A Step-by-Step Guide to Close your Above Ground Pool for the Winter Step 1. Now, winterizing your above ground pool is not only for those who want to prepare for winter, but it can also be done by those who want to close their pool for an extended period but do not want to set it up all over again. If you own a 24-foot above-ground pool, you have to take the necessary precautions to protect your pool and filter from the harsh winter weather. 2nd Day Air Shipping and Overnight Shipping not available for chemicals, spas, and other items that normally ship by freight. 4. For more winter pool closing tips, be sure to check out: If you have a light built into your return jet, when you pull out the eyeball, take the light out as well. If water pools on top of your cover, brush it off or use a submersible pump or bucket to remove it. The water inside will freeze and act as a weight. If you've got an idea for an article, feel free to send an email to. Leslie's Soda Ash quickly raises a pool's pH. As summer winds down, it is time to start getting your pool ready for the cold winter months. From balancing the water and preserving thru winter. I'd need to get in the 60* water and lift them up to a helper on the outside to get them out. If you have a pool and happen to reside in or around the Dallas/Fort Worth area, where we get days that average around 59-60° in January, you might think it’s easiest to slide through winter without closing your pool entirely.. Online prices & selection generally match our retail stores, but may vary. Robotic Pool Cleaner Comparison: Our Top 20, Calcium Hardness: follow winter kit instructions. You can now remove both hoses that connect the filter to the pool. Liners are porous, and require a good, hard scouring to remove particles that could promote staining and/or algae growth. And even if you need to make minor repairs to your pool and get the chemicals back in balance after a harsh winter, taking the right steps now can prevent a lot of the larger — and more expensive — headaches. To help protect your pool, adjust the Calcium Hardness to 200-400 ppm using Leslie's Hardness Plus. As summer winds down, it is time to start getting your pool ready for the cold winter months. (Read also: How to Make a Plastic Bottle Garden with Only 5 Easy Steps | DIY Project) Well, those are the simple tutorial on how to winterize an above ground pool that you can add to your regular pool maintenance list now! Disconnect filter hoses For plaster pools, broadcast it around perimeter of your pool. Swimming Pool Closing Step by Step If this is your first time carrying out swimming pool closing for your salt water pool make sure you read all the instructions. Backwash or manually clean the filter. Call Us - 1.800.537.5437. Clean the inside of the skimmer, ridding it of any black residue, and scrub and rinse the entirety of your pool: top rail, uprights, etc. Shop Online
or at any of our 900+ retail stores! An average-sized pool, 18' x 18', typically requires 2-3 air pillows. Before closing your above ground pool, make sure the water is clean, clear and chemically balanced. Use strainer basket as storage for drain plugs Winterizing your pool may seem complicated but, with a little preparation, it can be a very simple and pain-free process. Make sure it overlaps the sides of the pool. 6. Give us a call at 800.772.0467 if you have any questions, or if you need any recommendations on products to properly WINTERIZE your above ground pool! The ideal winter chemical kit contains chlorine shock or non-chlorine shock, and a winterizing algaecide. Place all the drain plugs in the strainer basket of the pump and replace the strainer cover. With your pool now chemically balanced and clean, your equipment and accessories properly disconnected and stored and the air pillow in place, it is time to cover your pool with either a winter pool cover or safety cover. Lay your pool cover above the pool. Adjust the Total Alkalinity level