Honestly, I don’t have a favorite stitching spot, or not just one spot. I have a good 3-way standing lamp that can swivel over my shoulder when additional light is needed. 1. I’m surrounded by embroidery supplies, beading and jewellery supplies, fabric and sewing supplies and my books. My favorite stitching spot is a corner in my living room with a couple of Ott lights and a rocking chair that my late sister stripped and reupholstered for me. The television is near, also a CD player and DH is there in the evening as well. Because I live in Southern California I can enjoy this spot almost all rear round. I can watch television with my husband(generally sport or crime movies) I don’t mind as I only really listen as I can concentrate on my work and when his not home I can watch YouTube tutorials and my TV shows . I don’t have a favorite. While stitching, I’m quite entertained by the antics of squirrels and wrens fighting over seeds. My fave area to stitch depends on the time of day, but I really enjoy the morning light coming through my east side windows, a mug of tea next to me on the table and essential oils in the diffuser. My favorite stitching spot is a corner of our livingroom right near the large front window. So peaceful, so quiet, why, I’m in the zone right now…. After having cataract eye surgery and trifocals lenses implanted recently, I am so pleased to be able to begin to embroider again after many years! Merry Christmas everyone! I have purchased others and have not found any that compare to this one. My favorite stitching spot has changed through the years, I like a straight back chair with my frame but they can move pretty much anywhere – I used to like being right in the action of the family but now with health issues I like to be a bit removed or to the side; so I can hear but not having issues with my field of vision and they can pop a peek over my shoulder then return to their desires. I look out a window into the garden. My favorite stitching spot is my sewing nook on the second floor of our house. Morning Mary Her beautiful book is an amazing prize for a lucky winner of a Stitcher’s Christmas #9. It doesn’t matter the time of year, as the garden always looks lovely. But I bring my embroidery many places and use whatever is available ,usually a chair. We are both content! Favorite stitching spot: my mission recliner with the wide wooden arms to hold my tool block, in front of the TV with something captivating playing on said TV and wearing my CraftOptics for perfect viewing of the embroidery and TV, BOTH at a glance! Shutters open with great natural light. And if you want your own copy delivered to your doorstep soon-ish (the post, especially from overseas, is somewhat slow right now, but it will get to you eventually! I like to stitch on my couch with a bright light over my shoulder. I have stashed a good working light-with-magnifier there, and the loveseat is comfortable for work. Next to the chair I have a magnifier lamp that you recommended, Mary, clamped to a large end table. I can curl up my legs and use them to support my stitching. I have lots of light and a great view with all the essentials within reach. My favourite place to stitch is in my back room in the early morning sun. My favorite stitching spots are both in the living room, one on a comfy sofa and the other at a small table. I’m really lucky to have the smallest but best room in the house for my ‘spot’. My favorite stitching spot is right on my couch in front of my TV! It is the only chair I use. My favorite stitching spot is in the third floor train room in our house. My favorite stitching spot is in our living area. My favorite stitching spot is in my “nest” which is what the family calls my recliner. 4.6 out of 5 stars 81. I grow plants in it too so although a small room, it’s perfect for me & makes me happy stitching in it! It also has a view of my beautiful sleeping garden then back to stitching. My favorite stitching spot is sideways on the right-hand side of the couch in the living room – it has indirect light from two sides most of the day, the coffee table with stitching supplies is close at hand to the right, and I can pin charts to the back cushion to the left at eye level. May you be blessed and be a blessing. Charles Scribner's Sons (October 1, 1975), Good reference book for blackwork patterns, Reviewed in the United States on March 25, 2018. No-brainer projects—wherever my mood leads me. I am now counting the days until the renovation is complete and I can work away on my new project. here in northern Canada. It will hurt , but it will be worth it. You’ll find them all here. Which is roaring as it is -41 with a windchill of -49 and freezing fog! My bedroom has the best afternoon light near the window, so I can stitch there to my hearts content. This is my happy place! Music is always playing, and there’s cuppa. My favorite stitching spot is in the living room where I have my overstuffed chair and stool to sit and stitch while listening to a podcast, music, or tv program. The chair is large enough for my silky terrier to join me when I’m stitching on my recent blackwork piece that really uses blues. I sit in a little chair with a battery operated light by my side at the end of the row of cabinets where my husband has his train workshop. Blackwork has never really appealed to me but this book might just change my mind! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! My favorite place to stitch is in my lounge chair in front of the fireplace during the winter. Hi. I have a screen where I can watch television or listen to music on a stero and have a long peaceful stitching session. I love to stitch on the couch. We take holidays in our old camper van and frequently visit Cornwall to a campsite on the cliff top overlooking the ocean. We travel to shops, both local and online, where she buys notions, stitching supplies, and a book about each new subject that I introduce to her, then she studies and practices everything in minute depth; making samplers and other projects to learn each technique, and then gift to friends and family. These days, though, I need to sit upright in the sewing room at a table with bright light! Happy holidays and a hug for those missed. My favorite stitching spot is in my recliner with my feet up(bad back). Blessings to you, Mary, and a very Merry Christmas. When on the sewing machines, of course, I am in a relatively straight back chair trying hard not to slump over. Love it here! So peaceful. My favorite stitching spot is my new home studio! I do a lot of stitching in the car when I am a passenger. I know that my daughter, who is an artist herself, would also be fascinated by how artistically applied Jen’s designs and techniques emulate the lines that an artist creates using paint, pencil or ink. I am very lucky that after our children left home that my husband made me my special hang out! My favorite stitching spot is on the couch surrounded by my two cats, Cosmo and Poe! At night, I can catch a bit more stitching time with a bright overhead light and a lighted magnifier stand. This book is now available for pre-order, the book is due to be published November 23rd however this is subject to change by the publisher. In your comment, please answer the following: 5. This means I can use magnets to attach whatever diagram/directions I need. I have my floor lamp, my stand, and a picture window over my shoulder. Favorite spot – no question! I have my own sewing room where I also do my embroidery, knitting and crocheting. My favorite stitching spot is in a recliner looking out into our backyard and I am able to see the bird bath and feeders. As this is mostly at night, I have a good Ott light over my shoulder to keep shadows at bay and help my poor eyes work easier. It’s green with blue skies, warm with a breeze, and the challenge of keeping the stitching a modicum of not dirty…, My real favorite spot to stitch is outside on a bench in the sun. 1963 Coats Anchor Modern Spanish Blackwork Embroidery Book no.755 MonCaribou. I sew in a much loved easy chair with an excellent light and a large side table. My lighting is cool and warm bulbs that flood the area with almost daylight. I usually have a cup of tea or something hot, a blanket to keep me warm when it is cold and sometimes even a cat on my lap to keep me company. Stitching overlooking the vineyard dam and the mountain. My favorite stitching spot is in my living room by my bay window. What a lovely opportunity! My little dog sits at my side, my husband is near by in his chair. I bought a beautiful wooden stand from Judy O’Dell that looks quite good! My favorite spot to stitch is on my couch with the window behind me open or at least the curtains pulled back (I love stitching in natural light). I’m still trying to make a comfy spot, but for now, the dining room table wins! My favourite stitching spot is my armchair in my sitting room with my daylight lamp and magnifier, with maybe some nice quiet music or an audio book if the pattern is not too complicated. My studio, next to my computer and headphones cause I’m always listening to My favourite place to stitch is where ever I happen to be, with whatever free time I have. I have my magnifying/light right next to me! Did the Peppermint Purple year of blackwork so I find this new book on the subject of great interest! It would be fabulous to win. I have loved embroidery and cross stitching for as long as I can remember. It’s large window (plenty of light) looks onto a courtyard garden. There's a fair bit of information and an assortment of stitches, but as far as designs go, you're pretty much on your own. My favorite stitching spot my recliner in front of the TV in the family room. My husband calls it my princess throne ! My favorite spot to stitch is in my bedroom in a rocking chair while I watch TV. The Comfy Chair has been in my family for about 20 years, and the nostalgia I get when I sit in it is worth it’s weight in gold. The light in Cornwall is amazing, hence favoured by artists throughout the centuries. Two spiralbound book of exquisite blackwork designs from embroidery in English museums and other historical sources. (If needed, I can move closer to the west window for a change of view and light.) My favorite stitching spot is in the sunniest room of the house, and located so that I can see the birds as I sew. favorite stitching spot. It is also my TV chair and I have several of the ‘beanbag’ type TV trays so I can swap out my stitching for a snack or meal tray and just carry on. I have a little table that holds all my essential tools/materials needed for the project I’m working on. I’d love to win this black work Christmas 2020 book. I can build a pillow support and snug down for a couple of hours of stitchery! Thanks so much for all you do Mary. My favourite stitching spot is in my lounge room, by our front window. My cat is on the arm of the couch (although he sometimes gets naughty when thread is involved). There’s a perfect end table beside me with drawers and another adjustable tv table I can put in front of me. Ha! My favourite stitching spot is in my shed – there’s a view of the garden and a lot of visiting wildlife – birds, butterflies, lizards….it’s airconditioned, which makes stitching possible in the tropics (and solar powerered so its affordable), and its my special place, where I’m surrounded by stitching and other craft goodies – in short, my stitching paradise! This approach looks interesting and I would love to get a copy of the book. Out of traffic and I can watch the deer and birds during the day if I have time to stitch and the tv at night! My favorite spot is in my living room, sitting in front of a large window with natural light streaming in. Rich, comprehensive treatment of an age-old craft includes fascinating history of the beautiful and distinctive art of blackwork, plus detailed discussions of technique and design. Its only drawback is that is conducive to naps. My favorite stitching spot is in my den in a leather armchair beside a lighted magnifier floor lamp. In the winter, in front of the fireplace with one of my cats by my side. The only problem is that it is also my cat’s favourite spot, so we are constantly in each other’s way! Morning! It’s my nest, and it’s where I always find myself stitching away, happy and content. I have been wanting to try Blackwork. This year it hasn’t been possible – she lives 100 miles away in a different COVID tier and we cannot meet up. I can put my feet up and get comfy and I have a light right behind for seeing my stitching. My favourite stitching area is in my stitching room/guest room. I have a swivel rocker in the corner (comfy one) w/ my magnifying light, a Sonos speaker that I play episodes of The Office Ladies on, and that is where I stitch! A small table next to it where I keep scissors, extra thread etc. Looks so beautiful when the sun is coming up and there is a little snow on the ground. I’ll stitch anywhere! I have good lighting there. Thank you, Mary, for these wonderful give-aways. My favorite spot for stitching is at the cabin in northern Minnesota. The table beside me is the right height & size to hold my stitching needs, a place to keep my drink warm or cold. I love to sit in our family room in my comfy chair with places for my tools, coffee/drink of choice. It has held up well all these years and the upholstery must be part iron because it is still going strong. I have tried (and failed!) For large projects I have a trestle set up by my front window for good light, and sit in my great grandmother’s rocking chair. I have a large window looking out onto forest which is nice and green in summer. Until then I am stitching on the sofa in the living room. It is the only place I stitch. I have a recliner that sits by my living room picture window. I have a daylight lamp over one shoulder and a pair of reading glasses which I prop on my nose in front of my glasses, just like my grandmother. Lovely stitching in that book. I have a glider/rocker chair next to a desk with all of my sewing/thread supplies. My favorite stitching spot is my lounge chair in the living room. The other is a corner of our family room where I can watch/listen to television while I stitch. There is a good chance I will end up “trapped” with a cat on my lap, so I need to be sure I don’t run out of floss! I keep several different bags ready to take along. I love to stitch in my living I have a big picture window I get a lot of natural light and the morning is so quite it’s my time, My favourite stitching spot is “my” couch (aka the couch the little ones are not allowed to jump on!). I miss it with covid. Reasonable lighting, but don’t have a lot of my stuff quite as handy. A great spot! I’ll have a new Eye-Spy game and puzzle for your Christmas entertainment next week, too. During Fall, Winter, and Spring, my favorite stitching spot is my glider chair in the livingroom. I can stitch comfortably for hours. Now that winter is here I’m seeing a lot of diners and drama out there. The author did not give the "travel" directions but in some places, she did give the type of stitch, i.e., back stitch. New Anchor Book of Blackwork Embroidery Stitches by Anchor Book Paperback $16.99. My favourite place to stitch is my sewing room (yes very spoilt). Janice. Petfect! Hands down my favorite spot is the screen porch on a warm spring day. I have my Lowry stand at the ready, two large tables to work on and my wide Phive light (thanks to Mary’s review). The book opens with an intro and history of blackwork, moves into materials, basics to get started, a marvelous chapter on designing for blackwork – great information on stylized design, realism in shading and really, on designing in general – and then launches into an extensive library of blackwork patterns, followed by darning patterns, a step-by-step stitch dictionary of other useful stitches, and then exercises and projects, shaded blackwork, and finishing. When sitting there, it is a message for my body to relax and do something pleasant. Life is good for both of us. It is comfortable and has an end table next to it where I can keep things like my scissors. It’s 90% studio and I have a glider rocking chair at the window in which to stitch. I have also carried embroidery to do in line at post office, and while waiting for amusement ride: signs posted at Disneyland indicate with space for three digits for how long the wait will be to get into Pirates of Caribbean. It is also where I have everything I need for any project I’m working on. My favorite stitching spot is in the corner of my couch with all my embroidery things around me. The light is also perfect for stitching where I sit on the couch. I love to set up my embroidery project in my “studio,” especially next to a big window! My favorite spot is wherever I am and have time. My cozy craft room is well lit and comfortable for the wintet months. Everything is very handy for me and just love my “stitching room”. I have a small table beside for my thread organizer and scissors and such. Learning the best way to find a stitch path for each design, by trial and error. What a happy spot indeed. It is bright and cheery and this is my new favorite place to stitch. In my recliner, under wonderfully bright spotlights, and in front of my TV which provides a great source of background entertainment while I stitch the night away. I love to stitch (and I’ve just started my very first Blackwork piece!) Stay safe The stitching spot-of-choice is one end of the kitchen table where I can also look out of the window at the ocean, and with soft music playing in the background… bliss! My favorite stitching spot is definitively the couch, in front of the TV. The chair and lighting changes depending on which child sits where and I can work with whatever is available as long as they’re around me. My favorite spot to work is at one end of my sofa in the living room. I have loved it ever since and am so happy that I can now share this wonderful needlework technique with you. As devastating as a year without a job has been, along with unending social isolation, it has also been an unexpected gift of time, and an opportunity to enjoy simple pleasures without constant interruptions. With my new eyes I hope to be able to continue for may more years. I also have a TV on top of one shelf to catch the news or a movie to stitch by. The rest of the year my studio has lots of light and inspiration. I’ve always found blackwork daunting and Jen is an awesome instructor…she’s the perfect person to create a book about a technique where instructive information is seriously lacking (in my beginner’s opinion…). Blackwork, also known as Spanish Work, is a type of counted thread embroidery thought to have originated in Spain. My favourite stitching place is my work desk where I have my threads, tools and a good light, close at hand. I would certainly need it to stitch such gorgeous blackwork. the negative, it that I have to drag all my supplies and if i drop a needle, well i will definitely not find it. I have a light and magnification and a big beautiful triple set of sliding doors with lots of natural light coming in. Now this only works great until the dog decides she wants to lay beside me! It is in my kitchen with a view of the backyard where the birds visit my feeders. One could say anywhere given the portability of knitting but when I do other forms of needlework, I love the corner of my couch. The sun pours in for great lighting and keeps me warm on chilly mornings. I would have a large overstuffed (i dream evergreen color) chair in front of a beautifully sunny double window – I’m thinking southern facing window. My stand works with the recliner and I have a small table next to the chair for my scissors and supplies. Its a very peaceful place to sew while watching the birds and other wildlife that wanders by. Check the article on December 21st for the winner! I’ve worked on small and medium-sized projects there, creating perfect memories with all the senses: taste of the tea, feel of needle and thread, smell, sight, and sound of the crackling fire. Sometimes I put on soft easy listening music. 21 - Fall Stitching, Anyone? I have had class with Jen, and she is a brilliant teacher! I am surrounded by windows. My favorite stitching spot is at the end of the day on the couch with my little dog beside me. Blackwork of any kind is new to me; this would be a fascinating and lovely way to learn a new technique! Though the hard dining chair isn’t as cushy as the typical armchair, my go-to indoor stitching spot is in the dining area, which gets marvelous light from a big NE-facing window overlooking the jungle that is currently my back yard. I can also still see into the living room so be part of conversations with my partner, making me still sociable haha whilst having my own stitching corner as well. My favourite stitching spot is a semi-recliner in the family room, with an led-lit magnifier to help my stitches be more precise, an end table for my cup of tea and all my stitchery supplies, and some soft music playing in the background. It is very peaceful. Blackwork Embroidery quantity. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. Natural light with a view. Very intriguing. If you are reading this in the newsletter, you can reach the comment form directly by following this link. I have a wonderful light for stitching that I received for Christmas last year. While my husband hunted, I sat around the fire enjoying the cold weather and cross stitching cards, ornaments, tea towels, and so on for family and friends. I love to stitch outside surrounded by nature’s beauty. Dee. The chair is next to a window and a small book shelf, which is a very handy place to place scissors, thread or tea while working. laura Merry Christmas to each of you. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book. I typically stitch while I watch tv. My favorite stitching spot is the chair I am in right now, a Victorian rocking chair with low arms that support my elbows at just the right height. I stitch in a recliner next to a window with good light. My favourite spot to stitch in the winter is a small sun-filled corner of my bedroom with my cat curled in the sun coming in the window. Also, behind me is the opening into the kitchen which faces east so I get good, but not direct, lighting earlier in the day. This area is also floodlit by sunlight. My favorite stitching spot is in the living room right next to my husband. At home I enjoy stitching while watching(listening to) sports on TV. Previous page of related Sponsored Products. When I saw this book, I was captivated! My dog often lies on the matching chair next to me, keeping me company. Blackwork is a counted thread embroidery technique in which repetitive patterns are used to fill outlined areas. There is no one around, but us. Merry Christmas Mary!!! I have a comfortable glider chair, footstool and good lighting from a lamp on my side table. My favorite place to stitch is my oversize old leather chair in living room. And I can watch (or rather hear) the TV from there, or listen to music and have a cup of coffee within reaching distance. Just glad I can still stitch!! I have the walls lined in all sorts of shelving, along with the closet, which means I can keep most (not all, of course) of my stash ready to hand. My favourite stitching spot is in my loungeroom, ensconced in one end of my couch (a dog has the other end) under the light of a daylight lamp and a small side table to hold all the necessary bits and pieces. Stitching in the sunshine @ the kitchen table w/all my thread choices surrounding me. My favourite stitching spot is close to the window of my sitting room – perfect light during the day and a warm cosy spot at night. I have a large table I can cover with all my stuff, the deck somehow captures any breeze and it is so much better for the eyes when you stitch outside. And to make embroidery all over, I have a light and workbasket that I can pull out while dinner is making itself. My favorite stitching spot is a cushy chair in the living room next to the fireplace with a cup of tea at hand and a cat nestled against my feet. It’s a combination sewing room, computer room and also has a pull-out couch/bed for when we happen to have company. My favorite stitching spot is my easy chair in the living room. It is my happy place. I was once asked to show someone my studio – well my chair in a corner with 2 Windows is “my studio”. Near my 3 panel sliding door and never have to have that book, blackwork emphasises shading contrasts are... Seen on blackwork has always been interested in blackwork and this is a little table beside me handmade quilts it... The west window for natural light. ) a recliner next to.... My turret room one a bright overhead light that works well much easier to remove from your sewing cat. Ideal for both of us my glider/rocker near a large arm support on one child or the of! 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