In the future, I might just end up going back to using UVB again. Vitamin overdose is a possibility, though this remains unproven. In a terrarium setting, you can put a dish with powdered calcium to make up for the lack of a natural source. Whenever a leopard gecko gets a little bit of this sand in their mouth they should be fine to digest it. Some even dislike powdered feeders. How do you supplement your leos? To make things more tricky, the reason for appetite suppression can vary greatly. Gently hold your gecko, apply some of the mixtures to its face, squeezing a little out at a time. Any calcium supplement needs to have a calcium:phosphorous ratio of 2:1 or 2.5:1. What Happens If I Don’t Supplement My Leo? Your pet gecko needs to feed on crickets, mealworms, super worms, waxworms, or dubia roaches to stay healthy. Vitamin D3 overdose seems to be rare in leopard geckos, and the proofs of overdoses are scarce and anecdotal. It’s just as important as calcium and is something else that your leopard gecko needs in order to stay healthy and survive. Many lizard owners will advise you to go ahead and purchase calcium sand for your leopard geckos tank. Crickets are one of the easily available insects that you can feed your pet with. You don’t have to worry about whether or not they will lick too much of it because when it comes to their nutritional needs, they naturally know how much they need in order to grow and stay healthy. These problems can present themselves in many different ways and is a sad sight to see whenever it happens. This is done by “gut loading” the insects with calcium, vitamin D3, and other nutrients. There has to be a bit less than a tablespoon in there and it’s nearly gone now! Keep in mind that the size you get will depend on the size of your tank, so make sure you know exactly what size it is before buying one.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'reptilejam_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_17',116,'0','0'])); The only time you’ll want to avoid using D3 is when you’re already providing it to them from one of the two possible sources of it which you now know are powdered form D3 or a UVB light. I don’t prefer one way of supplementing D3 over the next, but I do think that the UVB light makes your tank look a lot cooler. Without D3, your leopard gecko can have a calcium overdose and potentially die because of it. All quality modern supplements have a very fine structure, meaning they will stick to the insects well. Just coat feeder insects once per week with vitamins and offer them to your gecko. Which means that some leopard geckos won’t touch their food if it’s been dusted. While we do our best to answer your comments as soon as possible, we can’t answer them daily. Without enough D3, ingested calcium can’t be processed by the body. I know I’ve already said this, but there are people out there who don’t want to do it for whatever reason. Having it in their tank won’t hurt them and they won’t overindulge in it either. I’ve mentioned it before, but there has always been a great debate in the reptile community, especially the leopard gecko one, about whether or not sand is bad. For breeding females – dust at every feeding with a potent high-quality supplement such as Repashy Calcium Plus. Most of the times it will be changed once a week, but other times I’m able to go longer than that. This is very important and should be done at least once a week for your gecko. However, these aren't the best feeders so they shouldn't be used as a staple diet. Having this bowl will allow your leopard gecko to lick from it whenever they feel the need to replenish themselves with this particular supplement. Plus, it gives you as the owner peace of mind knowing that they always have access to it whenever you’re not awake or not at home. However, calcium cannot be absorbed in the gut without enough Vitamin D3, which brings us to the next question. Once you have these two things, just place the feeder insects that you plan on feeding to your leopard gecko in the plastic baggy with the calcium and then lightly shake it.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'reptilejam_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_6',108,'0','0'])); When doing this, make sure you don’t shake too hard so that you don’t end up accidentally killing the insects inside. Once this is done, you can dust the superworms with calcium and feed them to your leopard gecko. Calcium without D3 – This is the same as above but it does not contain any D3. Some particularly gluttonous leopard geckos will feast on calcium powder out of boredom or just to fill their tummy. You can read more about Vitamin D3 in the next section. If you plan on breeding your leos, it is advisable to get a more potent formula. Again, if you’re worried that your leopard gecko isn’t getting the right amount of calcium, make sure you get yourself a bowl with calcium in it. Up to 4 females can be housed together in a simple 20 gallon tank, or aquarium. Also, if you’d like to get a little bit more information on the risks of sand along with signs of impaction and safer substrate alternatives, then I recommend checking out my article here about the topic.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'reptilejam_com-leader-1','ezslot_10',113,'0','0'])); There’s really no set amount to how much calcium you should be giving your leopard gecko as long as it’s given to them. Luckily, we now have state-of-the-art, specialized vitamin and mineral formulas to help us make up for that. We use paper towels as a substrate as they are most sanitary and cheapest. However, if your leopard gecko is refusing to eat, don’t get desperate. But if I’m giving my opinion, I would say to dust them just to be on the safe side. Calcium isn’t the only thing that your leopard gecko needs in order to survive, they also need a supplement called D3. Some leopard geckos will not eat vitamin/mineral dusted insects, or the As stated above, it is absolutely essential for maintaining good health and is needed to break down all of the calcium that they consume. Terrarium Quest is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Opinions on how often you should dust vary and each case is different. If you ever feel lost and that you need help, then you can always visit this site or go to a forum like Reddit and ask for advice. It goes more into the symptoms along with how to treat it and how to properly supplement them as well. If your question is urgent, please contact your veterinarian or use a 24/7 vet online service! Your leo’s multivitamin supplement, carrot, cabbage, apples, dark greens, and dehydrated dog or cat food are all fine choices for gut loading. In their natural surroundings, leopard geckos can lick mineral deposits and salts if they need extra calcium. To give you a better understanding of what I’m talking about, If you’d like to know what brand I recommend, then, If you think going the UVB route is something you’d be interested in, then. Gut loading simply means feeding the daily batch of feeder insects some high quality, nutrient-rich, and fresh food 24-48 hours prior to giving them to your leo. Like stated above, both are very good for them and are something that they need, but we all know that too much of a good thing can bad, so it’s important to make sure that we’re paying attention to exactly how much of each of these supplements we are giving them. A baby leopard gecko will need to eat and be supplemented with calcium every day because it helps them grow significantly within that first year before they reach adulthood. Also, butterworms contain unhealthy calcium, and Leopard geckos have been known to get addicted to them and refuse to eat all other foods, so always offer them sparingly. Make sure the vitamin supplement you opt for has a calcium to phosphorus ratio of 2:1. I’m Devin Nunn, an average joe that just so happens to have a deep love and passion for everything to do with reptiles. Arcadia’s ShadeDweller was designed precisely with leopard geckos in mind. Avoid pinky mice. Along with another very important supplement that’s used to help break it down, calcium is an absolute must in your leopard geckos diet and supplementing them with it is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. The unwell and weak geckos should be fed every day till they get healthy. There have been people who have had success using it, but there are equally as many, if not more, people who haven’t had as much success with it. These days calcium powders are super-fine, and in most cases, leo will easily manage to lick it off from their eyes and eyelids. An artificial source of calcium and vitamin D3 must be provided to the leopard gecko to ensure its continued health. Force-feeding your leopard gecko should only come as a last resort, but if you must, use a syringe filled with a mixture of chicken or turkey baby food, or crushed up mealworms or crickets. My recommendation is a UVB light specialized for shade-loving and crepuscular species. One option isn’t better than the next, but you will have to pick one. The good news is that you can get your gecko eating again by addressing the underlying issue, which might involve changing up its habitat, altering its diet, or making a quick trip to the vet. Your leopard gecko can lose its appetite for all of the same reasons! Many people understand the importance of giving their leopard gecko calcium, but sometimes, it’s not always clear on exactly how much we should actually give them. So, at least when you’re feeding them with it on their food, you’re ensuring that they are getting the right amount that they and not just assuming that they’re licking from the bowl. These problems can present themselves in many different ways and is a sad sight to see whenever it happens. An important part of your leopard gecko's diet is eating sufficient vitamin D3 and calcium to keep them healthy. It is loaded with calcium, D3, and vitamins. Pros & Cons of Calcium Sand Pros. Vitamin D3 is a component (actually a hormone) essential for calcium and phosphorus absorption and metabolism, as well as other crucial processes such as immune function. I don’t personally recommend it, though, because your leopard gecko could easily decide not to eat out of their calcium bowl as well. Having it in their tank won’t hurt them and they won’t overindulge in it either. When it comes to calcium and multivitamins, no. Like stated above, both are very good for them and are something that they need, but we all know that too much of a good thing can bad, so it’s important to make sure that we’re paying attention to exactly how much of each of these supplements we are giving them. The versions without Calcium and D3 are used together with a compatible Calcium+D3 product. Find out what are the best products out there and how to use them properly. Your reptile friend should be in tip-top shape again before you know it. If you suspect that what you're seeing on your gecko isn't normal or are not storage bubbles, don't hesitate to make an appointment with your exotics vet. where you’ll go to the one that I used to use on Amazon. Pour insects into a feeding tray in the tank. It’s not as easy to overdo it when it comes to calcium, but when it comes to D3, accidentally giving them too much is definitely possible. If putting calcium in our leopard geckos water were possible, then I think a lot of people out there would be doing it. It will make sure your gecko absorbs the calcium. But with D3, there is, and that’s a UVB light. Males should not be kept with other males from this age, as they tend to get territorial. It’s a supplement that your leopard gecko does, in fact, need, but just like their diet, there needs to be a fine balance when it comes to supplying it. Multivitamin – Believe it or not, there are multivitamins for reptiles just like there are for humans. With that said, let’s take a deeper look into this oh-so-important supplement. Luckily, supplementing a leopard gecko with calcium is actually very simple. Keep in mind that the size you get will depend on the size of your tank, so make sure you know exactly what size it is before buying one. It’s okay to give a leopard gecko calcium every day, but as far as D3 goes, that’s a huge no-no. If the insects have not been gut-loaded and dusted, they will have little or no nutritional value and your leopard gecko will develop deficiencies. If you don’t want to be someone who goes through this, then make sure they’re getting calcium with every meal, have a calcium bowl inside of their tank, and are being fed feeder insects that have been dusted with D3 or are getting it from a UVB light. All insects must be given access to for at least four hours before being fed to the gecko. And not just calcium sand, but sand in general. As we mentioned earlier, Leopard geckos are carnivorous insectivores, meaning they can only digest meat (primarily insects). Leopard geckos need calcium and insects are a poor source. Your calcium plus D3 supplement powder shouldn't contain more than 45,000-50,000 IU/kg of D3 or your leopard gecko will end up getting too much D3. Can Leopard Geckos Eat Fruits and Vegetables. Most of the lizards, like crested geckos, house geckos, etc. Many people know to supplement their leopard gecko with calcium, but there are still some beginners who don’t know about having that extra source of it within the tank, so I’d give that bowl or any other bowl that can hold their calcium powder a look if you don’t already have one. I’m really not sure why calcium sand was ever made, but throughout the years, it has caused more impaction in leopard geckos than I’d like to say I’ve seen. Without D3, your leopard gecko can have a calcium overdose and potentially die because of it. Leopard geckos can eat a wide variety of insects. In addition to supplementing them through their meals, though, you’ll also want to make sure you have a small bowl of calcium inside of your tank as well. And because I know that might sound confusing, I want to explain what I mean so that you can get a better understanding. However, how often you give them calcium will be completely dependant on their age and how much they eat as well. Unlike calcium, though, you won’t be giving it to them as often. Place a small amount of powder in a plastic bag with the insects and lightly shake the bag to coat the insects with the powder. Unless you are considering breeding leopard geckos, or being a leopard gecko breeder, we recommend 1 male, or multiple females. She's been keeping reptiles for 15 years, mostly different species of turtles and leopard geckos. Again, please click on the link in the last section so that you know exactly how often you should be giving your leopard gecko D3. Too much calcium and D3 can cause toxicity and in return, cause them to die. An adult leopard gecko will likely not consume as much calcium as a baby leopard gecko because they have already done most of their growing. Without vitamin D3. The method I use for dusting is a small plastic container (think ziplock) with a couple pinches of multivitamins and calcium powder. Her 2 lovely leos, Sonya and Mia are 15 and 14 years old. If you get supplements right, average pet leopard geckos will do just fine without UVB light. Insects you shouldn’t gut load are: waxworms, hornworms, silkworms, and black soldier fly larvae. The other common complication is the case of breeding females that lose their appetite, but still require vitamin D3 to help with egg formation. After you’re done dusting your feeders, you can now either hand-feed your leopard gecko or place the food inside of its food bowl. 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