes to consumer behaviour. Appointing a dedicated sales representative is definitely worth considering for hotel businesses looking to expand. Naturally, the best way would be to do everything ourselves. Try these five marketing strategies for hotel and resort spas to thrive in the new world. In fact, a lot of hotel businesses have shut down due to lack of guests or simply poor planning. A reliable Channel Management system is indispensable to a reliable Yield Management system. It’s free to create accounts with the likes of FaceBook, Twitter, FourSquare, Instagram and YouTube and it’s never been easier to create dynamic social media pages in moments. What do airlines, tour operator and hotels have in common? Promotional Strategies in Hotels. This is just the tip of the iceberg. For example, low prices may be offered to leisure-oriented guests who usually book tickets early, as opposed to corporate guests who show up at short notice periods and can hence be charged more. More tips about how to rank your website higher in Google are described in the article “5 SEO Tips for Hotels to Improve your Ranking in Google”. Let us find out why. Make sure you’re following SEO (Search Engine Optimization) online marketing basics like ensuring your content is rich and relevant, with strong keywords and keyword combinations that give your website the best chance of being clicked upon. Through new advanced technology and tools, the consumer now has access to more information and more proactive control over their own experiences. Hotel marketing is crucial for long-term success, because the hotel industry is extremely competitive. One surefire way of securing new customers is to get your hotel listed with local tourist offices. How much growth potential does your hotel have? Neutralise negative feedback wherever you can. Fresh content is pivotal, so make sure you’ve got a content delivery schedule. Quality customer care needs to be at the core of everything in the hotel and hospitality industry. There’s no point in having a website if it’s difficult for potential customers to find via their preferred search engine. Google Ads On the left image, you will see one of our clients in the hotel industry- Hilton Hotels & Resorts. Establishing a very successful hotel takes lots of time and patience. How do you get through that? which have helped the brand grow. This may be beneficial to hotels and “suppliers” of items. If you’re not utilizing social media in your online hotel marketing campaign, start now. When it comes to hotel marketing strategies, you should always take the best practice in hospitality out into the field when promoting your business. Highlight activities like tours and visits to local landmarks, and promote facilities that will appeal to leisure guests. 20 important things hoteliers should know to attract corporate guests and bookings. While airlines have been quick to adopt the approach and continue to benefit from it, hotels are also fast catching up. We include business essentials in every room, such as a nice desk, internet connection, wireless access, and provide easy to access meeting rooms with all audio-visual and technology needs as well as catering for longer meetings. Your hotel marketing campaign needs to be equally individual. A thorough understanding of buying patterns engenders a well-informed pricing system. Develop a strategy for email marketing. 5 Digital Marketing Strategies for Hotels to Win Direct Bookings in 2020. Competition in the hotel industry is fierce, requiring companies to get more and more creative with their marketing strategies in order to stand out in their crowded field. Communicate the hygiene and safety measures you are taking on your website homepage, on social media, during the booking process and in your pre-stay communication. You can also use such systems to target specific travellers, including those venturing from home turf on business. 1794 Words 8 Pages. There are a number of hotel marketing strategies that can be implemented at almost any time, regardless of external circumstances. Below, you will be able to read more about these “all-time” approaches. Going that extra mile for your guests can yield massive returns. The absence of an advanced revenue management tool, would cause errors in forecasts and render the staff unguarded and unaware of accurate room availability figures. If you haven't already designed the pipeline for an effective marketing strategy to attract more guests, we are listing a few of them for you. One of the best hotel marketing strategies involves capitalising on the availability of website data, turning to tools like Google Analytics, and using this information to understand which demographics are most interested in travelling to your hotel, or most willing to do so. With more people working from home, the widespread cancellation of business events and restrictions on mass gatherings, business travel has been hit especially hard. A hotel marketing strategy that can be extremely effective here involves turning food delivery into an experience. This could mean offering extra services, like room service breakfasts, complimentary drinks, massage services, bike rentals and other things your guests will remember. Use your property management system to explore different groups within your customer base and analyse the data. Since competitor price, customer preferences, budgets and demand levels keep changing, a variable pricing strategy also called as dynamic pricing is used to tweak room rates in accordance with the said factors. With travel restrictions, some countries requiring people to quarantine upon entry or return, and the overall fear of international travel increasing, some of the most effective hotel marketing strategies during the pandemic are those which focus on attracting local guests from the same country, or from neighbouring countries with similar rules in place. In the following articles you find more essential hotel marketing strategies to boost your revenue: I appreciate the information on this web page. 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