Is it hot where you are? HOWEVER … she might be acting strange because she’s ill and so it’s important for you to take her to a ferret vet and have her checked out! Savannah, I don’t know what is wrong with your boy but he *might* have a blockage and if that’s the case, you MUST get him to a ferret vet ASAP! A few days ago he had a bunch of fleas, so I bathed him and put a topical flea medicine on him I got from the vet- which has solved the problem. 1/4 teaspoon organic UNREFINED coconut oil She is my best friend. But what has me really concerned is the fact that she is very lathargic and doesn’t want to play. I also hope the vet will be able to fix him up and he carries on for many more years! Im really concerned. This is quite normal and he will grow a thicker coat before winter. Click on the image to visit the store. I have recently bought a baby ferret to keep him company and he seemed to really like her but I don’t know if her presence has changed things either. No hair loss. So, went to the vet yesterday and of course he is out of town. Drooling could mean insulinoma and if she gets put on pred, that would help her system balance out so that she improves but only a vet will be able to tell you if it’s that or not., Re the hair loss – please take your little one to a ferret vet to get checked out as there are things which can help your girl live a relatively happy life despite having that wretched disease! If you don’t have anything for ferrets, then you can use unflavoured Pedialyte and add half Pedialyte and half room temperature water. ‍♀️ He is still drinking water, and playing with my other pets, however his bones are much more prominent- so I’m very concerned. I would be happy to give you a list of supplements to give him in a daily smoothie (and your other ferrets would love the smoothie too!) But since i got home from work yesterday every time I let her out of the cage she goes to this one place and curls up on one of my blankets and just sleeps. He peed and pooped. … Also, he has had some diarrhea. It helped with the dog, where I would just run the shower on hot for 10ish minutes. I am calling her vet first thing in the morning. She has recently displayed a SEVERE loss of appetite, difficulty breathing (she often heaves), is lethargic, and has lost some of her coloring. If your ferret immediately perks up and has lots of energy, they have low blood sugar, which is a symptom of adrenal disease, lymphoma, ECE, or insulinoma. We think he may have gotton stuck in the - Answered by a verified Pet Specialist. I hope it’s nothing serious but if it is something contagious, that would mean your other ferrets are at risk of getting sick and/or dying When I picked her up she was clenching my arm but is usually relaxed.She was also Trembling and very weak. While this bit of body language looks … She was fine this morning but when I got home from work today is when I noticed it. Hi Dinah Cheers He really needs to see a vet so please get him to one as soon as possible! I hope there is nothing wrong with her and she’s back to her usual happy self by the time you read this! A couple of days later they let me take her home I noticed on my way home she was a he and that he was infested with ticks. Good luck! My ferret is very lethargic and twitches. I hate seeing her hurting. I have two ferrets [One 4 or 5; The other 5 or 6] and the younger one seems to be lethargic. When he eats he lays down. When I tried to cool him down with semi warm water he started to sieze. I don’t know very much about ferrets, as this is my first, so this might seem silly or insignificant. BTW. They all have messed up fur. My rescue boys both had little coughs when I first got them but one of them started coughing quite a bit so I was concerned. Hi A few drops of astaxanthin Petco has a free vet services for animals purchased from them Put that in a jug and mix it well with an electric blender. Please don’t hesitate to get back to me if you need any further information or suggestions and I hope all goes well with your new boy and he enjoys a long and very happy life with you and your 3 musketeers! ❤️ She perked up for the first time last night but only for a few minutes. The composition and initial evaluation of a grimace scale in ferrets after surgical implantation of a telemetry probe – Scientific Figure on ResearchGate. This is a common disorder in ferrets and, depending on the underlying cause, it can be treated. If you haven’t, I’ve put the URL to my Vets pages so hopefully you’ll find someone nearby to take her to! However if she’s not herself then I strongly suggest you take her to a ferret vet for a check-up. I wouldn’t worry too much about her not pooping where she should as it seems to be a ferret thing. 2 days ago she was fine but today she can’t walk, shivering, has lost alot of weight, poo is black and softer and smaller than usual and really looks like she’s dying. She was definitely dehydrated. It’d be best for you to take her to the vet for a check up. Andrew, please take your girl to a ferret savvy vet AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! ~Nona. Take a look at this page, which has photos of different kinds of poop at the end, and see if you can recognise what her poop is like. Other causes of sleeping too much in ferrets: // ?? She tried standing on her feet this morning about 5 am and was lifting her head which she wouldn’t do last night . I have a female ferret that is about 3 1/2 months old, normally she is very hyper and playful and a bitter. He’s still scratches a lot and doesn’t do much other then sleep in his cage or lay there with his eyes completely open. You can get sachets of electrolytes from the vet or maybe even from a pet store but if you can’t get one from those places, you can use unflavoured Pedialyte for kids. Hugs to your little girl from my guys I hope your vet can help to figure out what the problem was and I hope she’s fully back to normal I notice her litter box is Empty and remembered I just changed her food. Do you have a good vet to take her to? Another thing you need to do is try to get her to eat some high protein foods … My energetic and curious one-year-old ferret, Penelope usually enjoys spending her days prancing around the house and chasing after toys nonstop, however, that changed recently. Oh Alyssa, I really don’t know what to say about your little girl throwing up. pooped and peed. My roommate said she heard him screaming saying it’s seizures I got a ferret from a friend of mine. Hair loss on the tail is a sign of adrenal gland disease You can read more about it and what you can do for your ferret on this page …, He is eating, drinking, and pooping fine. A: Normal ferrets sleep 14 hours per day. He is very lethargic and when he walks he usually just falls over. What are the symptoms of ferrets with upper sesperatory infection? You may need to feed him ferret soup with a syringe. Ferrets are great at hiding their illnesses and a lot of owners have said their ferret was fine one day then really sick the next Hugs to your girl from her new furry friends from down under ❤ ferret was running and playing fine. Turns out she has an infection which I already knew and I am not a vet. Of course, having said that it might be a blockage I could be way off mark. What could i do? Is this normal for ferrets to sneeze and make that noise? Please help! I just got them 3 months ago form a lady online who was gonna put him and his brother down because she didn’t want them. ~Nona, Hey I have a male ferret I don’t know his age exactly I got him from a family online but he fell out the cage about a month ago n now for the past couple of days he’s hasn’t been eating or drinking he only drink when I hold his neck but starts foaming out his mouth he does eat at all poop or pees he doesn’t play he has no balance he falls n he’s just laying sleeping all the time n looking at me he has foam coming out sometimes n he has a noise like he’s congested is my ferret dying ???? Unfortunately my vet is away on vacation for 3 weeks so I’ve made an appointment to see her when she’s back so I can’t tell you what she said. We've designed some great clothing for ferret lovers! I’m sorry but I have no idea if anything is wrong with your little girl or not Zelma, I’ve found a couple of sites which talk about respiratory issues in ferrets. I want to take my boy to my vet mainly for my own peace of mind – he doesn’t sneeze or make odd noises often but when he does, I get worried! I totally understand why you don’t want to return him to Petco – I think he’d be put down if he were returned to them Not sure what to do for her this time of night. How long will it take for her to recover? Here's one for example. Cheers I must say that I don’t know what is wrong with your boy. I also noticed that he had started to lose a significant amount of weight and was dehydrated. Still eats/drinks normally. and try to get him to put some weight on …,, Another thing which I think would be good for him is a daily smoothie of no lactose milk, one egg yolk and a squirt of Astaxanthin, all mixed well and served at room temperature If you have other ferrets, they too would benefit from having it with your boy. What causes excessive sleeping in ferrets? I have moved her to a room away from the other pets to let her relax and not get to cold. I dust the room regular, and keep it vacuumed really well .she was doing it when I brought her home .and when she gets in my ear it sounds like her little nose is stuffed up.maybe I’m freaking out a little ,she’s not due for a checkup till next month .is there something I can do for her ? ), he’ll get to be the big strong boy he should be! By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have … My ferret fell yesterday and hasn’t been quite the same. Thank you for responding. She had a fever of 106.5. We are supposed to call the vet if she is still looking ill, but the next step is exploratory surgery which is really pricey. Hugs ❤️ Her poop also looks a little runny, dark brown with bits of lighter brown and their isnt much of it. I have 4 year old panda Marshall ferret. Pray she makes it through. My ferret is suddenly lethargic, off balance, and may be bleeding from the ear. I’m sure if there was something wrong with his chest my vet would have picked it up the last time I took him so I would suggest that you shouldn’t worry about it and just tell your vet when she has her check up! His fur felt dampish to me and his eyes were kinda watery as well as his poor little pink nose which was warm. I hope so! He could have juvenile lymphoma or it could be a reaction to the topical flea medicine you put on him. His heartbeat is faster as well. This may be followed by vocalizations, (The ferret can make sounds varying from a noise like a hiccup to screeches and screams. Wishing you the best of luck on getting Lily better. I hope she didn’t go outside Please get a squeaky toy and squeak it to see if she’s found a special sleeping spot in your house. However I do understand that ferrets can go downhill very quickly so if she is ill, then it’d be a good idea to take her for another check up! He also won’t eat or drink anything now so I had to force him to drink water. ~Nona. Any ideas if there something more wrong with him then just having the ear mites now that everything else is gone? So sorry I can’t give you a definite answer but I do hope what I’ve said will help :/ If the vet does give your ferret pred, please think about getting milk thistle to help protect its liver as much as possible! I would strongly advise you take Burt to the vet to find out what is the matter with him. So i am wondering where could she be and is everything i explained about them even normal? I’m just so worried over her. I assume you’ve heard it? When you mentioned that he looks dizzy and that his head wobbles, the first thing I thought of was insulinoma , Please read up about the symptoms and see if they fit what your boy is showing. Hugs to your sick baby! Any ferret over 3 is prone to a lot of diseases. It could be something she ate, it could be a sign of something serious – is she still throwing up or was it just those two occasions? Get no lactose milk (about 150mls), add one egg yolk, and the supplement I would recommend is Astaxanthin but get a good quality brand as some of the cheaper brands are useless., If you are happy that the food you’re giving them is one of the best brands, then I would not change them back to their old food. Bowel movements are normal. Hugs to your duo from their new friends down under You sound like a great ferret owner so I hope you’ll be thinking of filling that empty ferret-shaped hole in your heart with another one! She had hard crust around her nostrils and had feces stuck in her anus. Cheers I just bought my ferret a new cage, she had adjusted well, and I noticed that she had thrown up in 2 places in one day, she had also been itching a bit however, she is in need of a bath soon, is she sick or could her stomach have gotten too excited if she ate too much causing her to throw up? ~Nona. ~Nona. Oh Tamara, I wish I could tell what is wrong but I’m sorry, I really don’t know what could be the matter with your little girl ~Nona, Hello i was wondering if I could have some advise my babyboy is really suck and I don’t know what to do about it he won’t eat or drink all he wants to do is lay around and he will lick an icecube and that is it and he has lost wait so much and he is losing his fear and I don’t have the money to go to the vet for him. I did change their food recently and noticed they arent eating as much. Took her back to the vet the same day and they said it was possible heat exhaustion from the car ride. The vet can’t see me for two days and I’m going to pull my hair out until then. Mind you this is three hours away one way. His sto … read more. I have no idea what could have happened to him when he fell but it doesn’t sound good if he can’t eat or drink on his own Oh Googley … I have fingers, toes, arms and legs crossed that your little lady gets better soon. With my clothes but as of yesterday i have not seen my second ferret and ahe has not came out at all to deink or eat and my house is ferret proof and i can not find her. then 20 minutes later he went in cage with sudden lethargy and inability to walk with just falling. The case of vomiting in ferrets is sometimes difficult to diagnose as the symptom can result from many ferret health abnormalities. However maybe it’s nothing to do with heartworm Maybe he has problems with his heart. My ferret seems lethargic and weak, and she isn’t able to walk. Hugs to your little baby from her new friends down under You aren’t replacing your first boy – he will always have a special place – but you’re just carrying on with your love for these special little critters! God bless her heart. She dosent look sick. MY FERRET IS SICK. Any ferret over 3 is prone to a lot of diseases. Maybe it’s just bad dreams?!?! Or jist really calm ferrets? INSULINOMA. The thing is that when ferrets want to do their weasel wardance, they often go backwards with an arched back and can fall over if they are being silly. We only have one ferret but our ferret has never acted lethargic before this. We got our ferret from Petco 4 years ago. Are there any suggestions you might consider? At least that will give him some goodness. Wishing you the best of luck and sending your boy lots of healing vibes ❤️ I rescued a female ferret from an abusive home 2 months ago and I don’t know her medical history but since this morning she’s had constant bloody diarrhea and vomits up whatever I try and feed her. She can still drink when I give her water using a syringe. Took him to the vet and after an xray and ultrasound, they told me what it was Any changes in her appetite? ~Nona. He didn't eat much since then, however he is drinking water every time I offer him some. My male ferret is about 3 1/2 yrs old and has recently been acting lethargic and not interested in anything going on, which is definitel y not like him. Keep a close eye on the amount your ferret eats. ~Nona. Cheers Also take a look at my pages about Blockages and see if your boy has the symptoms I listed …, It’s ESSENTIAL to make sure your boy is getting as much goodness into his little body as possible while he’s waiting to see the vet so please do make sure you get electrolytes into him and, if you can find the pure pumpkin, see if he’ll eat some of that. *IF* your vet says that it is juvenile lymphoma that your boy has, then I would recommend you get Essiac from iHerb as I believe it will help him. She’s resting right now and everything has seemed to calm down, but I’m really worried about her. More information here …, She has been like this for about 45 minutes. Cassandra, you MUST take him to a ferret vet ASAP! Hi Ruth Vet doesn’t open till 9 am. He has weight loss though, as I could feel his bones when picking him up. ~Nona. ~Nona. Also make sure you can give your vet as much information as possible about how different your ferret is acting or feeling, and the condition it’s in, to help with diagnosing the problem. I would seriously urge you to take him to a (ferret) vet to get checked over so that you know precisely what’s wrong. He went from happy and playful to squinty-eyed and lethargic faster than you can count to 10. However if you are worried, I can only suggest that you take her to a ferret knowledgement vet to get checked over in case she does have something wrong with her. In fact, humans can give the … Is it okay if my ferret’s tail sticks up all the time, not just when he’s doing his business? Hope your litte girl is back to normal now and it was only a little “blip” Today I got up and noticed my 4 year old ferret was acting abnormally. If you haven’t got one, please take a look at my vets page so that you can perhaps find one close to you. 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