We need that support to help us thru this. You may not have lesions yet but if you do the morgellons test with red wine or grape juice you will most likely spit out fibers. How? I didn't sleep for days and days everything all of a sudden got horribly unbareable. I collected them and would like to see them under a microscope. maybe one day they will solve it but until they believe it will never happen . I am going to repeat one thing. Putting your clothes in plastic bags for two weeks to thirty days will help, but there are different life cycles for fleas, mites, bedbugs and parasites; some live off blood and need a host to survive, others don't. When this got really out of hand it had taken my hair under the skin at the nape of my neck and spiraled it down my back, arms and legs and I could feel bites that are sharp or stinging even sometimes almost static shock feeling and I now have have sores that move in spirals. The fibers move because these things attach themselves to them. Also the Grapefruit pills. My sister moved with me after he passed and she has not been bit either. I am wondering if they are some sort of mite. Then my dog had black spots on his butt hole and the hair around it. It's been going on 6 months. Now, I can see the black bugs. I had never dealt with anything like this so I got tweezers and clamped on to one and stretched my skin about half an inch beore it BURST and blood burst and I didn't have a clue. I am putting my e-mail in again,thought I did but I saw post you couldn't get in touch.Here it is again.https://www.allaboutparasites.com/tiny-black-specks-on-my-skin.html#comments. Good luck to all, and keep posting your successes, clues, etc. I hope I have helped someone out. But fooled clove oil heals and helps with the itchiness. It's the only thing that breaks up their communication system in your body. I now believe it could be internal but not sure. I've used tea tree oil full strength, sulfur soap, 91%alcohol, benydryl, permethrins, etc. Just a thought, I have been fighting this for about4 years. Doctors aren't really smart enough to cure most things. They hard as nails and multiply. We have been to two dermatologist and they could not find the cure. When i first got it, after almost losing my mind I was hysterical and visited my doc, my local walk in health centre and then the A & E at local hospital, non cud help me, all treated me as though i was crazy, My partner at the time thought i was crazy and then my 3 sons and rest of family and friends started to think i was too so i gave up telling anyone and just had to learn to live with this thing in silence.I hav suffered all the symtoms you people are describing, sharp splinters, crawling feeling on skin, from head to bottom, my hair alive that is the wierdest bit about it i think, and the white larvea things one lady mentioned, things living under my fingernails,up my nose every part of me, they live in my eyes too and sometimes i feel them slide into my eye like they are swimming it is the most horrible feeling ever :( sometimes when my eyes get so bad i cant cope any longer i dap scabie lotion round my eyes, ears, nose etc thats when my hair flies down to rescue whatever it is, sounds absolutely mad i know but im not crazy iv been watching this thing at work for 5 or more years now i know what i see !! The only way to get rid of it is go to the DR. and they prescribe a cream that you have to use for a week or so. The veterinarian believes it's a flea infestation! They feed on plants but have been proved to attach to a human as a host if the large local populations of thrips have already taken over most of the plant life. I have black specks on my head. BUT take care of you and your pet as I do know Ticks carry disease. Write down what we tried and use. About the magnetic wristbands any advice as to where to get them and have you had any luck. Here is only a few of the things I am, going thru. I know what your dealing with!!! Nothing has worked. A few days later everything subsided and I didnt have any issues for about 6 months then all of a sudden it came back with vengeance!!!! I treated my plants f.or thrips with two recently introduced bacterium including baccilus thuringiensus israelius. I was under the care of physicians who could give no explanation for the black spots...then the stress began to build. I am finding "thorn type things" I have pulled from my skin, I can not understand this. The laser works to cauterize the sores and kill the morgellons. A few days later I began seeing bumps in my pubic area and I went on a freak out. Doing a parasite cleanse on yourself is paramount. Thinkin this is a terrorist attack from the east.. We have some indians up road and in thier store they have a dining area and the chairs move because of the infestation. God Bless...Take Care...Debbie (717)439-0743) if I don't answer...I'll call back. God Bless. Just sent this to the CDC. Wax Hair Remover: If tape doesn’t work, apply a layer of wax hair remover. I have never ran into anything like this.No one knows, No product or meds that cure and make a person miserable. One door closes another opens took Green black walnut hulls, wormwood and clove. This is the worst thing in the world, they are in my car and my house, i have tried everything, my hair is ruined from all the bleach. They come first in Morgellons. Maybe contact a good investigative reporter with the larger press. These things when small look like small black specks. My husband and me I have it the worse.we found out our apartment was swimming in mold growing up the walls of all the rooms hundreds of small strange looking mushrooms with looked like tiny polin all over the top. We need to get this out! I've posted alot on this site over the years trying everything I could think of to fight this.Baking soda in bath/shower helps.Right now these black things are in my scalp biting me,I feel them crawling all the time.Not sure why my hair hasn't fallen out from everything I tried...lol.This has taken over my life it seems. Not interested in any of your samples. The Ivermectin seems to have done something Amazing I don’t all the bizzare stuff I had going on that I shared in my previous post I still have residual stuff going on but nothing near what was going on and just about a week ago I believe I expelled the yet to be identified (pending lab results) culprit via the and with this hell that I (We) have been living (especially for this occasion) I automatically take a look at and (TMI) and on the unbelievable ones photograph the strange comings out of mine for the nonbelievers that try and dispute my ailment seeing is believing right? Recently I have been pulling off my skin what feels like grains of salt and are either light colored almost white and black specks. Doctors won't take you for real. The first night I was in worse shape than before taking it. Two weeks after the biopsy, I went back to the derm with a new rash and he said it looked like "flea bites". They will leave you sick. You can call me if you can. I had low grade fever, the worst pain in my neck and my shoulders, tingling in face and scalp, convulsions, labored breathing etc last wk then things seemed to let up. I have done 2 treagents permethrin for scabies gut I don't know what to do. Im 54 living in UK Liverpool i have a disability so my immune system is shot however this nightmare is the worst health issue i have ever had to endure especially as doctors here cannot understand what is causing my symptoms. I am sure this is something the public has to deal with brought back from the sand wars and the Army has a hush mouth on it. My bathtub has black specs appear no matter how many times I clean it and also around my bathroom sink. If you goo gle "morgellon patent" you will be able to see all n a s a authors. Lol. They will live in your house plants. Lysol wipes with hydrogen peroxide work, they are new. Most parasite infections are spreadable from person to person, whether they are internal parasites, fungal overgrowth, skin parasites, etc. This natural parasite cleansing protocol is safe, effective, and has a money back guarantee. N when first started they werE goin from my hair 2 my anus n bk. Ican't take it anymore! So a splinter that breaks that skin "makes it easier for bacteria outside of the skin to actually get under the skin." Well since sept I've crawled, itched, an spent a ton of $ Nothing cures. Im really depressed and seem to sink in lower and lower loosing all control of whats going on around me is it just fear of the unknown. These black dots stopped coming! Antibiotics and a cream was sent home with us. I started with constantly feeling like I had a piece of hair wrapped around my toes but there was never anything there. Leaving a hole with a black rim. I told my Sister and Mom and Dad And found I had tried the wrong way to get em out. Today is my birthday, turned 50...good luck to everyone. The sores will have black rings around them. Looks like a very small ant six legs and antennae but hard to see it is so small. If anyone has any questions please reply and I will reply back. I am keeping mine at bay, have to treat internally before they leave your body. Lately I have noticed that I am having more body aches and I am very tired. I believe we need to be a "Support Group". I noticed a lot of people are ones with disabilities or some type of confinement. I got it from potting soil. Do the best you can and YOU are not crazy, and not seeing things. I watched them lay many eggs in my glass not even five minutes after I got it. I never thought that it may be a bug, I dont know why, I guess cuz I've seen them several times on my body but never witnessed movement. I, too, went to my dermatologist who said I have sensitive skin and that this rash is an allergic reaction. cream. I slapped my comb end on the sink to bring out the cream rinse & bugs with it and washed them down the drain. Hello, me and my children are experiencing the same issue with tiny black spots that causes irritating rashes that itch like crazy. Keep dirty close separate and sealed best you can and vacuum (mattress) and everything but try to wear surgical or rubber gloves and keep vacuum cleaner enclosed when done, maybe spray some clean/disinfect in it. Symptoms of this flea infestation include inflamed and itchy skin patches, pain and lesions that have a black dot surrounded by red angry skin and something resembling a white halo. Started as scabies, I think. Hello everyone...I've been suffering with this for 5yrs.now. The water is much different there than here. When I went back to work this past Monday and Tuesday.. About four weeks after this started I was being attacked while outside in the new mulched playground. Since I first posted my question, the baby has stopped getting these things. You ARE NOT alone in this. That's when I started noticing a few black specks here and there that were very painful and felt like they were alive. For over a year now I keep seeing or finding tiny tiny black specks on my skin. What began in early July, 2012, as white "balls" on my waterbed mattress has now taken over my life. They also release substances that prevent your blood clotting as easily, so your wounds wont heal or do so very slowly, (paint wounds with betadine) these smart and lazy insects will find a preexisting wound with feeding tubes to use than make new ones. I have appointments to see 2 new doctors, one an infectious disease specialist, and the other a dermatologist. I don't know much of ticks except they can carry disease. Also a lot of new freckles (what's that all about?). Does anybody on this planet know what this actually is? I tried to look online what it was but there is nothing..? I AM a sugar-aholic & wonder if that's it, but its hard not to eat sugar these days, it's in everything. I knew something was seriously wrong with me and it felt like the doctors were treating me like a hypochondriac. There also is the oil of Neem. I will be bombing my apartment as soon as I recover from my medical problems. If you have it to the point that you can see them then you have had it for a while and have not treated it. I have had the black specs on my skin, but very few. stringy looking., it looks ad if it has legs???!! Please help!!! He prescribed expensive soaps, lotions, and creams that didn't work. There is one condition involving specks in and on the skin commonly called Morgellons. I have some experience in doing this and believe between all of us we can make it work. they cant get immune to sulphur. I've only been experiencing itching and black specs on my head for a couple weeks, since Halloween night to be precise, and it's driving me crazy. I cleaned with peroxide ,alcohol what ener I could find. I feel like im listening to myself telling doctors, family , husband, ect. at first i thought it was the bed itself but changing to brand new beds, Sealy brand, i threw out all my bed sheets to 3 new bed sheets. Doctor said cannot see scabies- are microscopic. Yes i know i need to see a doctor but cant afford simple things let alone a dr visit with no insurance. What you’re talking about is commonly found with people that have Lyme disease and morgellons. There are a number of fungus that cause opertunistic infections in humans. A foreign body (FB) (eg, splinter, fishhook, sliver of glass) is embedded in the skin. Dear Mandi and everyone else who is writing in discouraged and desperate... Scabies is a type of mite-contagious they are hard to diagnose unless you get a scraping and you are lucky enough that there are some mites in the scraping. I know it is not a flee, I know what flees look like. Some claim to have it but are really suffering from some other skin issues or even psychological problems. I have had all the same symptoms for years as well. Crazy, and about to drive me crazy, I have my house treated it didn't help. On you tube. Help! My apartment has old hardwood floors where the boards do not meet one another, so I think the specs are in the cracks). Last time I checked, fleas weren't anthropods. I have been searching the net for so long. I have had good luck with Biokleen Bac Out products. The middle part of the disease. You can get small magnets,1 for each pocket when you go out and with summer coming so you don't have to wear the wrist bands. Splinter hemorrhages appear as small black or deep-red lines and are caused by injuries to the small blood vessels under the nail beds. Unfortunately, I know the playground is infested at work and my boss don't care what I show her since the drs said its staph. Went home put clove oil and was reinfested! Kerosine does work on the mites or whatever they are, that is the only thing that saved me. I'm crying bcuz I was sure smbdy had a remedy,hhoping more like it.glad there r others,but no-one cn help. KimmiekS@icloud.com Thank You everyone again for letting me know I am not alone and in that helping me get back my stubbornness and determination to not just sit here and take it but to do something about it for all of US❣️, OMFFFFG! But the … Every day we breath in filaments that are sprayed by the airforce called chemtrails every day. You will only harm yourself!!! These micro insects use chemical messages and work cooperatively they usually target females (pheromones and scent), people with already low immunity either autoimmune or ill in some way, and people with fungal infections. After soaking a few times in Epsom salt they disappeared. Also allot of us experience Apr of uti infections and done have blood in urine too like myself. Sometimes black specks on your head can be a fungal infection. All information is for educational purposes and has not been evaluated Wound care nurses have came for six months and the second derm did a bioposy and said he sees nothing but some dirt in the sample. At first, thinking they were spider bites, began plucking those out to. YOU will do more damage as i did by listening to internet Please get a good derm patient and caring and give it time michelle. Having no insurance I called an older dr I had been to and convinced him to call in scabies meds b/c after researching online I thought it may be scabies. They can signal serious heart health issues. I have been to multiple doctors who treat me like I'm delusional and need psych meds.They not only affect me but are covering my dog and driving her nuts. They will at least be able to provide you with the background of what you are dealing with so that you will be able to present your condition to a physician in a way that will leave little room for dismissal or a diagnosis of parasitosis. I hope this helps somebody. I examined my next bm which were few and far between and noticed a lot of tiny black specks as well as mucus strands and a funny odor. Didn't begin seeing them till … I can't get them all out,their driving me crazy. First they said it was fleas and came back in 3 weeks as they said that was the cycle. I even considered suicide because I have been to so many doctors who dont know what it is and the cheak to tell me to see a phsycologist. Particles that look like like thin pieces of plastic. Im 45 maintenance manager of a power plant, sane as the day is long, yet i can hear these things moving through the walls if i touch something that is infested or sit in a seat it imeadiatlybegins to buldge and move and then they show up allways going to the center lower back my bed creaks and i can hear them sniff and breathe they are very agressive and seem to know when im in the room. Let it air-dry for 5 minutes or accelerate the process with a hair dryer. A list of people like CDC that are not just pushing it to the side ) a question page for people new to this group of us. So these micro insects are attracted to and have symbiotic relationships with fungus (Aspergillus 'mold', Sporotrichosis 'gardeners disease', Tinea corporis 'Ringworm' Tinea pedis 'athlete's foot' ETC) similar for ex humans and gut bacteria, we depend on our gut flora to break down and help us digest food and obtain nutrients from it. If your building has a rodent problem, it is recommended not to hang clothing or rugs outside because they are carriers of fleas and eggs. i get both splinters that seem to be like glass.hurt like hell and when removed leave un healed holes that seem to get deeper sort of like staph infection and if i scratch off the blk spots they become bigger and infectuous with what seems like tiney hairs. ... you will drive yourself crazy and get more and more black specks hopefully we 'll figure it.. In comments not sure cream/lotion and if professional people can not understand this houts42 @ msn.com best! Specks start to grow into bigger white bugs sores good and then i went into `` lice mode '' nose... And bedding me too these have morgellons disease when i take all the symptoms and last i. Got no where we told me they do n't let me back 6 months in grocery stores walmart. A must and does work i mean anything that is useful to them mostly thrips some... 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Same as others above shocked at the same time dig tunnels under your fingernails short! Person who went to the bathroom without adding bleach first and flushing instantly inspiration for few.

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