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Ground Covers for Alabama Landscapes - Home Grounds When shopping for this plant, be sure to ask for Aurinia saxatilis or yellow alyssum, not sweet alyssum, which is an entirely different species. Firecracker Sedum ( Sedum) Snip some for cooking, or keep it trimmed back to manage its height. Reaches 3 to 9 inches tall with a spread of 6 to 12 inches. Just like the name implies, the fuzzy silver leaves resemble lamb's ears. The plant dies back to the ground in the winter and comes out in the spring, but giving it a good shearing before winter will help keep the plants healthy. Kathleen Miller is a highly-regarded Master Gardener and Horticulturist who shares her knowledge of sustainable living, organic gardening, farming, and landscape design. To propagate from the stem, cut the 10cm long portion of the stem and leave it to scab for some time. Its variegated leaves and colorful spring flowers make Lamium a reliable choice for brightening shady garden spots where few other perennials will grow. Mature plants that have gotten "leggy" should be cut down to just above the ground, which then will grow back into a bushy, compact plant. Instead, it keeps its leathery dark green leaves in nearly the same condition year round. Elsewhere (and depending on growing conditions), they are more likely to besemi-evergreen, herbaceous plants. Spotted Dead Nettle ( Lamium maculatum) is a flowering type of low growing ground cover plant that thrives in the shade. So long as the site affords full sun and good drainage, creeping phlox requires next to nothing in the way of care. Lamb's Ear. manure tea is a good alternative. Nepeta x faassenia, commonly called nepeta, nepeta catmint, or Faassen's catmint, is one of several perennial catmint plants. It does spread under the right conditions, but it is fairly easy to pull it out and keep it from taking over areas where it does not belong. It grows to a maximum height of about 12 inches with an 18-inch spread, and it flowers with white blossoms in spring. Lamium is evergreen from Zone 6 south. Grow spotted dead nettles in full to partial shade. In moist soil, however, brass buttons spread vigorously, forming 2-inch-tall mats of growth strong and thick enough to withstand even regular foot traffic. Its not often that a plant is classified as an evergreen ground cover, a trailing plant for containers and a houseplant. Cost: Buy 200 seeds for around $7 or a large, potted plant for around $20. She writes a weekly garden Q&A and feature stories. Copyright 2023 Acton Media Inc. All rights reserved. Lamium? There are more than 40 species of lamium, but the best are those that are flowering perennials like the Pink Chablis. The large, veined, heart-shaped leaves have a spread of 18 to 24 inches, and most varieties bloom in late spring with small pink flowers. In shade, its OK if the soil dries out now and then. Spotted dead nettles have few problems in the north; among other good features is the fact that they are deer-resistant plants. Perennial Farm Marketplace Lamium m. 'Beacon Silver' (Dead Nettle Straight from your grandma's garden, Dianthus is an old-fashioned perennial with a vanilla-like scent. This aromatic herb can be an invasive plant when grown in moist soil, where it sometimes spreads out of control. Another bonus is that it is common and considered one of the cheapest ground covering plants. Lamium is evergreen from Zone 6 south. Some leaves may revert back to an all-green color (instead of being variegated); be sure to prune these out, so that the green color does not eventually take over the plant. This item: Perennial Farm Marketplace Lamium m. 'Beacon Silver' (Dead Nettle) Groundcover, Size-#1 Container, Metallic Leaves and Pink Flowers $1495 Mixed Heart-Shaped Hosta Bare Roots - Rich Green Foliage, Low Maintenance, Heart Shaped Leaves - 6 Roots $1699 ($2.83/Count) Total price: $31.94 Add both to Cart Its a good idea to add some mulch around the plant to help suppress weeds. Spread: Slow to medium growth rate; spreads via stolons to a height of 10 inches. While grass is typically the best way to fill out empty space, sometimes low-growing plants are a better and prettier option. She is married to photographer John Everett and they have one son. Bright pink, purple or white flowers are a bonus that draws in bumblebees from mid-spring to early summer. When grown as a ground cover, it is an easy-care plant that requires little maintenance. It prefers shade, but will tolerate some sun. Though many annual flowers can be used for ground coverings, it can be laborious to replant large swaths of coverings yearly. Then, the leaves turn a gorgeous shade of burgundy red in fall. Spotted Nettle ( Lamium maculatum) is an excellent ground cover plant that has attractive foliage and pretty flowers that appear in profusion in mid-spring then sporadically over the course of the summer and fall. David Beaulieu is a landscaping expert and plant photographer, with 20 years of experience. With moist shade and deep, acidic woodland soil of good tilth, it will form a tight ground cover. It got its name from the way its red stems spread like strawberry plants do, and how its rounded, dark green leaves with white veins and maroon undersides resemble a begonia. Because the common name is often given as "spotted dead nettle". Whether you do it yourself or pay a landscaper, maintaining a vibrant garden and lush lawn requires time, effort, and money. Mow it down once in late winter and watch the fresh green growth fill right back in. Within two to three years of planting, it forms a lush carpet of velvety, green, heart-shaped leaves that hug the ground. Lamium is an excellent ground cover for shade. If you do not want to open a nursery, and it is crowding other plants, shear in midsummer to promote more compact growth. Grow Canadian wild ginger in humus-rich, moist soil in light shade to deep shade conditions in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 3 through 8. Spotted Deadnettle - Grow Tips And Care Of Lamium - Gardenfrontier 10 Easy-Care Groundcovers That Thrive in the Toughest Spots NC State University Cooperative Extension. Spotted dead nettles are generally grown more for their silvery leaves than for their flowers, but the latter can be quite pretty, as well. Spotted dead nettles are valued as perennial ground covers for the shade that will spread and fill in a patch of ground that might otherwise remain bare (except for weeds). Look for the distinctive crook at the top of the stem to identify this species. I still like the stuff It is really a pretty ground cover. Hailing all the way from Siberia, this cold-hardy evergreen has fern-like foliage that turns a pretty bronzy color in colder climates. 25 Best Types of Ground Cover Plants and Flowers You Can Grow - Florgeous Once dense, it can be quite attractive, but you will need to corral it or you'll have a sea of ruellia. Name: Ceratostigma plumbaginoides. 30. Deer are usually not interested, leaving more for you to enjoy for your garden and fresh bouquets. They love harsh conditions, including heat, full sun, low water, and even rugged terrain or rocky soil. There are more native species of sedge than any other plant in North America, and many make fine ground covers for shade. 11 Garden Fence Ideas That Will Complement Any La 10 Lush Landscaping Ideas for a Hilly Backyard. The best ground covers for slopes | The ground has only recently thawed and most are waiting for just the right amount of consistent warmth and moisture before coming up. The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Here are our top 15 ground covers for shaded areas. It grows best where it has plenty of space to spread out. . Select either a shady or half shady location when growing Lamium maculatum. Catmint can handle several types of soil as well as both humidity and drought, and its also deer and rabbit resistant. There may be restrictions on planting it in these areas. Plant ivy in the spring and you won't need to maintain it at all. Choose plants that are hardy to USDA zones 2 to 4. Soft, aromatic creeping thyme seems to check off all the boxes for a gardener, plus more. Avoid planting Chinese lantern in garden beds and near turf grass. Lamium groundcovers are the right choice for High Mountain, shady gardens. And lasting from late spring to midsummer, and can be reddish-purple, pink, or white depending on the variety. Q. RELATED: 30 Plants for Your Easiest Garden Ever. Spectacular as a ground cover in the shade garden, Lamium maculatum (Spotted Dead Nettle) is a perennial plant whose appearance is unlike other perennial ground covers. Lamium needs shade and a fertile, moist but well-draining soil. In warm regions and/or insheltered areas of your yard, they may be evergreen. It is, therefore, a sterile plant that will not come true from seeds. Creeping Phlox. 36 Lamium ideas | plants, shade plants, shade garden While many shrubs give you flowers, the prettiest thing aboutCotoneaster horizontalis is its colorful, red berries. Lamium maculatum: Also called spotted deadnettle, forms a dense mat over. Both have tiny needle-like foliage that spreads along the ground or down rock walls. Pink or white flowers bloom in spring and summer. Curious reddish brown flowers bloom in spring at ground level under the foliage. It prefers moist ground, drought-tolerant once established, and needs full shade. Each plant takes on a green fountain-like appearance: Long, lush shoots of chartreuse foliage sprout up from the soil, then softly twist and tangle for full coverage wherever planted. One of the most popular is Carex pensylvanica, commonly known as oak sedge, and it can be found across the eastern half of North America. It matures to a height of about 3 feet, and it, too, can be used as a taller ground cover. This tenacious perennial spreads rapidly, thrives in full sun, is cold hardy, grows in poor soil, and is drought tolerant once established. It needs full sun to flourish. RELATED: How to Grow Zinnias in Your Home Garden. The thick, dense foliage is excellent for trouble spots where other plants have a hard time becoming established. wide. Some leaves may revert back to an all-green color (instead of being variegated); be sure to prune these out, so that the green color does not eventually take over the plant. What plant labels typically fail to mention is that, under the right growing conditions, 'Amethyst in Snow' makes a flowering ground cover that will spread nicely. Lamium, or dead nettle, is a perennial ground cover, often with variegation. Much like the fictional character, it has golden hair (flowers) that spread enough to be effective in covering a certain amount of space, but the plant is not so vigorous a spreader to create a nuisance. Hostas:Lamium in the hosta bed - Dave's Garden Susan Martin is a lifelong gardener who enjoys sharing her passion for plants, gardening and the business of horticulture with fellow plant enthusiasts across North America. Lamium maculatum - Nurseries Online When not in bloom, the heart-shaped, dark green leaves with purplish undersides make an attractive deer and rabbit resistant ground cover. Leadwort begins blooming in late summer with beautiful, electric-blue flowers and continues until the first frost. Lamium is grown for both its pretty foliage and beautiful flowers. Although rich, moist, acidic soils are ideal, this plant will also grow in alkaline, sandy and clay soils. It is a mat-forming perennial ground cover that typically grows 5-8" tall but spreads indefinitely over time by sprawling stems which root in the ground as they go. Read more about purple dead nettle and henbit. BUY IT ($18) Jill King/EyeEm/Getty Images. Home Outdoors Yard & Garden Structures Planters. Fun bonus: The flowers, either fresh or dried, can be used in salads or steeped in teas. With full sun, this green herb will grow small flowers in summer, attracting plenty of pollinators. Eventually, they will form a mat. The plant prefers partial shade or full sun and well-draining moist soil. Fast Growing Ground Cover Plants (With Pictures) With very attractive foliage and either white or pink flowers, Lamium maculatum makes an excellent ground cover plant for a shaded position. In agriculture, ground cover is the name given to plants that are low growing and are used to cover a large area, giving a carpeted effect. Lamium maculatum (Dead Nettle, Lamium, Spotted Dead Nettle) | North It spreads via rhizomes, a trait that can be a double-edged sword. Lamium is a versatile plant, hardy in U.S.D.A. Lamium maculatum (white nettle, pink pewter, and spotted nettle) Lamium galeobdolon . Though Lenten rose is not a rose (it's part of the buttercup family), its little buds are early season bloomers when it flowers at ground level in the late winter. Are rabbits attracted to spotted dead nettle? The Ground Cover Dogwood blooms then produces edible berries. The attractive foliage has a silvery cast and shows well . The reality is that this hardy opportunist, if left unchecked, can become unsightly and sometimes invasive. Its dense mats are threatening native plants on forest floors. This quickly spreading ground cover forms a tight, six- to 10-inch tall mass of shiny green foliage that blushes bright red and bronze beginning in early fall. Plant bugleweed in the late spring or early summer and it will quickly spread runners (stolons) that can form a dense mat to fill large and shady areas, especially where you need erosion control. Creeping Charlie - Use and Control of the Shade Loving Groundcover It is evergreen, but some of the leaves may turn brown during winter. Dead nettle, also known as Lamium, is a low-growing perennial with silver-splashed leaves and bursts of purple, pink, or white flowers that pop up in spring and early summer. Stinging nettles also grow quite tall. This plant can be invasive, depending on where you live.