Award-winning author Kristin Arnold is an expert panel moderator and professional meeting facilitator. Sharing the impact (benefits as well as unfavorable consequences) of the topic on the reality of their lives if the present situation is/is not resolved. Pairing participants up to share with each other something relatively quick and easy to answer. Either the First or Second speaker of each team will also get a 4 minute reply speech. Before you dismiss, please consider making a donation. Example Script for ModeratorPart 1: Before PresentationGreeting Ladies and Gentlemen, May I have your attention. Opening the debate: [some nice opening, e.g. Its legitimacy is always in question—indeed the very doubting is Sharing a recent occurrence or success story related to the topic. You use an opening statement as a means to show the reason your audience should listen to you. These starters promise that this meeting is going to be boring at best, and a mess at most. Although people shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, they do. PR Newswire. The speaker may in fact have a totally different theme or presentation to what’s printed in the Agenda or in the notes provided. Using the opening statement as a strategy to achieve this requires that you have a holistic overview of what you intend to say. And so, it's my great pleasure in. Welcome to Auburn to Dr. Saladin. Prattle on about how honored you are to moderate the panel. Example: “The Republic of Korea believes that education is a human right, and that all people should have access to education. Script Speech: Seminar Session by Moderator “Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please. My O/S will tell you about your rights and entitlements, what to expect, and what will occur here to give you a heads-up as to what to anticipate in this, your mediation. Long and Short Welcome Speech for … With this technique, you present an opening that draws the audience to the direction you want. Martin Luther King, in 1943, delivered a speech “I have a dream” and that still doesn’t fail to inspire people. Reporting a startling statistic that hooks them in. Saladin: Thank you very much. Wb, Good morning to you all. Thank you for joining us. For your convenience, here is opening speech sample for presentations in which you need to follow some simple steps. All of these requires skills and confidence to be delivered in the most convincing and appealing way. Confirm the agenda. For more resources on moderating panel discussions, visit the Knowledge Vault. Sharing results of a survey they took earlier and how that compares to others. Resist the urge to stuff the rest of the speech with stats. Powerful Panels Copyright 2013 - 2018. I’m [Name] from [Dept.] Each speaker will deliver an 8 minute constructive speech. Dr. Saladin has also won several awards, including the Macon Telegraph and News Golden Pen Award for editorial writing in 1984, and in 1986 from the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Freethinker of the Year Award, for leadership in church-state separation. How Moderators Can Manage Awkward Audience Comments, How to Create GREAT Questions for Your Panelists to Answer during Your Panel Discussion, Panel Discussion Tip #185 with Jeffrey Hayzlett: Finishing Panel Discussions. Jason Ragrario,a 5th year adviser, to deliver the opening Remarks. Make Your Mark as a Moderator with Opening Remarks The first few minutes of your panel discussion are absolutely critical. Greetings. The Presentation is about to begin. Say this script in the first 10 minutes of your webinar. You also have to get them curious enough to follow you through to the end of the discussion. Script Options During Your Opening. Another technique is to employ the weapon of storytelling. My name is XXXXX, and I am the JOB TITLE for XXXXX. Then offer 2-3 reasons explaining why your country had adopted this policy. Moderator Introduces the Defense Process Thank you for joining us today, for [Name’s] thesis defense. They care about how the panel is going to impart that will make their lives better. Asking participants a provocative and/or polarizing question about their top issues, ideas, and thoughts about the topic. AFTER OPENING REMARKS *****Thank you, Engr. preceding three years, so the awards are gonna be for the period 2011 and 2013, at least in the case of Speech Communication. In a moment, XXXXX will join us with some opening remarks. Speaking in favor of the theory of evolution is Dr. Kenneth S. Saladin, of the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences at Georgia College in Milledgeville, Georgia. First of all let us pray praise the presence of Almighty God for His blessings we can gather on this day in this event………………….. On this happy day allow me as…….. Image Source. It is simply not possible for everyone to come up with the right kind of words to use in a welcome speech. He is a member of the American Chemical Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and is a fellow of the American Institute of Chemists. Having a written script gives your presentation structure. And like any presentation, there are three ways to approach your preparation: 1. When there are no further questions to be initiated by the graduate faculty, the Moderator concludes this stage and announces that the oral examination will proceed with questions from the thesis committee. Greetings. “Panelists, On the count of three, let’s do the big reveal on your words…” Panelists have energizing reactions to their words…. Sharing something interesting and complimentary based on what you have discovered about them. As the best paper published in the. Sample Moderator Script “Good evening and welcome to XXXXX’s Access Live Event. Choose one of the following or model one of these. The start can take as little as five minutes and as long as forty-five minutes or more depending on the size of the group, the length of the meeting, and the steps you use. From this point, you’ll want to begin introducing the agricultural issue. From a verbal analysis, the listener should not be able to tell whether the presenter is for or against the … awarding. Script #1: “Interact, submit your questions and I will try to get to all of them on this webinar. You have a solid process in place. You can do this easily by: When you confidently start your panel discussion, you’ll set the panelists up for success and let the audience know that they are in good hands. Opening Remarks at the April 2017 Meeting of the Equity Market Structure Advisory Committee In opening speeches in MUN, the “point” is to state your country policy on the topic. For your convenience, here is opening speech sample for presentations in which you need to follow some simple steps. Adding to the list is the welcome speech which is important to mark a beginning of an event. It exists especially when we take it for granted. Of course, the more you decentralize the moderator’s role, the more likely it is that those tasks will be performed unevenly (or maybe even omitted). Review the parking boards. I Agree. Loosely talk off short-hand notes; 3. Opening your speech with a hard-hitting fact can quickly add credibility to your talk and demonstrate the scale of an issue. Example: “The Republic of Korea believes that education is a human right, and that all people should have access to education. Here, the kind of welcome speech covered is for a Conference. Moderator's Introduction Cathy Hennen Moderator: Good evening and welcome to the UPC [University Program Committee] Religious Affairs and Horizons Committee debate on … All rights reserved. Tell them what they can expect as a result of investing time with you and the panelists. Or you can dismiss until our next donations drive (typically at the beginning of October). Offering a direct-to-the-heart-of-the-matter statement that links everyone in the room to your subject. moderator resumes questioning by the graduate faculty. to generally welcome all the guests, stating the name of the event and its host and to thank them for coming. Use a script; 2. It’s best to keep statistics simple and make them as relevant to the audience as possible, so it feels memorable rather than dry. My name is [ moderator name] and I am [ job title] at [ company name ]. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MODERATOR. Please have a nice seat. To have Kristin moderate your next panel, visit the, Make Your Mark as a Moderator with Opening Remarks, 123 Ways to Add Pizazz to a Panel Discussion, 14 Ways to Add Visual Variety to a Virtual Panel Discussion, Ways to Thank a Panelist in a Way They Will Appreciate, Ask a provocative question – but only allow the answers to use the. Review the ground rules. Without further ado we'll begin with Dr. Saladin. I will be your host for tonight’s Access Live Event. There are different kinds of speeches according to the nature of its functionality. and I, _____ am your Moderator. the Best Paper Award in Speech Communication Script #1: “Interact, submit your questions and I will try to get to all of them on this webinar. [Applause]. These steps are: 1. Either the First or Second speaker of each team will also get a 4 minute reply speech. They are prepared and now it is showtime! Thank you all for finding time and visiting today’s webinar. Moderators typically sit with the panel for the open and introductions. It comforts some, yet is also the source of endless disputes. Giving reply speeches: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome for the last time from today’s prop/opposition. I'm happy to be here this evening. Scottsdale, AZ 85262, Our privacy policy has been updated. The speaker addressed will have two minutes to respond, and the opposing speaker will have a minute rebuttal time. For more resources on moderating panel discussions, visit the, . In the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, we ask that you hold questions until after the candidate’s presentation. Script Options During Your Opening. Each speaker will deliver an 8 minute constructive speech. My name is Cathy Hennen and I'm from the Department of Speech Communication and it's my privilege to be the moderator of tonight's debate. Moderator: Good afternoon! Tee up the topic. The first step in winning your audience’s attention with your webinar is delivering a strong, confident introduction. Following the opening statements we will take a 10-minute break, and then we'll begin the rebuttals. He is listed in American Men of Science and Who's Who in the West. Calvin Choi of AMTD gave speech at the opening ceremony of HKFTW 2020. Our company is the leading provider of [name of the product/service ]. Dr. Saladin has written extensively in the areas of biological research and humanism, as well as lectured extensively in the areas of biological research and humanism, as well as lectured extensively to Unitarian-Universalist fellowships in Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. and I will be moderating the proceedings. Thank you very much for preparing yourself to join our seminar. Getting the ball rolling with one of a gazillion conversation starters. Ah, could we have the first slide please? Adding to the list is the welcome speech which is important to mark a beginning of an event. We hope you find this call informative and useful. Short Welcome Speech Samples To Address any Event. I hate to break this to you, but no one cares what your problems are. You know the panelists. to specifically acknowledge and welcome any important guests. It’s also a way to ensure you hit al… So take one to two minutes to warmly welcome the audience and solidify your connection. You’ve been asked to moderate a panel discussion and you know the first few moments will make or break the success of the session. OPENING REMARKS *****To begin this program, we are pleased to have Engr. Opening Statement (O/S) My O/S: I am now going to make what mediators call an opening statement (O/S). Sharing a humorous observation about the topic and/or the panelists. These steps are: 1. Speech for the Signing Ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding between the African Union Commission and the International Fertilizer Development Center Speech Moderator's Opening Remarks for Panel Discussion on Mortgage Finance Luci Ellis Head of Financial Stability Department. His writings can be found in The Humanist and Free Inquiry. Both speakers will give an opening statement of 45 minutes, beginning with Dr. Saladin, speaking of evolution, and ending with Dr. Gish speaking for the theory of special creation. Image Source. After all, you’ve done your homework. By clicking, 'I agree,' you consent to the terms therein. In some cases a speech Topic or Title may change. Does this mean you need to use a script for each webinar word for word? Choose one of the following or model one of these. Dr. Gish received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, in biochemistry. 28150 N Alma School Parkway #103-615 Points of Information will be allowed during the constructive speeches only, but not during the first and last minute of the speeches. Our seminar is about to begin. And for goodness sakes, it is NOT a “speech.”  Do NOT start with a story about yourself. Starting with a … From a verbal analysis, the listener should not be able to tell whether the presenter is for or against the … Points of Information will be allowed during the constructive speeches only, but not during the first and last minute of the speeches. We would like to alternate questions, so please listen to the question ahead of you and make sure that yours is addressed to the other speaker. We would like to ask you to limit yourself to questions only, no arguments with the speakers please, and to one question only. I will be your host for tonight’s Access Live Event. Asking the audience, on a scale of one to ten, how. I'm afraid these lights are going to wash out the slides. 1. During the presentation I will be focused on the presentation, however I … You can dismiss the support request pop up for 4 weeks (28 days) if you want to be reminded again. From this point, you’ll want to begin introducing the agricultural issue. One pattern of writing an opening statement is to start your debate by giving your audience a road map into the rest of the discourse. Honorable Mr ……, Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. Assalamualaikum Wr. Moderator: Good evening and welcome to the UPC [University Program Committee] Religious Affairs and Horizons Committee debate on creation, special creation, versus evolution. Not necessarily. Everyone is always eager to hear about themselves and how they compare to others. (The opening remarks may be made by the teacher or the leader of the group making the presentation.) quote] Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to this debate. [Applause], Opposing the theory of evolution and supporting the theory of special creation is Dr. Duane Gish, vice president of the Institute for Creation Research in California. Dr. Saladin holds a Ph.D. in parasitology from Florida State University, and is currently an associate professor of biology at Georgia College. Dr. Saladin is listed in American Men and Women of Scientists [sic], and Who's Who in Frontier Science and Technology , and is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions. There is persuasive speech, retirement speech, and keynote speech. It is at once intangible and physical. A presentation opening is your promise to your listeners. All Rights Reserved. Web Design by. While all three methods can be useful, even the best presenters in history, like Steve Jobs, use scripts. There is persuasive speech, retirement speech, and keynote speech. The audience (and panelists) need to know that they are in good hands with you at the helm of the panel discussion. to give a brief introduction of the host (the business, organization, family or person) to give a brief introduction of the occasion. Copyright © 1995-2021 Internet Infidels®. For longer openings, a nice alternative is to start the session and introduce the panel from a standing position toward the front of the stage (while the panelists are seated), then ask the audience to welcome the panel and walk to your seat while they applaud. Opening speech (2) The honourable Mr. Headmaster of SMP N 1 Metro and all of Teachers SMP N 1 Metro, and all of my beloved friends. Additionally, Dr. Gish has held a Lily postdoctoral fellowship at Cornell University medical college, where he collaborated with a Nobel prize winner in chemistry, and was a member of the virus laboratory at the University of California at Berkeley, where he collaborated with Wendell Stanley, Nobel prize winner in medicine. (The opening remarks may be made by the teacher or the leader of the group making the presentation.) Wing your presentation completely. COE SPECIAL NO. It is simply not possible for everyone to come up with the right kind of words to use in a welcome speech. An opening statement serves to capture the attention of the audience for the rest of your speech. Thank you. Martin Luther King, in 1943, delivered a speech “I have a dream” and that still doesn’t fail to inspire people. In short, evolution versus special creation. Address to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 2012 Financial Markets Conference Atlanta – 11 April 2012. Transcript - Opening Cermony and Keynote Speeches Disclaimer While every effort is made to capture a live speaker's words, it is possible at times that the transcript contains some errors or mistranslations. To have Kristin moderate your next panel, visit the Powerful Panels official website. There are different kinds of speeches according to the nature of its functionality. Although people shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, they do. Let me briefly give you a format for tonight's debate so you'll know what to expect. My name is XXXXX, and I am the JOB TITLE for XXXXX. Thanks! Very difficult to see them. of Computer Speech and Language, and Speech Communication independently. 22/02/2019 08/09/2015 by The Moderator. We must remember that a webinar is a virtual presentation. Jason Ragrario for that wonderful remarks. What we would like for you to do is raise your hand and be recognized, and then ask your question directly to one or the other of the speakers. If you craft a wonderful Introduction, touching on the theme or the importance of the speech, it helps if it’s in alignment. The audience (and panelists) need to know that they are in good hands with you at the helm of the panel discussion. Say this script in the first 10 minutes of your webinar. The topic for the debate is as follows: the theory of evolution is superior to the theory of special creation as an explanation for the scientific evidence related to origins. Moderator asks the panelists to reveal their “answers” at the same time. Before joining the Institute for Creation Research in 1971, Dr. Gish was a staff member at Upjohn Company, a pharmaceutical firm in Michigan. Welcome speech is a type of speech presented to welcome your guests and audience in a given event like a seminar conference or a party being hosted by you. In opening speeches in MUN, the “point” is to state your country policy on the topic. Make introductions if needed. Regale us with all your knowledge about the topic. Then offer 2-3 reasons explaining why your country had adopted this policy. Facilitating an icebreaker or game that ties to the topic. Webcast; Audio; Thank you for the invitation to participate in this event. Your opening words (IEEI). HONG KONG, Jan. 28, 2021. and I, _____ am your Moderator. Typically, you’ll kick it off with welcoming comments, an overview of the process and your role, as well as panelist introductions. The moderator's closing remarks May 13th 2009 | Kenneth Cukier Like God to a believer, copyright is everywhere at all times. All of these requires skills and confidence to be delivered in the most convincing and appealing way. Jason Ragrario, a 5th year adviser, to deliver the opening statements before moderator. Eager to hear about themselves and how they compare to others with opening remarks * * * * * *! Three methods can be useful, even the best presenters in history like... 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