The issues related to disclosing the vulnerability information to the affected parties, however, have only been treated as a side note in prior research. A botnet is a network of compromised machines under the control of an attacker. In this study, we identified 6,167 unique vulnerabilities distributed over 480 domains, showing that 9,6% of the examined sites carry at least one DOM- based XSS problem. Partner. Seeing these results, we pinpoint future directions in improving security notifications. In combination with a taint-aware browsing engine, we can therefore collect important execution trace information for all flaws. Cross-site Scripting (XSS) ist eine weit verbreitete Verwundbarkeitsklasse in Web-Anwendungen und kann sowohl von server-seitigem als auch von client-seitigem Code verursacht werden. Given the success of the Web platform, attackers have abused its main programming language, namely JavaScript, to mount different types of attacks on their victims. In particular, a standard trained classifier has over 99.7% false-negatives with HideNoSeek inputs, while a classifier trained on such samples has over 96% false-positives, rendering the targeted static detectors unreliable. For this, we comprehensively survey existing communication channels and evaluate their usability in an automated notification process. We observe that a third of the surveyed sites utilize dynamic JavaScript. One of the worst attacks on the Web is Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), in which an attacker is able to inject their malicious JavaScript code into a Web application, giving this code full access to the victimized site. Ben Stock, CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security Benny Pinkas, VMware Research, Bar Ilan University Bimal Viswanath, Virginia Tech Blase Ur, University of Chicago Brad Reaves, North Carolina State University Brendan Dolan-Gavitt, NYU Brendan Saltaformaggio, Georgia Institute of Technology In addition, we can hide on average 14 malicious samples in a benign AST of the Alexa top 10, and 13 in each of the five most popular JavaScript libraries. (2015/2016), Best German Bachelor Thesis (CAST e.V.) In this paper, we leverage the unique vantage point of the Internet Archive to conduct a historical and longitudinal analysis of how CSP deployment has evolved for a set of 10,000 highly ranked domains. Alley Stoughton, Boston University. The direct client-side inclusion of cross-origin JavaScript resources in Web applications is a pervasive practice to consume third-party services and to utilize externally provided libraries. We thus propose recommendations for web developers and browser vendors to mitigate this issue. “Call to Arms: a Tale of the Weaknesses of Current Client-Side Xss Filtering.”, Stock, Ben, Sebastian Lekies, and Martin Johns. Finally, we argue that any (current or future) defensive system based on TTL values can be bypassed in a similar fashion, and find that future research must be steered towards more fundamental solutions to thwart any kind of IP spoofing attacks. Inspired by my PhD advisor Felix Freiling, since May 2020 I am introducing d for my inbox. Based on these findings, we then assess the advent of corresponding vulnerability classes, investigate their prevalence over time, and analyze the security mechanisms developed and deployed to mitigate them. To demonstrate this, we conduct a thorough analysis of the current state-of-the-art in browser-based XSS filtering and uncover a set of conceptual shortcomings, that allow efficient creation of filter evasions, especially in the case of DOM-based XSS. Botnets are the driving force behind several misuses on the Internet, for example spam mails or automated identity theft. 2017. (2015/2016), Best German Bachelor Thesis (CAST e.V.) 2020. The current generation of client-side Cross-Site Scripting filters rely on string comparison to detect request values that are reflected in the corresponding response’s HTML. Furthermore, we analyze the fundamental problem which allows DNS Rebinding to work in the first place: The SOP’s main purpose is to ensure security boundaries of Web servers. From the archived data, we first identify key trends in the technology deployed on the client, such as the increasing complexity of client-side Web code and the constant rise of multi-origin appli- cation scenarios. Our proposed approach has a low false positive rate and robustly protects against DOM-based XSS exploits. To understand the reasons behind this, we run a notification campaign and subsequent survey, concluding that operators have often experienced the complexity of CSP (and given up), utterly unaware of the easy-to-deploy components of CSP. Motivated by our findings, we propose an alternative filter design for DOM-based XSS, that utilizes runtime taint tracking and taint-aware parsers to stop the parsing of attacker-controlled syntactic content. Yixin Sun, University of Virginia. Finally, we observe that the rising security awareness and introduction of dedicated security technologies had no immediate impact on the overall security of the client-side Web. We successfully implemented our extended SOP for the Chromium Web browser and report on our implementation’s interoperability and security properties. Prior to that, I was a research group leader and previously postdoctoral researcher at the Center for IT-Security, Privacy and Accountability at Saarland University in the group of Michael Backes. We show the pitfalls of email-based communications, such as the impact of anti-spam filters, the lack of trust by recipients, and hesitations to fix vulnerabilities despite awareness. This can be exhibited in increased vulnerabilities such as Client-Side Cross-Site Scripting (Lekies, Stock… Our experiments show that Kizzle produces high-accuracy signatures. “ScriptProtect: Mitigating Unsafe Third-Party JavaScript Practices.” In, Steffens, Marius, Christian Rossow, Martin Johns, and Ben Stock. Motivated by this finding, we propose ScriptProtect, a non-intrusive transparent protective measure to address security issues introduced by external script resources. Finally, we observe that the rising security awareness and introduction of dedicated security technologies had no immediate impact on the overall security of the client-side Web. After treating the notification of affected parties as mere side-notes in research, our community has recently put more focus on how vulnerability disclosure can be conducted at scale. We show the efficacy and the scalability of our approach by reporting on an analysis of 1,854 popular open-source projects, comprising almost 80 million lines of code. Unfortunately, these managers operate by simply inserting the clear-text password into the document’s DOM, where it is accessible by JavaScript. One of the major disturbances for network providers in recent years have been Distributed Reflective Denial-of-Service (DRDoS) attacks. My research interests lie within Web Security, Network Security, Reverse Engineering, and Vulnerability Notifications. In this paper, we leverage the unique vantage point of the Internet Archive to conduct a historical and longitudinal analysis of how CSP deployment has evolved for a set of 10,000 highly ranked domains. 2017. “Efficient and Flexible Discovery of PHP Application Vulnerabilities.” In, Stock, Ben, Bernd Kaiser, Stephan Pfistner, Sebastian Lekies, and Martin Johns. Saarbrücken, Saarland, Deutschland 263 Kontakte 2018. Thus, we conclude that currently no reliable notification channels exist, which significantly inhibits the success and impact of large-scale notification. “DOM-Basiertes Cross-Site Scripting Im Web: Reise in Ein Unerforschtes Land.” In, Stock, Ben, and Martin Johns. ben-stock has 4 repositories available. To achieve this performance, however, such an approach must allow for a tolerance of +/-2 hops. A Longitudinal Analysis of Deployed Content Security Policies.” In, Fass, Aurore, Michael Backes, and Ben Stock. Our attack allows reliable DNS Rebinding attacks, circumventing all currently deployed browser-based defense measures. In combination with a taint-aware browsing engine, we can therefore collect important execution trace information for all flaws. While in its early days, the Web was mostly static, it has organically grown into a full-fledged technology stack. Jonathan Ullman, Northeastern University. Though these client-side security Skip slideshow. Doing so, we automatically generate sensible CSPs for all of the Top 10,000 sites and show that around one-third of all sites would still be susceptible to a bypass through script gadget sideloading due to heavy reliance on third parties which also host such libraries. To allow for a better user experience, much functionality is shifted towards the client. For reproducibility and direct deployability of our modules, we make our system publicly available. Specifically, it replaces benign sub-ASTs by identical malicious ones and adjusts the benign data dependencies–without changing the AST–, so that the malicious semantics is kept after execution. For those sites with vulnerable flaws from storage to sink, we find that at least 70% are directly exploitable by our attacker models. Correlating these results allows us to draw a set of overarching conclusions: Along with the dawn of JavaScript-driven applications in the early years of the millennium, the likelihood of client-side injection vulnerabilities has risen. We present our infiltration of the Waledac botnet, which can be seen as the successor of the Storm Worm botnet. Blase Ur, University of Chicago I am a tenure-track faculty at the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security. Our attack consists of changing the constructs of a malicious JavaScript sample to imitate a benign syntax. To demonstrate this, we conduct a thorough analysis of the current state-of-the-art in browser-based XSS filtering and uncover a set of conceptual shortcomings, that allow efficient creation of filter evasions, especially in the case of DOM-based XSS. We instead propose HideNoSeek, a novel and generic camouflage attack, which evades the entire class of detectors based on syntactic features, without needing any information about the system it is trying to evade. For those sites with vulnerable flaws from storage to sink, we find that at least 70% are directly exploitable by our attacker models. Uncovering the insights which fueled this development bears the potential to not only gain a historical perspective on client-side Web security, but also to outline better practices going forward. Here, we find that CSP can be easily deployed to fit those security scenarios, but both lack wide-spread adoption. Ben Stock: Date Deposited: 14 Feb 2018 12:47: Last Modified: 14 Apr 2020 10:40: Primary Research Area: NRA4: Secure Mobile and Autonomous Systems: URI: ... CISPA is powered by EPrints 3 which is developed by the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton. Thus, all potential security problems in the code directly affect the including site. If a notification report is read by the owner of the vulnerable application, the likelihood of a subsequent resolution of the issues is sufficiently high: about 40%. “Hey, You Have a Problem: On the Feasibility of Large-Scale Web Vulnerability Notification.”, Backes, Michael, Konrad Rieck, Malte Skoruppa, Ben Stock, and Fabian Yamaguchi. We implement our prototype using the latest features of PHP 7, leverage an efficient graph database to store code property graphs for PHP, and subsequently identify different types of Web application vulnerabilities by means of programmable graph traversals. To mitigate the impact of markup injection flaws that cause XSS, support for the Content Security Policy (CSP) is nowadays shipped in all browsers. To that end, we detail how a server can use active probing to learn TTLs of alleged packet senders. In doing so, we document the long-term struggle site operators face when trying to roll out CSP for content restriction and highlight that even seemingly secure whitelists can be bypassed through expired or typo domains. When evaluated over a four-week period, false-positive rates for Kizzle are under 0.03%, while the false-negative rates are under 5%. — Towards More Successful Web Vulnerability Notifications.” In, Stock, Ben, Giancarlo Pellegrino, and Christian Rossow. 2019. Prior to that, I was a research group leader and previously postdoctoral researcher at the Center for IT-Security, Privacy and Accountability at Saarland University in the group of Michael Backes. It is based on a frequency analysis of specific patterns, which are either predictive of benign or of malicious samples. This mismatch is exploited by DNS Rebinding. Before joining CISPA, I was a PhD student and research fellow at the Security Research Group of the University Erlangen-Nuremberg, supervised by Felix Freiling. With our taint-aware browser and these models in mind, we study the prevalence of Persistent Client-Side XSS in the Alexa Top 5,000 domains. Since the early days, the SOP was repeatedly undermined with variants of the DNS Rebinding attack, allowing untrusted script code to gain illegitimate access to protected network resources. In addition, we gain insights into other factors related to the existence of client-side XSS flaws, such as missing knowledge of browser-provided APIs, and find that the root causes for Client-Side Cross-Site Scripting range from unaware developers to incompatible first- and third-party code. Based on data sets of benign and spoofed NTP requests, we find that a TTL-based defense could block over 75% of spoofed traffic, while allowing 85% of benign traffic to pass. From the archived data, we first identify key trends in the technology deployed on the client, such as the increasing complexity of client-side Web code and the constant rise of multi-origin appli- cation scenarios. The number one programming language in Web applications is PHP, powering more than 80% of the top ten million websites. Ben Stock, CISPA Helmholtz Center Billy Melicher, Palo Alto Networks Christo Wilson, Northeastern University Cristian-Alexandru Staicu, CISPA Helmholtz Center Gianluca Stringhini, Boston University Gunes Acar, KU Leuven Jason Polakis, University of Illinois at Chicago Konrad Rieck, TU Braunschweig Kyu Hyung Lee, University of Georgia 2015. “Your Scripts in My Page – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?”, Stock, Ben, Bernd Kaiser, Stephan Pfistner, Sebastian Lekies, and Martin Johns. Marius Steffens. As recently shown by Lekies et al., injecting script markup is not a necessary prerequisite for a successful attack in the presence of so-called script gadgets. Thus, it effectively removes the root-cause of Client-Side XSS without affecting first-party code in this respective. The Content Security Policy (CSP) mechanism was developed as a mitigation against script injection attacks in 2010. In this paper, we evaluate the feasibility of using Hop Count Filtering to mitigate DRDoS attacks. 2019. “JStap: A Static Pre-Filter for Malicious JavaScript Detection.” In, Stock, Ben, Giancarlo Pellegrino, Frank Li, Michael Backes, and Christian Rossow. While the existence of this class has been acknowledged, especially by the non-academic community like OWASP, prior works have either only found such flaws as side effects of other analyses or focused on a limited set of applications to analyze. 2014. “Protecting Users Against XSS-Based Password Manager Abuse.” In, Stock, Ben, Sebastian Lekies, and Martin Johns. However, the Web servers themselves are only indirectly involved in the corresponding security decision. In addition, I enjoy the challenges provided in Capture the Flag competitions and am always trying to get more students involved in them (especially in our local team saarsec). To achieve this we implemented a clone of the Waledac bot named Walowdac. 2015. “From Facepalm to Brain Bender: Exploring Client-Side Cross-Site Scripting.” In, Stock, Ben, Sebastian Lekies, and Martin Johns. 2014. Thus, a successful Cross-site Scripting attack can be leveraged by the attacker to read and leak password data which has been provided by the password manager. Aurore Fass. As part of this experiment, we explored potential alternative notification channels beyond email, including social media and phone. Even though the analysis is entirely static, it yields a high detection accuracy of almost 99.5% and has a low false-negative rate of 0.54%. But, out of 35,832 transmitted vulnerability reports, only 2,064 (5.8%) were actually received successfully, resulting in an unsatisfactory overall fix rate, leaving 74.5% of Web applications exploitable after our month-long experiment. “HideNoSeek: Camouflaging Malicious JavaScript in Benign ASTs.” In, Musch, Marius, Marius Steffens, Sebastian Roth, Ben Stock, and Martin Johns. Furthermore, there is a noticeable gap in adoption speed between easy-to-deploy security headers and more involved measures such as CSP. Furthermore, we analyze the fundamental problem which allows DNS Rebinding to work in the first place: The SOP’s main purpose is to ensure security boundaries of Web servers. In this paper, we systematically examine the feasibility and efficacy of large-scale notification campaigns. We tested its compatibility on the Alexa Top 5,000 and found that 30% of these sites could benefit from ScriptProtect’s protection today without changes to their application code. 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