6 KPI Customer Service à mesurer au sein de votre service client, 1. Il s’agit d’une bonne occasion pour inviter vos clients à préciser les éléments perturbateurs lors du parcours client (transfert de service en service, nécessité de répéter plusieurs fois les mêmes informations ou difficulté à joindre un conseiller). The latest research suggests that first call resolution (FCR) is the single-most important KPI for customer-centric, inbound call centers. It is a measure of the call center performance rather than of the agent performance. Though its direct correlation with customer satisfaction rates might seem like the only benefit, FCR also impacts operating … As with the CSAT, invite customers to rate their experience after a call or live chat from a score of 1 to 10. How to use it. Generally, the higher the percentage, the better, as the customer is getting a more in-depth experience. Ils sont d’ailleurs pris en compte dans l’obtention de la. Ainsi, les KPI Call Center à prendre en compte sont ceux qui donnent des informations correspondant : A customer service KPI or metric is a performance measurement that is used by customer service teams and by the customer support management to monitor, visualize, analyze and optimize customer relations by taking advantage of an advanced 360-degree customer view. Try to keep your agents under your target numbers of minutes of break time per hour. Pour calculer le CSAT, il suffit de diviser le nombre de réponses positives/le nombre de réponses total, puis de le multiplier par 100. Below is a list of important KPIs for customer service evaluation and acquiring actionable feedback. Par téléphone, le délai d’attente peut faire référence au délai d’attente avant mise en relation avec un conseiller ou au délai d’attente avant résolution du problème. Le CSAT est un bon indicateur pour mesurer la satisfaction client mais il peut être limité si l’on ne cherche pas à connaître les raisons des insatisfactions. As its name implies, this addresses the challenge of strategy execution. First Call Resolution is a KPI for call center that measures the rate of issue resolution in the first interaction. Le NPS vous permet de classer vos clients en trois catégories : Le Net Promoter Score se calcule à partir du pourcentage de promoteurs auquel on soustrait le pourcentage de détracteurs. Il existe plusieurs types de délai d’attente selon le canal de communication. When making customer satisfaction your customer service KPI, it’s important to remember that they’re not solely responsible for this metric. And how you engage with them shows whether you value their business. Long wait times contribute to more frustrated customers and a potential dip in customer support quality. A high turnover rate can be a huge hindrance to the efficiency of offices and call centers. Pour mieux appréhender la question du délai d’attente, un centre d’appels peut calculer plus globalement la DMT ou Durée Moyenne de Traitement, qui englobe la durée nécessaire pour le traitement d’une demande d’un contact (temps d’attente avant de décrocher l’appel + temps effectif de communication avec le conseiller + traitement post-appel pour finaliser le traitement de la demande). Au-delà du suivi de votre satisfaction client, la mesure des KPIs vous guidera dans l’optimisation de la gestion de votre service client : vos effectifs sont-ils suffisants pour gérer le volume d’appels ? But how do you maintain a high level of customer support throughout your organization? In your customers’ eyes, choosing to contact your business is an important investment of their time. It can also help to review specific complaints to see what they’re about. To do this effectively, you need to be dialled into the latest metrics and KPIs such as current service level, call volume and call resolution rates. 1. The FCR is an important call center kpi that can help improve CX. First-call resolution Further to add, it is a modern solution to monitor and track in an accessible way. En mesurant le taux de décroché, c’est-à-dire, la proportion d’appels traités par rapport au volume total d’appels entrants, vous pourrez suivre l’évolution de l’efficacité de votre service client. FCR is often seen as the cornerstone of call center KPI’s. This metric helps managers plan expected revenue with set targets and current progress, while also giving them a view into how valuable an effective call can be for the team. Studies show that customers usually rely on phone calls to resolve questions that are urgent or complicated. Certains d’entre eux sont d’ailleurs des critères nécessaires à l’obtention de la certification NF Service Relation Client encadré par l’Afnor. Read more: 14 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a SaaS Call Center in 2020. Customer Service KPI’s are one of the best ways to help track and improve customer experience across the board. ». Ils sont d’ailleurs pris en compte dans l’obtention de la certification NF 345 sur la relation client. Knowing how many calls are answered within a time frame is critical. Le taux de résolution au premier contact, également appelé “First Contact Resolution” (FCR) est un indicateur essentiel pour mesurer la performance de votre service client. Vos techniques de formations sont-elles adaptées pour maximiser la performance des agents de votre call center ? Call center KPIs offer insight into your agents’ interactions with customers. Your call center operates in a stressful environment where you need to manage thousands of calls each hour while maintaining a high standard of customer services. What is KPI in a call center? This quantity is closely related to Service Level — an important KPI for inbound call centers. Depending on your type of business, we’ve broken down some of the most valuable types of call center KPIs worth monitoring to get the most out of their metrics. Measuring customer satisfaction is hard. The better your average NPS, the better your call center ROI is likely to be. Identifying and measuring the right customer service KPIs or metrics help businesses to monitor and analyze customer relations by considering their overall journey. Related: Call Center Administrator, Customer Service Administrator, Client Services Administrator, Call Center Workforce Analyst, Workforce Management Specialist. Des KPI Call Center spécifiques pour chaque service KPI Call center en emission d’appels: Tout d’abord, en émission d’appel, les indicateurs de performance à suivre mesurent l’atteinte des objectifs de prospection et de vente. This means that a customer’s issue almost certainly has not been resolved. Customer Service Balanced Scorecard vs. KPI Scorecard. versus the total appointed time. Customers have a strong desire to have their inquiries resolved during the first call. Les réponses peuvent également se présenter sous forme de chiffres ou étoiles par exemple. If there’s one thing to avoid in sales, it’s missing a call from a potential buyer because their waiting time was too long. Certains d’entre eux sont d’ailleurs des critères nécessaires à l’obtention de la certification, Au-delà du suivi de votre satisfaction client, la mesure des KPIs vous guidera dans l’optimisation de la gestion de votre service client : vos effectifs sont-ils suffisants pour gérer le volume d’appels ? If your development team doesn’t react on reported bugs quickly enough or your marketing campaigns are way too aggressive and annoying, this will quickly show in your customer satisfaction reports. Simple à utiliser. If you’re planning on monitoring the KPI’s for an inbound call center, there are some classic metrics you’ll need to keep an eye on. Simply put, a Key Performance Indicator is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively an organization is achieving key business objectives. Without a motivated and happy team, the rest of your metrics are sure to suffer. The most popular KPI for measuring customer satisfaction is the CSAT. This metric can help you improve your efficiency through more streamlined workforce management and better agent utilization to get the most out of your workflow. Cet indicateur peut égaler varier selon la perception du client. Though call centers have standard measures for customer calls, their clients also set their metrics to track and … C’est l’outil de mesure de base pour un responsable de la relation client. In order for the efficiency of the call center to grow, each operator needs to be interested in personal growth. Service level. There is a wide variety of call center KPIs that can be tracked, measured, and optimized. There is no right or wrong answer to how long you want your call length to be. KPI customer satisfaction; KPI quality of service; financial KPI and others. Anyway back to call centre metrics and KPIs. For these operations, it’s vital that you keep KPI’s that are more customer service based, as they will help you interpret the level of customer satisfaction with the call. This metric helps managers identify how much time an agent spends actually speaking to your customers. Taux de résolution au premier contact (RPC), Le taux de résolution au premier contact, également appelé “, Le taux de résolution au premier contact mesure la capacité de vos agents à satisfaire une demande d’un clien, Le CSAT est l’un des principaux KPIs en Customer Service, si ce n’est le plus important puisqu’il indique le degré de satisfaction de vos clients. Key performance indicators (KPI) in a call center is a set of metrics determined to ensure good customer service. They help you see if customers can reach you quickly and if they get their most-pressing problems solved promptly. For example, high-level KPIs may focus on the overall performance of the business, while low-level KPIs may focus on processes in individual departments or teams. This KPI measures how long the agent isn’t managing contacts – meaning they’re not available for calls, not wrapping, and not previewing a new call. Facile à installer. Being able to solve a query or concern on those first incoming calls from a customer decreases the need to go through several channels and will increases the positivity of the customer interactions. Le CSAT est l’un des principaux KPIs en Customer Service, si ce n’est le plus important puisqu’il indique le degré de satisfaction de vos clients. This is a measurable KPI for customer service that helps to highlight issues in the service team. Customers appreciate having their issues solved right away and resolving them in a call only drives satisfaction and saves the call center’s resources. KPIs for Customer Service Call Center Dashboard Report contains the complete collection of KPIs that pre-populate the Inbound Call Center Performance Dashboard. Formula: Total Wait Time for All Calls ÷ Total Number of Calls. Connectée à vos outils. Cet indicateur se mesure généralement sur une échelle de 1 à 5 (très faible à très élevé). Il est impératif de réagir rapidement pour créer un lien de confiance entre votre marque. For this, they need to know the call center KPI metrics by which their work is assessed and their salary is calculated. Looking into the quality and efficiency of agent’s calls gives you a lot of helpful data, so you know where to improve performance. (Source: American Express)Average Abandonment Rate by industry: 1. Customers’ initial contact with a call center has a strong influence on customer perceptions. Missed calls are important to take into consideration, especially if your team has been struggling with that metric for a while. If a query has been sitting around in your queue for several hours or days (depending on your CX practices), your customers are bound to be unhappy. Voici nos recommandations pour piloter plus efficacement votre stratégie et atteindre vos objectifs de gestion de la relation client. It monitors and reports the status of customer call center key performance values. Autre indicateur indispensable pour mesurer votre performance en relation client est le “Customer Effort Score” soit, Pour mieux appréhender la question du délai d’attente, un centre d’appels peut calculer plus globalement la DMT ou Durée Moyenne de Traitement, qui englobe, Si la recherche d’efficacité d’un call center tend à diminuer les durées de traitement, il faut veiller à ne pas réduire la DMT au détriment de la qualité du service perçu par le client. Call center KPIs for Customer Service. Keeping track of the number of calls answered is a great metric for several reasons. Why does this call center KPI matter? These KPI’s will help capture the internal workings and productivity measurements of your performance. Inbound call center leads created; Inbound call center opportunities created; Inbound calls handled; Inbound calls handled per agent hour; Inbound service level; Number of complaints; Percentage of customer service requests answered in given timeframe; Percentage of calls transferred; Total calling time per day/week/month According to a study conducted by The Ascent Group, 60% companies that measured their FCR for at least 12 months were able to improve FCR by up to 30%. Pause/break time is the ultimate productivity measure that won’t interfere with important conversations. Keeping a happy customer costs less than inciting a new prospect to your business and by being able to view your retention levels, you can ensure that your call center helps the business to … Customer satisfaction is everything. For instance, support-driven teams place a much higher emphasis on how they measure the average wait time compared to sales teams. For these operations, it’s vital that you keep KPI’s that are more customer service based, as they will help you interpret the level of customer satisfaction with the call. L’impossibilité de joindre un service client est naturellement un facteur de frustration et d’insatisfaction très important. In fact, 77% of customers say that valuing their time is the most important thing companies can do to deliver good service. By having managers benchmark and establish the call center KPI’s (key performance indicators) worth tracking for their team. Autre indicateur indispensable pour mesurer votre performance en relation client est le “Customer Effort Score” soit l’effort fourni par le client à un certain moment de son parcours pour que sa demande soit traitée. Similarly to the first-call resolution metic, this KPI can give you good insight to your level of customer service. We all know that good customer experiences are key to reducing churn and maintaining a healthy and thriving business in the modern age. Anything from 9 to 10 can be considered a promoter, 6 to 8 are passive and 0 to 6 are detractors. These could include: 1. Perhaps the customer needs to be escalated to a different level of service to handle the concerns they are having. Cet indicateur vous permettra notamment d’anticiper les comportements de vos clients. Il est souvent mesuré en posant la question : “Avez-vous été satisfait par le service de nos conseillers ?”, “Êtes-vous satisfait de notre équipe support ?”. First call resolution (%) – Being able to resolve the customer’s query/concern on the first call made. You’re asking your customers to express an emotion, and emotions are harder to grasp than objective facts, such as the sales department's financial KPIs. This shows that you’re trying to help and want the issue to be resolved. It is the average number of calls that were disconnected before the caller was routed to an agent. An NPS—or Net Promoter Score—is a customer service metric that tracks customer loyalty to a specific brand or service. Call Quality. The template is relevant to customer service teams, to help generate a 360-degree customer-centric view. Keeping your agents happy in their work environment is key to avoiding high turnover (here are some great tips!). Le taux de résolution au premier contact mesure la capacité de vos agents à satisfaire une demande d’un client sans avoir à réitérer la prise de contact. Additionally, while measuring this metric, you also get an idea of another KPI- how fast your team is at responding to incoming calls. Key customer service metrics and KPIs to improve the bottom line. Failing to resolve them in a timely manner could be a sign that your team needs further support and training. Afin de bien mesurer l’efficacité de votre service client, il est essentiel de réaliser un suivi régulier de certains KPIs ou Indicateurs Clés de Performance (ICP). In particular, it is a simple and efficient customer call center KPI dashboard. Si la recherche d’efficacité d’un call center tend à diminuer les durées de traitement, il faut veiller à ne pas réduire la DMT au détriment de la qualité du service perçu par le client. This KPI provides managers with insight into their team’s performance by monitoring multiple metric. Call Center Status Metrics. Outbound call center teams that focus on sales have a different focus than support teams. Simple to set up. les détracteurs (0-6) : vos clients qui peuvent potentiellement nuire à la réputation de votre entreprise. Ultimately, KPIs provide a focus on operational improvement and create a firm analytical foundation for decision-making. Pour avoir un bon aperçu de la qualité de votre service client, le délai d’attente est également un excellent indicateur. Le taux de décroché est très souvent associé au temps d’attente pour mesurer l’efficacité d’un centre d’appels et donc la satisfaction client. Waiting too long to return the call, (often resulting in the customer trying to call you back) can result in decreased loyalty from your customers and eventually customer churn. The time it takes your sales reps to answer a call is a useful metric that can be used to support your team. Pour le mesurer le plus efficacement possible, il est important de demander clairement au client si sa demande a bien été résolue avant de conclure l’appel. Call Centre KPI’s need data and the good news is there is more than enough data and call centre KPIs to choose from in a contact centre! Afin de bien mesurer l’efficacité de votre service client, il est essentiel de réaliser un suivi régulier de certains KPIs ou Indicateurs Clés de Performance (ICP). Call Center KPI Descriptions Time to Answer: This is a measurement, usually expressed in seconds, of the time from when a call is received until it is answered by an agent. A nirvana for most customer service centres, but much more difficult to achieve in real life. Call Center Shrink Rate – The percentage of time (in hours) that Contact Center agents spend away from the phone and not available to receive calls (including breaks, holidays, meetings, etc.) Le téléphone est le premier moyen de communication utilisé par les clients pour contacter une entreprise. They are much more likely to … Regardless of if you’re using an in-house support team, or a contact center location, it’s vital to be able to track your metrics. Votre workflow de gestion des appels est-il optimal ? Here are the other big KPIs and metrics for sales-driven teams that differ from support or service driven teams: The conversion rate for sales teams measures how many phone calls on average it takes to close a deal or make a sale. Easy to use. Taux de résolution au premier contact (RPC) Le taux de résolution au premier contact, également … De garantir la satisfaction de votre client are urgent or complicated several Reasons ’ évaluer sur une de! Impossibilité de joindre un service client est naturellement un facteur de frustration d. Qualité de votre service client est naturellement un facteur de frustration et d ’ fourni! Choosing to contact your business is an important investment of their time and their salary is calculated ’ attente également... Teams, to help improve the sales methods the team uses to when reaching out to.. Dans un contexte omni-canal actionable feedback productivity measure that won ’ t interfere with conversations! 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