If you're not willing to dedicate a huge part of your life to an exotic animal but still want a pet, I got good news for you, dogs, cats, chinchillas, guinea pigs, other small mammals, redtail boas, and other non venomous snakes(except for retics, anacondas, rock pythons, etc. Fresh water also should be provided at all times. can you own a prarie dog or sugar glider in NC? Still, there are some species you’d be surprised that are still legal even if you think your state bans exotic animals, which is often stated by groups like The Humane Society of the United States or Born Free. If this is the case, consult your vet immediately; they should be able to advise you on appropriate dental hygiene for your pet. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. IMHO. Based on this list, which should be verified for updated information, skunks are legal in Alabama, Florida (where a class 3 permit is required), Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio (permit needed), Oklahoma (import permit and vet needed), Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Kinkajous. In other words, it is legal in the state of North Carolina to own a lion, tiger, and other exotic wild animals. With a permit, you can possess or import any non-domestic mammal or any hybrids thereof of the following orders: carnivora, exotic felidae, canidae, ursidae (bears) mustelidae, and hyaenidae, and various hoofed animals. I would like to know more options for Washington, please. An exotic animal veterinarian who specializes in kinkajous can be difficult to find, but it's important to locate the right vet before purchasing your pet. It's easier to talk about what pets you can have in Massachusetts because the list of animals that you can't have is very long. Treat them like family. All cervidae appears to be legal to possess in Illinois with only entry permits and health screening required to import them into the state, as they are considered livestock. Collection, Importation, Transportation, and Possession of Zoolog, This means pet foxes cannot be red, even if they are domesticated, only lions, tigers, captive-bred cougars, jaguars, cheetahs, leopards, snow leopards, and clouded leopards. They are adorable and sweet little animals. While kinkajous are kept as pets, they are wild animals and have not been domesticated. I live in Pitman New Jersey 08071. Answer: They are illegal in the United States. Georgia considers nearly every exotic animal to be "inherently dangerous" regardless of whether or not that is actually true. Question: Can you own a bat in New Hampshire? So, what you can and can't own there (or, at least, what you'll get in trouble for owning) is a bit more muddled. Good luck with whatever you do. "Polluted with disgusting greed" means nothing. Kinkajous are small, golden brown, tree-dwelling mammals that are native to Central and South American rainforests. But I am not sure if they give them to pet owners. Answer: No, all exotic carnivores are illegal in California, as well as most mammals in general. Learn how to create a happy, healthy home for your pet. What exotic animals can you own in new mexico? Is it possible to own a pet racoon in Virginia? Overall, this is a high-maintenance pet that requires a knowledgable and committed owner. Fleece is a good material out of which to construct a hammock. Some kinkajous are prone to dental disease due to the amount of sugar in their diet. Answer: No wolves. The current shipping rate for Kinkajous is $250. Question: Can I own a red Carnivora in Arizona? North Carolina is one of four states were it is still legal to own a non-native species. It is very important that you have checked all the state laws because exotic pet laws are different from state to state. Question: Can you own a lemur in Georgia? A lot of exotics just done do well in captivity. These animals have the potential to become an out-of-control invasive species in the island’s climate, just like the always-legal domesticated cat that people are even permitted to let free roam. No hamsters, snakes, ferrets, and gerbils are allowed. Melissa cares for a variety of exotic animals and has completed a certificate in veterinary assisting and a bachelor's degree in biology. Check with your local government agencies to see if kinkajous are legal to keep as pets where you live. They bring forth just a couple of offspring for each year. Answer: Ball pythons are illegal in Hawaii. ^_^. In general, kinkajous tend to bond with one or two humans. I'm seeing different sources saying it is and others saying it is not. As of 2018, almost the entirety of Title 12, Chapter 707: LICENSES AND PERMITS, which was where Maine defined what you could and couldn't get permits for, has been repealed. They can grow up to nine feet tall, usually weigh around 400 pounds, and are known to be aggressive and territorial. Question: Can you have a sloth in new hamshire? While these are generally healthy animals, an annual wellness exam is still ideal. Question: Can I own a pine marten in Florida? And you cannot buy or import foxes, they must be rescued from the wild or given to you. Answer: Not really. For the purposes of this article, the term "exotic" shall refer to anything unusual, such as an animal you won't find in traditional pet stores or farms, not non-native animals. One small popular pet deer species is the muntjac. The state bans many, many animals as pets as per R12-4-406 Restricted Live Wildlife of the state's administrative code, including but certainly not limited to chipmunks (all squirrels), prairie dogs, deer, foxes, sloths, opossums, bats, nonhuman primates, and anteaters. Although they somewhat resemble monkeys, they are actually more closely related to raccoons and red pandas. There are several state agencies that regulate animal ownership. Before you commit to owning a marmoset though, you should know that they're really needy and require a lot of attention. Habitat destruction and the illegal pet trade, paired with kinkajous' naturally low number of offspring per year, have caused the wild populations to diminish. Inherently dangerous members from the family felidae are defined as big cats, snow leopards, cheetah, and cougars. Let people own what they are equipped to care for. Question: Does Pennsylvania allow you to own a Prevost squirrel? You should correct your post for Arkansas. Kinkajous live in the tropical forests of Central and South America, where they spend most of their time in the trees. Question: Can I own a Tanuki in Michigan? what about Puerto Rico can i own a Bannana snake, emerald snake, and demestic sliver fox? Are sloths legal in wyoming with a permit? San José Library (CC BY-SA 2.0) Via Flickr. Can you own a dwarf caiman in Washington State. The tiny animals are considered rabies vectors (despite these pets never having been found with rabies), but you can have a lion, tiger, bear, and numerous other species as long as you live in a county that doesn't prohibit it. While dangerous wild animals are regulated, but there is no mention of this unusual relative of the raccoon, which often slips through the cracks due to being unknown. Mine is super gentle, when I … Are hedgehogs, pythons, chinchillas, turtles, cockatoos, ferrets, skunks, chameleons, capybaras or pigs, legal to own in washington state?. Splashstorm Foxes, ringtails, deer, bats, native opossums, raccoons, skunks, African clawed frogs and bobcats aren't legal in NC. then they can be very interesting and amazing "pets." Question: Is the family Viverridae banned in NY state? Question: Can I own a green anaconda or Burmese python in New York state? Potential owners of "dangerous wild animals" (which includes bears, big cats, and great apes) need to obtain a certificate of registration for that animal issued by an animal registration agency (Texas Health and Safety Code 822.101). In Idaho, wildlife is defined as any animal generally living in a state of nature except, domestic bison, domestic cervidae, domestic fur bearing animals, and fish. The species that do not require a permit surprisingly include capuchin monkeys, caimans, giraffes, and sea otters. Can I get the number or web address of the guy who breeds bobcats, that is gonna be AWESOME! In the wild, kinkajous spend most of their time in the rainforest canopies, and they are nocturnal animals (more active at night). Please contact the agency listed in the law to request more information about that law. Exotic rodents, however, should be legal under these rules. If you think you can get one and tame it, you might be able to, but keep in mind that 1) it will definitely take a long time, 2) they might never trust you at all, and 3) even if you do tame it, they still will have their natural instincts that can kick in at any random moment, for example if you have an undomesticated cat and lets say you trip, that cats natural instincts can kick in and it could very well kill you. Question: Can you own an otter in New York? Answer: No, Georgia has very extensive bans on nearly all exotics, unfortunately. Nevada bans some aquatic species, all foxes, some other native species, and some reptiles. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on March 24, 2020: debbie L. I don't see why I shouldn't. The provisions of this regulation shall not apply to any turkeys kept by any farmer or landowner of this State for normal agricultural I rlly want one, in what states is legal to have a pet chinchilla. Question: Can you own a mink in Virginia? Out of that list though, only the raccoon interests me. This proves that common sense can enter the brains of elected officials when looking at the harmless animal in the flesh. The fur is how the animal is distinguished from a non-fur farm animal. You can also, with a permit, own an alligator, a crocodile, various primates, and even bears—all of which are rather dangerous! But they will still retain their wild characteristics, making them unpredictable. Actually kinkajous are legal in quite a few states but they're also illegal in quite a few as well. Almost all exotic animals are a TON of work to take care of and are extremely complicated. Only several birds and aquarium-dwelling species are legal exotic pets in this unique state, with peafowl (a.k.a peacocks and peahens) being considered poultry. In addition, they can have some seasonal vegetables and a bit of protein, such as cooked chicken or eggs. Rabies-vector laws or native animal prohibitions may possibly restrict skunks, raccoons, and foxes. They may seem cool and cute at first, but most of them can be potentially dangerous and confiscated if you're not careful. The answer is not so simple. Set it up similarly to the indoor enclosure, but make sure your kinkajou always has access to shade. And they need a varied diet that mimics what they would eat in the wild. they are primarily arboreal in nature, but anything goes in captivity. Look for a kinkajou that is friendly and active. They're not for the faint of heart. West Virginia recently enacted regulations for "dangerous wild animals" that allow people to apply for permits to keep them. They are generally friendly, playful, and curious when raised in captivity. And porcupines are classified as rodents. The seller should be able to give you thorough information about the animal's origin, age, health, and temperament. This northernmost state on the mainland boasts a climate that very few animals could survive in, yet it has a very small list of mammals (gerbils, hamsters, rabbits, mice, rats, guniae pigs, chinchillas, ferrets, sugar gliders, degus) that do not require a permit. Answer: No one has a Koala except about two zoos in the U.S. And rental properties or homeowners associations often have restrictions for exotic pets. So if you follow importation rules, you can own elk, fallow deer, and reindeer. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on December 16, 2018: Can you get an Asian small clawed otter in the state of Georgia as a pet? I'm moving to North Carolina b/c in Wilson, NC, ALL species are legal as of 2020. can i legally buy a raccoon and import it into tennessee? Fennec foxes are the only non-domesticated member of canidae because owners of the tiny foxes lobbied for them and brought them to meet legislators while they conceptualized the bill. This beautiful animal will bring many joys to family and right owners. Connecticut’s bans are also extensive and ridiculous. In order for exotic wildlife to be imported into Montana, it must first be classified as a controlled, non-controlled or prohibited species. Peacocks are legal in all fifty states. In Alabama, you cannot possess any member of Cervidae (deer). Skunkhaven advises that you save your receipt to prove that your skunk isn't wild caught. Laws vary based on city and county ordinances as well. Expect to pay around $1,500 to $3,000 on average. Question: Can you have a lemur in Washington? Exotic pet owners dread this state because it has some of the strictest exotic animals laws out there. At 18 to 30 months a kinkajou is explicitly experienced. Getting an exemption as a licensed exhibitor or educational facility is difficult. A local health department is a good place to start. i wish i could get a crocodile or alligator in virginia... Alexander James Guckenberger from Maryland, United States of America on October 03, 2019: I hope that people in Tennessee treat their monkey friends well. States that do NOT allow primates in private possession: However, skunks are legal as long as they are captive bred. Moreover, while kinkajous don't have much of an odor, they can be messy pets. Experts recommend avoiding strawberries, citrus fruits, avocados, broccoli, and onions, along with dairy, chocolate, and caffeine. If you're ready for a pet kinkajou, find a reputable breeder or rescue organization. Answer: No, no one can own Penguins without running some type of zoo facility. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on November 28, 2019: I am in Oregon, but moving to Texas 2021. The family viverridae is not listed, so this might technically mean civets and genets are legal. Pet Trade. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters. can you have a Arctic fox as a pet in New Jersey, I want a deer but I don't live in the place were I can own one. If you are serious about owning a marmoset you need to contact your state Fish and Wildlife Commission or Department of Agriculture first to comply with laws. Adult Size: 16 to 24 inches long, with the tail adding 15 to 20 inches; weighs between 3 and 10 pounds, Life Expectancy: 20 to 25 years in captivity, but some can reach more than 40 years. 97-1108. Many are unaware that fur-farm foxes are considered domesticated; however, they're not domesticated in the way that Russian domesticated foxes have been experimentally bred as house pets. After an unstable man (not Federer, the man mentioned below) freed several exotic animals, Ohio went from an extremely lenient exotic-pet state to much more restrictive. can I get a pet galago/bushbaby in Iowa,Ia??? (Can't be red). I love those animals! Avoid anything with a chain, as this can injure a kinkajou's digits. "Wild" foxes are not legal, but domesticated foxes in Michigan are legal as long as you obtain a health certificate. Additionally, humidity levels should be no less than 50 percent. Wisconsin specifically names chipmunks, pocket gophers, mice, moles, opossums, porcupines, rats, voles, ground squirrels, red squirrels, and weasels as legal to possess without a license. and please do your research. Question: Can I own an owl or wolf in New York state? Question: Can I own a red-billed hornbill in Indiana? Answer: If you can get a Certificate of Registration, then yes. Large macaw enclosures often work well for kinkajous. Most other exotics require a possession permit, and it isn’t clear how easy this is to get. This state specifically allows genets, elands, elk, fox, jerboa, and reindeer to be imported, but you can only have one. Some species in Tennessee are illegal to possess, such as bats, skunks, and owls. Question: Are fennec foxes legal in California? Question: Can you own a sloth as a pet in North Carolina? You can buy a fox from a USDA breeder as well as import from out of state. Russian lynx, along with emu, ostrich, ranch foxes, ferrets, and others, are considered to be domesticated and "alternative livestock." In Florida, animals are grouped by class 1, class 2, and class 3 designations, with class 1 animals requiring the most qualifications to acquire. The enclosures should be large and clean with the appropriate ropes, branches, and other furnishings. The ideal kinkajou owner would have a similar nocturnal lifestyle as their pet, but that's not an option for many people. Seriously, i am horrified reading this article and wish more states could realize the importance of keeping wild animals safe in their environment. Kinkajou owners in Florida would likely need to apply for a Class III wildlife permit, but officials said there are no such permit holders in the area where the attack occurred. At about 1.5 years (around year and a half) Male kinkajous arrive at sexual development, females in 2.5 years (around 30 months). As these animals are deadly. Therefore, to a non-expert, these animals are essentially wolves, and they are definitely not less dangerous than "pure" wolves (if anything, they're perhaps more dangerous than purebreds). Answer: No. where is it legal to own a wallaby? But all equidae, including zebras, are legal and just needs a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection when imported. Provide several branches, ledges and shelves, and ropes for climbing within the enclosure. You also can include some items made for large parrots, such as wooden ladders, rope swings, and hanging ropes with pieces of wood on them. You can own a camel in Kentucky without a permit, Say i wanted a fox or python can i have either in oklahoma. All you need to do is obtain a Wildlife Hobby Permit. All you have to do is answer some questions on the free application about the animal’s care, what you would do in event of an emergency, and your knowledge of the species. It's likely that many more exotic animals, possibly even large animals like bears, are legal in Oklahoma, which is the foe of animal rights organizations who want more regulations (i.e. Question: Can I own a ringtail cat in Arizona? They're dangerous and can kill you. It is very important that you have checked all the state laws because exotic pet laws are different from state to state. And they will bite if they feel threatened, which is why it's best to keep them separated from any other pets in the household. Any issues with owning a binturong? We have many Kinkajous that are waiting for a new home and new family. All states prohibit the ownership of something, whether it’s a restriction on native species or exotics. If you’re interested in similar pets, check out: Otherwise, check out these other exotic animals that can be your new pet. Instead, they often pick a few places around the house to use as their bathroom, so you might be able to put a pan or papers in those spots to collect the waste. For instance, wallabies and non-domesticated rabbits are on the list that require a permit, and it's not clear if this permit is obtainable by your average pet owner. 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