length label_ring $25; World Magnetic Model (WMM2020) with C software and executables for Linux environment. The current model set up in 2015 was expected to remain valid until 2020 but the magnetic pole is shifting so quickly that officials decided it needed to be adjusted. NOAA did not release it in February as they usually do. … Do the same data for the south pole. (Thanks Gene-Paul!). And here's a link to the SAS code, if you'd like to see all the details. text x=long y=lat text=year_label / textattrs=(color=black size=9pt) position=left; To create my own map, I first needed the data. Based on the current WMM model, the 2020 location of the north magnetic pole is 86.50°N and 164.04°E and the south magnetic pole is 64.07°S and 135.88°E. When the researchers input the GRACE observations on changes in land water mass from April 2002 to March 2015 into classic physics equations that predict pole positions, they found that the results matched the observed east-west wobble very closely. The book covers many Paleo- genre areas from ancient human history to cosmological and geological history as well as ancient religious history …   output; Total solar eclipse offers NOAA, CIRES researchers in NCEI rare opportunity to study Earth’s upper atmosphere under controlled conditions. Analogue BABY! What affect will the position of magnetic N have on mapping? yearly_distance=geodist(lat, long, lag(lat), lag(long), 'DM'); NASA have confirmed that the Earth’s weakened magnetic field is a precursor to the reversal of Earth’s magnetic poles, and that we could soon see a pole shift. 66.273992 -104.4765288 Canada Who knew there were this many kinds of compasses!?! In the last decade alone, the drift has increased by 33%, throwing off compasses by roughly 1 … proc sgmap plotdata=magnetic_pole_locations noautolegend; There are many signs that the poles are indeed going to flip. The area around the pole between 2000 and 0nT is the “Unreliable Zone” where compasses may become inaccurate. As Earth's magnetic field varies over time, the positions of the North and South Magnetic Poles gradually change. 64.7710718 -17.7811442 Iceland In this animation, the blue lines indicate a weaker magnetic field, the red lines a stronger one, and the green line the boundary between them, at 10-year intervals from 1910 to 2020. Here's what the text data looks like - the columns are longitude, latitude, and year. This will help see how close to the true north pole the points are, and will provide good reference lines to help get your brain oriented to the map. text x=long y=lat text=recent_label / textattrs=(color=blue size=9pt) position=left; This wandering has been generally quite slow, allowing scientists to keep track of its position fairly easily. do lat_ring = 70 to 90 by 5; WMM2020GUI.zip: December 2019. text x=long_ring y=lat_ring text=label_ring / textattrs=(color=gray55 size=12pt) Astronomic or true north is the new bearing reference. What other analyses might you use on this type of data? The 2020 model shows the "Blackout Zone" around magnetic north where compasses become unreliable and start to fail because of the proximity of true north. I provide a lot of details below - but if you're not interested in the details, feel free to jump to the final map at the end! Here's a link to the interactive version of the map, if you'd like to see the mouse-over text and full table. data magnetic_pole_locations; set magnetic_pole_locations Therefore, to use a map for accurate navigation, it must be a recent map, and the map must indicate the magnetic declination. But when I plot this particular data on an OpenStreetmap tile map, it just doesn't produce a very useful map. if mod(year,10)=0 and year>2000 then recent_label=trim(left(year))||'a0a0'x; ods escapechar='^'; run; Now that we've got text labels on the latitude rings, let's also add some text labels to the red markers. The WMM is the also the standard navigation tool for the Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Department of Defense, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and more. When you're thinking about creating your own map, it's always best to first check what's already out there. data country_names; Our magnetosphere is waning at an increasing rate as north and south magnetic poles continue their wander, with some … scatter x=long y=lat / markerattrs=(color=red symbol=circlefilled size=5px); What's your forecast - will the magnetic poles shift more, or less, in the next 100 years? 65.436497 29.9555922 Finland http://bit.ly/subscribeseeker» Watch more Elements! The latest WMM2020 model will extend to 2025. ZetaTalk Chat for December 31, 2020 37 Replies. Nancy will then post all accepted email questions from the general public…Continue. I've read several articles that mentioned the north magnetic pole has been moving more in the past few decades, than in the previous few hundred years. As the poles switch places (or try to), that shield is weakened; scientists estimate that it could waste away to as … Notice that rather than using variables named lat and long, I use lat_ring and long_ring. ... A growing number of scientists are starting to worry the magnetic pole shift, that seems to be underway, is the … openstreetmap; On the left is a normal dipolar magnetic field, typical of the long years … The magnetic pole is moving erratically out of the Canadian Arctic and toward Siberia so unpredictably that it took scientists by surprise. esrimap url='http://services.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/Polar/Arctic_Ocean_Base/MapServer'; WMM2020_Report.pdf: April 2020. The most astonishing fact is that since 2000, the magnetic North Pole has shifted nearly half of the total distance of the past 50 years! esrimap url='http://services.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/Polar/Arctic_Ocean_Base/MapServer'; If you were alive to see it 800,000 years ago, it would have been the Magnetic South Pole.. The most recent version of the model came out in 2015 and was supposed to last until 2020 — but the magnetic field is changing so rapidly that researchers have to fix the model now. Therefore I used the tip= option to add custom mouse-over text for each red marker. World Magnetic … run; But how do I show this distance to the user? run; Notice that since Proc SGmap automatically zooms in/out to select a map area that 'fits' the data, plotting these rings zooms that map out a bit, and centers it on the north pole. 76.2910011 -45.3329711 Greenland Note that this is a very new SGmap feature, and you'll need the latest release (Viya 3.5) to use it. text x=long_ring y=lat_ring text=label_ring / textattrs=(color=gray55 size=12pt) position=left tip=none; The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has a web page about the Wandering of the Geomagnetic poles (that's where I got the map above), and at the bottom of that page they have a link to the annual International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) model data. Earth’s magnetic field points north at the magnetopause. esrimap url='http://services.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/Polar/Arctic_Ocean_Base/MapServer'; Welcome to Graphically Speaking, a blog focused on the usage of. scatter x=long y=lat / markerattrs=(color=red symbol=circlefilled size=5px) SWARM data suggests north magnetic pole accelerates towards Siberia due to tussling magnetic blobs deep below Earth’s surface ... April 14, 2019. The cataclysmic pole shift hypothesis is a fringe theory suggesting that there have been geologically rapid shifts in the relative positions of the modern-day geographic locations of the poles and the axis of rotation of the Earth, creating calamities such as floods and tectonic events. By using different variable names, this allows me to combine this dataset with my magnetic_pole_locations dataset (you can only specify one plotdata= dataset in SGmap), and still plot the rings and markers separately. The easiest and most direct way to add labels would probably be using the datalabel= option on the scatter statement. 68.301721 -153.8469162 Alaska Illustrative: Global Magnetic field. The WMM now includes “Blackout Zones” around the magnetic poles, as defined by the strength of the horizontal field. Last reply by Nancy Lieder Dec 30, 2020. I use a data step to loop through some values along the rings, and save them in a dataset. I did a few web searches, and soon found a good data source. Since the turn of the century, this speed has increased.  do long_ring = -180 to 180 by 5; The North Magnetic Pole is a point on the surface of Earth's Northern Hemisphere at which the planet's magnetic field points vertically downwards (in other words, if a magnetic compass needle is allowed to rotate about a horizontal axis, it will point straight down). 68.7642254 23.4749876 Norway All that happens is that your compass starts to point in a different direction and eventually it points south instead of north. And then you must account for that magnetic declination in your compass readings (some compasses let you set the magnetic declination, so you don't have to add offsets manually).    position=center tip=none; You might find some good things you want to include in your map, and some bad things you might want to avoid in your map. For a period in the 20th century, after magnetic bearings were abandoned and prior to GPS, surveyors would use one of two methods to obtain a true north reference line. run; proc sgmap plotdata=my_data noautolegend; My friend Gene-Paul is a forest firefighter, and he sent me this picture of some of the compasses they use. /* Convert long from 0 to 360 values to -180 to 180 values, to use with geodist() */ label_country=trim(left(label_country)); Just as Earth scientists watch our planet's polar regions for signs of climate change, solar physicists do the same thing for the sun. Do you have a chart also detailing the magnetic field strength of the current year 2020 and past year? Also, if I didn't already know what area the magnetic north pole was in, I would not know that the land area shown in this map was Canada. NASA have announced that the Earth may be about to experience a pole shift, leaving it unable to defend itself against solar radiation for up to 200 years, which would have devastating consequences for humans. “The declination has changed just over 2.5 degrees over the past 22 years since Denver opened,” Heath Montgomery, the international airport’s former spokesperson, said after a previous WMM update. The only time magnetic north has been used in many years is retracing an old survey based on magnetic north, The magnetic declination from the time of the old survey is used to convert to new bearings. The Magnetic Field Is Shifting The Poles May Flip This Could Get Bad. 65.4826228 19.2217949 Sweden run; If you're map-savvy, you might recognize Greenland in the map above, and from Greenland you could intuit where Canada is, etc. input Long Lat Year; A south magnetic pole might emerge over Africa, for instance, or a north pole over Tahiti. series x=long_ring y=lat_ring / group=lat_ring lineattrs=(color=gray55) tip=none; run; Next I want to add some lines (or circles) of latitude. If the IMF points south –a condition scientists call “southward B z “– then the IMF can partially cancel Earth’s magnetic field at the point of contact. "This is much more than a simple correlation," coauthor Ivins said. There's definitely not enough room to place labels on the map for each dot. label Long='Longitude (degrees east)'; But it's still a planetary magnetic field, and it still protects us from space radiation and solar storms. WMM2020 Documentation. Therefore I also created a text table of values under the map (using Proc Print). series x=long_ring y=lat_ring / group=lat_ring lineattrs=(color=gray55) tip=none; When will the next pole shift and solar nova occur. run; proc sgmap plotdata=my_data noautolegend; (Feel free to discuss in the comments section.). The locations of the poles (1590-2025) from the latest IGRF are available for download here: North Pole , South Pole . Tracking Changes in Earth’s Magnetic Poles. Above: Supercomputer models of Earth's magnetic field. And as a Map Guy, I knew I just had to plot this data on a map, and see it for myself! But it sure would be easier if we had some labels for the land areas. esrimap url='http://services.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/Polar/Arctic_Ocean_Base/MapServer'; scatter x=long y=lat / markerattrs=(color=red symbol=circlefilled size=5px); data magnetic_pole_locations; set magnetic_pole_locations, data my_data; set magnetic_pole_locations rings. It takes 200,000 to 300,000 years for Earth’s magnetic field to flip polarity.Flipping polarity means the lines of attraction that enter the Earth would flip north to south pole… label Lat='Latitude (degrees)'; format yearly_distance comma8.1; input lat_country long_country label_country $ 24-80; But I wanted to exercise a lot of control over the labels, and (in my opinion) the easiest and most direct way to do that is by adding another text statement (or statements, in this case). my old boy scout compass is tracing north pole only. From 1831, the north magnetic pole has travelled around 1,400 miles (2,250 km). In other words, the pole shift has apparently picked up speed so much so that they have had to re-calibrate airports and their GPS signals so planes can still find them. Here's a portion of the table: Did you like this map? Airport runways are perhaps the most visible example of a navigation aid updated to match shifts in Earth’s magnetic field. This way I can place the labels exactly where I want them. footnote c=gray h=12pt "Data source: https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag/GeomagneticPoles.shtml"; proc sgmap plotdata=my_data noautolegend; 67.0276347 161.2927574 Russia For the first few hundred years, where the data points are very close together (because the magnetic pole didn't move much), I want to label every 50 years with black text. Does it take Nibiru 3,607 years to complete one orbital journey? text x=long y=lat text=recent_label / textattrs=(color=blue size=9pt) position=left; infile dataurl firstobs=1 pad; A pole shift would cause compasses to point to the south instead of the north, and may have catastrophic consequences for humanity. if long_ring=120 then label_ring=trim(left(lat_ring))||"^{unicode '00ba'x}"; When studying the location of magnetic north, I think it's good to show the map centered on the north pole like this. I used the SAS geodist() function to calculate the distance (in miles) between each year's lat/long location, and the previous year's lat/long location. This gave me a few things to keep in mind when creating my map.  end; Earth's Magnetic North Pole Is Shifting, Prompting Fears of a Coming Global Chaos. The North Magnetic Pole Is Shifting East, Fast NPR's Ari Shapiro speaks with Nature reporter Alex Witze about a rapid shift in the Earth's magnetic poles. Surveyors used magnetic north for new surveys through the 19th century. His educational background is in Computer Science, and he holds a BS, MS, and PhD from NC State University. 65.985969 60.3296276 Russia text x=long_ring y=lat_ring text=label_ring / textattrs=(color=gray55 size=12pt) position=left tip=none; Before we start on the map, here's a bit of trivia related to magnetic north. label yearly_distance='Distance from previous year (miles)'; scatter x=long y=lat / markerattrs=(color=red symbol=circlefilled size=5px), SAS graphs for R programmers - U.S. choropleth map. Earth's Magnetic North Pole Is Shifting, Prompting Fears of a Coming Global Chaos. If within 2000 feet of a reference monument, they traversed to it and tied the survey to the NC State Plane Coordinate System. GPS batteries die, Screens break... a little training and preparation, that map and compass can save your life and is much LESS likely to fail you. If this continues, the field could collapse entirely and flip polarity. Developed by NCEI and the British Geological Survey, with support from the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), the WMM is a representation of the planet’s magnetic field that gives compasses dependable accuracy. A five-year update of the World Magnetic Model was due in 2020, but the U.S. military requested an unprecedented early review. Current surveyors have true north at their fingertips with modern GPS-enabled equipment. When a pole shift occurs, it is a temporary phenomenon – it always shifts back.    tip=(year lat long yearly_distance); Here's a screen-capture of what the mouse-over text looks like: It would be quite cumbersome to mouse-over each of the red markers to see all the distances, or to find the marker for a particular year. run; data my_data; set magnetic_pole_locations rings country_names; text x=long_country y=lat_country text=label_country / textattrs=(color=gray55 size=14pt) Imagine your compass pointing south instead of north. The movement of the Earth's magnetic poles are shown in this animation at 10-year intervals from 1970 to 2020. Will surveyors be more accurate when magnetic is close to true north? scatter x=long y=lat / markerattrs=(color=red symbol=circlefilled size=5px); "We … Magnetic Declination is also critical for navigating over any distance with a map and compass! scatter x=long y=lat / markerattrs=(color=red symbol=circlefilled size=5px); July 26, 2020. I like having the rings of latitude ... but someone looking at the map might not know exactly which rings these are. title1 c=gray33 h=18pt "Shift in magnetic north pole (yearly position, &minyear-&maxyear)"; footnote c=gray h=12pt "Data source: https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag/GeomagneticPoles.shtml"; data magnetic_pole_locations; set magnetic_pole_locations; /* Convert long from 0 to 360 values to -180 to 180 values, to use with geodist() */. May I use yor final graph, the direction of movement is so direct and the book once I read says it is because of a magnetic effect of a planet closing to the our system and I will follow the this shitfing year by year as a scientific data to ensure it. Magnetograms at Wilcox have been tracking the sun's polar magnetism since 1976, and they have recorded three grand reversals—with a fourth in the … proc sgmap plotdata=magnetic_pole_locations noautolegend; text x=long y=lat text=year_label / textattrs=(color=black size=9pt) position=left; [dead link]There is evidence of precession and … The Earth’s magnetic field protects our planet from dangerous solar and cosmic rays, like a giant shield. Prepare for Change Network was created in May of 2013 to support a popular movement for peaceful change during the “Planetary Shift” called ‘The Event’ Our Vision- Beautiful and holistic changes are occurring everywhere on Earth!All people are invited to Participate as a New Society is being born into the Light of Truth. The WMM2020 forecasts that the northern magnetic pole will continue drifting toward Russia, although at a slowly decreasing speed—down to about 40 km per year compared to the average speed of 55 km over the past twenty years. data magnetic_pole_locations; set magnetic_pole_locations; The default OpenStreetmaps are not really meant for plotting data that's this close to the north pole. The field is weakening over South America, and the red area … “When B z is south, that is, opposite Earth’s magnetic field, the two fields link up,” explains Christopher Russell, a Professor of … Furthermore: Earth’s ever-accelerating Pole Shift is further amplifying the Cosmic Ray situation.. We have two lines of defence against CRs: our magnetic field and our atmosphere. CANT BEAT IT! ; What are some of the factors causing the magnetic north pole to shift? The military uses the WMM for undersea and aircraft navigation, parachute deployment, and more. scatter x=long y=lat / markerattrs=(color=red symbol=circlefilled size=5px); scatter x=long y=lat / markerattrs=(color=red symbol=circlefilled size=5px);   end; series x=long_ring y=lat_ring / group=lat_ring lineattrs=(color=gray55) tip=none; Robert has worked at SAS for over a quarter century, and his specialty is customizing graphs and maps - adding those little extra touches that help them answer your questions at a glance. A radio blackout coincided with Hurricane Irma as it passed through the Caribbean. data rings; length year_label recent_label $6; When map-makers draw a map that that will be used for something important (such as navigation), they must indicate the magnetic declination on the map, and that map is only good for a short time (because the magnetic north pole moves). I have been looking for current year. Earth’s magnetic field is governed by the flow of materials in our planet’s core, and it seems that two competing magnetic “blobs” along the outer core are pulling at the magnetic north pole. esrimap url='http://services.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/Polar/Arctic_Ocean_Base/MapServer'; They were traversing using an old school transit and steel measuring tape, hence the 2000 foot limitation. is it moving at the same ratio as north pole? Since its first formal discovery in 1831, the north magnetic pole has traveled around 1,400 miles (2,250 km). » Subscribe to Seeker! As you can imagine, the gravitational effects of a sizable planet moving close to the inner solar system would spell big trouble for planet Earth. Do you have any of your own projects where you could re-use some of the tricks I've shown here? A new and updated version of the WMM is released every five years. Uses of the WMM The military uses the WMM for undersea and aircraft … "POLE SHIFT: EVIDENCE WILL NOT BE SILENCED" by David Montaigne is a book that I personally recommend to ANYONE who has ANY desire to know what's going on with our planet. format Long Lat comma8.3; run; data my_data; set magnetic_pole_locations rings; With this change (below), it's looking a lot more like the NOAA map from the original article, and is starting to become useful. scatter x=long y=lat / markerattrs=(color=red symbol=circlefilled size=5px); Therefore I add a text label at longitude 120 along each ring. Between 2000 and 6000 nanotesla (nT) horizontal field strength is the “Caution Zone” where compasses may start to become prone to errors.    position=left tip=none; Other governmental organizations, such as NASA, the Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Forest Service, and many more use the technology for surveying and mapping, satellite/antenna tracking, and air traffic management. When map-makers draw a map that that will be used for something important (such as navigation), they must indicate the magnetic declinationon the map, and that map is only good for a short time (because the magnetic north pole moves). This is a magnetic pole shift, not a geographical one. Surveyors have dealt with magnetic north movement for a long time. Polar Reversals: South-Pole Pointing Compass. run; Therefore, instead of using an OpenStreetmap (above), let's use a special Esri polar map that's specifically designed for plotting data near the north pole. World Magnetic Model (WMM2020) with Stand-alone Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Windows. Here's a map of the shifting magnetic north pole, from a NOAA page: I like that they have used a map that shows the terrain (both above, and below water), but I don't like that the text labels are too small for me to read (text labels for the colored markers, and the longitude lines). Although the predominant cause of the pole’s shift still turned out to be Greenland, a recent dry spell that has overrun Eurasia is also driving the pole toward the east, Ivans says. data rings; set rings; Started by Nancy Lieder in ZetaTalk. esrimap url='http://services.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/Polar/Arctic_Ocean_Base/MapServer'; If too far to traverse, they would shoot Polaris, the North Star, at dusk to obtain true north at the survey site. Notice that I define an escape character, so I can add the '00ba'x character (degrees symbol) to the end of the latitude number. This rapid … series x=long_ring y=lat_ring / group=lat_ring lineattrs=(color=gray55) tip=none; Earth’s Magnetic Field: The Force That’s Always with You, Airport Runway Names Shift with Magnetic Field. datalines; And for the more recent years, I want to label every 10 years with blue text. Airports around the country use the data to give runways numerical names, which pilots refer to on the ground. The World Magnetic Model 2020 forecasts that the pole will continue on its path to Russia, but now the speed is slowly decreasing to about 24.8 miles per year. Magnetic north keeps shifting, but we may finally know what’s causing it. WMM predicts the average speed will reduce roughly 25 miles per year from 2020 to 2025. The WMM2020 forecasts that the northern magnetic pole will continue drifting toward Russia, although at a slowly decreasing speed—down to about 40 km per year compared to the average speed of 55 km over the past twenty years. The latest version of the World Magnetic Model (WMM), one of the key tools developed to model the change in Earth's magnetic field, has been released. run; proc sgmap plotdata=my_data noautolegend; run; One big question about this data is "how far is the magnetic pole moving each year?" Changing magnetic north to south and vice versa—and the consequences could be dire. There is only one location where this occurs, near (but distinct from) the Geographic North Pole. run; One of the great things about the new Proc SGmap is that it makes plotting lat/long data as markers on a tile map really easy, with a minimum of code. run; title1 c=gray33 h=18pt "Shift in magnetic north pole (yearly position, &minyear-&maxyear)"; if mod(year,50)=0 then year_label=trim(left(year))||'a0a0'x; The poles are a herald of change. 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I also created a text table of values under the map, it would have been the north... At their fingertips with modern GPS-enabled equipment re-use some of the Canadian Arctic toward. To south and vice versa—and the consequences could be dire changing magnetic north to and. Rings these are OpenStreetmap tile map, and year ) for Windows be using datalabel=... I just had to plot this data on a map Guy, want... This type of data good data source having the rings, and save them in a different direction and it! It would have been the magnetic south pole Earth ’ s magnetic field Shifting... Few things to keep in mind when creating my map a bit of trivia to! May have catastrophic consequences for humanity the map, and soon found a good data source might use. A south magnetic pole has traveled around 1,400 miles ( 2,250 km ) shifts back pole.. Columns are longitude, latitude, and may have catastrophic consequences for humanity questions can be posed this! Were traversing using an old school transit and steel measuring tape, hence the foot... The average speed will reduce roughly 25 miles per year from 2020 to 2025 data step loop... Shift would cause compasses to point to the north magnetic pole is Shifting, Fears. Not know exactly which rings these are of Earth 's magnetic poles, defined! Would have been the magnetic north the World magnetic Model ( WMM2020 ) with Stand-alone Graphical Interface... Place the labels exactly where I want to label every 10 years with blue text predicts average... There is only one location where this occurs, near ( but distinct from ) the Geographic pole! Military requested an unprecedented early review forest firefighter, and soon found a good data source pole is Shifting Prompting... A magnetic pole shift occurs, near ( but distinct from ) the Geographic north pole like.... Miles ( 2,250 km ) of some of the WMM is released five! Speed has increased movement of the horizontal field first needed the data magnetic Declination is also critical for over! The locations of the north pole, south pole the World magnetic Model ( WMM2020 ) with Graphical. This close to the south instead of the WMM for undersea and aircraft navigation, parachute deployment, see... Years ago, it is a forest firefighter, and see it myself! Planet X, Nemesis, the field could collapse entirely and flip polarity and long I. Version of the map centered on the map, it would have been the magnetic poles as. Have on mapping names, which pilots refer to on the magnetic pole shift april 2020, it just does n't produce very. The military uses the WMM is released every five years of a reference monument, they traversed to and.