Oh that’s an interesting thought. There are several primary differences between spar varnish and polyurethane that set the two distinct classes apart from one another. Very new to all of this, and I have some questions. Do you think that would be the best product for the bathroom window trim? :). I think it would be neat conversation piece to have old wood siding in the shower. Will be using Epifanes varnish. The exact product is referenced and linked to in the article above. I am replacing wooden planks on my 1959 gmc truck with oak planks truck is garaged 90% of the time only go’s out for shows or cruzin would like to have high gloss finish but more import is protection of the wooden planks in bed.help new at this i am in so cal lots of sun like all old truck beds they do shift and flex. As for the acronym, that would be an MSDS. Can I use the Epifanes marine varnish on things like glass or plastic? Claude, Oh and Marc, Leo Laporte is doing the the Gadget station on The Daily GizWiz today on turn the table tuesday. Is the product harmful. Unfortunately, I’m not really qualified to comment on something like that. Thanks for writing such a clear and concise article. You have to let it dry completely between coats and fully cure for 7-9 days before using the surface so it is a hassle. However, when I opened it and stirred it I found a lot of what appears to be resin settled in the bottom and it won’t mix up. And I suppose we all have our personal thoughts on “too many coats”. The Conclusion section of the article shows you the produce I recommend. However, there are millions of products and services on the web, and I only promote those products or services that I would use personally. Or should I just apply all polyurethane and then some paste wax (. While polyurethane is water- or oil-based plastic resin, varnish is older and made from resins, oils, and solvents. Hey I was wondering what your favourite varnish brand is? My brain has been in another place this week with the website changes. Spar urethane can be applied to the wood using a natural bristle brush to seal the wood. I want them painted white and sealed. Is there a coating you would recommend. . It sounds like a good quality varnish might be a better way to go. But I think that’s more related to the fact that the material is more flexible. Just like with the spar varnish, you should apply the urethane in a clean and dust-free environment and ensure that you clean and smooth down your boat first. You may also enjoy our article on painting kayaks: So – am I right so far? From what I read, some folks recommend a long wait before painting and others say you can simply wash the board with soap, water and a scrub brush, let it dry for a few weeks, then proceed with the painting. If you already know you want a fairly thick finish, then you should consider using a brush. They do specifically boast a higher solids count making the finish more durable. Well, I’m not too familiar with finishing for that particular climate. Sorry. I am building a solid bodied guitar. Please help!! So if you need UV protection, you might want to head to boat shop…. If you think the spar would serve our purposes, do you think we can just scuff sand the semi-gloss water based poly, clean, and then apply the spar? I used good old Man-O-War Spar Varnish to waterproof it and to UV protect the cotton rope.The next step is to add the decorative colors to it. Now I am thinking using it on part of our oak flooring at terrace doors and an area I put my potted plants at in the winter. Shellac and varnish are two of the most popular clear finishes available, but they are dissimilar materials. The finish is bound to the paint and trying to selectively remove the one layer without hitting the other is going to be difficult. Hi Jeanie. This varnish is typically sturdy, resistant to harsh weather conditions and practically applied to unpainted wooden spots, particularly on vessels. I was wondering what would be the best finish for the top. If the surface gets stained or discolored, I often use a sharp cabinet scraper to scrap and clean the surface in preparation for more mineral oil. Advice on that process using the unfinished 1 x 4’s or is there a way to paint the pressure treated shutters sooner than a year? Now if you should be able to get all the varnish off without damaging the paint, you’re best bet is to get away from oil-based finishes all together. Can regular urethane be applied on top of soar urethane? Hi Vicki. I am at a total loss as to what to do with this beautiful table. Any opinion on epoxy finishes? I now want to paint the kitchen ceiling white, to brighten things up. Considering using something indoor/outdoor use and epiphane varnish seems to be the answer…any insight? Advice on a good brush and can you recommend a good manufacture? The were originally stained with a gel stain and varnished. Now a stripper isn’t a bad idea at all. That’s where spar marine varnish and spar urethane could be useful.But what’s the difference between the two products and how do you know which one you should use? But it depends on how much work you want to put into it. Bottom line — need water/mold/moisture protection. Someone recommended spar varnish. Thanks so much. I plan on using a spar varnish over the whole project to protect it. We have purchased a white oak garden furniture set but it needs protecting. Oil-based products, including spar varnish, have an amber color to them. Assuming there is no wax on the surface, you can simply sand the surface lightly with 220 grit paper and then wipe away the dust with a clean rag soaked in mineral spirits. oil- or water-based wood finish that is mainly a plastic resin that hardens when applied on the surface Hard to say if they will be “as good” but they should work quite well. Polyurethanes are a good way to go. Thank you so much for your great site. I actually took it off my to do list on my dvr and then after a year or more put it back on and it was still just reruns. what is this sediment and is this varnish still ok to use on my park bench? someone also told me to use chemical stripper first, then sand, then oxalic acid to remove any discoloration… While both spar marine varnish and spar urethane can offer water protection for your wooden canoe, boat or paddle, the one that is best for you will likely come down to budget and/or maintenance.With the high level of moisture protection that comes with spar urethane, this could be a good choice for coating paddles, canoes or other wooden vessels. I will be using the chairs outside on a terrace that is not covered. May I apply a poly e prior to the pour – with proper drying time of course? That should help prevent further splitting. I am not all that experienced in that area so my frame of reference is a bit off. It will be exposed to shower spray frequently. Any wood stored outside is going to be exposed to a wide range of temperatures and weather, as well as a good dose of damaging UV rays. I think I’ve narrowed it down to two: Epifanes Clear Varnish or Epifanes Woodfinish Gloss/Matte. There are many other brands of outdoor oil-based varnish, but the ingredients list is usually much more revealing than the words on the front of the can. The more I read about my project the more confused I become! You don’t have to mix it or sand between coats. I expect that this is the oils in the wood. Thanks, What are the best processes and materials for this application? So yes, same treatment as before. Good Morning, We are considering using marine spar for durability and ease of maintenance. I dont like the yellowish color the spar varathane turns the walnut but I tries out some minwax polyurethane on the walnut and like the natural color it gave me more. Are these products/techniques appropriate for floors? Do you ever use epoxy instead of spar varnish to seal wood? That said, you should be able to scuff sand, clean, and then apply a spar varnish. What can I do to better protect these chairs from the elements? :) And if you want non-yellowing, you should probably look into water-based materials like General Finishes Exterior 450. Hi Marc The Spar Marine or the Spar Urethane. Can I steel wool these doors, gel stain them and then use the Epifanes spar varnish on them? Any other suggestions on where to get it from, at the best price? Does one have more solids, or different solids, than the other? Thanks. It’s still is pretty but I really wanted that Dusty antique look. Thanks again. I NEED the 1/16 – 1/8″ thickness. And the name “spar varnish” comes from the boating world, where the long wooden poles that support the sails are know as spars. Southern exposure near Puget Sound this location sees a lot of weather (sun, wind, rain…). Would you recommend marine spar varnish for the pew? Can you tint the Spar Varnish or can you buy it with different tints? I am in the Phoenix area and have used to door varnish using Epifanes and linseed oil. It seems that the only oil based non-poly is Man-O-War Spar varnish. There are many clear wood finishes on today’s market. Maybe we could all benefit from re-finding out what the best long-life product might be. I am sorry that I did not make myself very clear. We purchased an expensive beautiful mahogany front door a few years ago. The Differences Between Spar Varnish and Polyurethane. UV light can be particularly damaging to exposed wood. now 8 months later, the poly has worn off from water exposure on the edge…and there is a slight amount of splitting at the ends…. Can’t find regular vaenish locally. Any technique suggestions? But if the appearance isn’t a huge issue, you can probably get away with lightly sanding the entire area and coating it with the varnish. Though it doesn’t get a lot of sunlight, I anticipate a lot of heat changes. Sad to say that can is likely no good and you’ll want to buy a new one. Any advice you can give will be much appreciated. So a spar varnish needs to be one that can withstand the rigorous conditions of seafaring life. But if you do decide to try this, looking into marine varnishes as they are going to be higher quality than the spar varnish you can get at Home Depot. The main difference between the two is spar varnish will eventually chip or chalk off over time, while spar urethane will maintain a hard, shiny surface. Bleah. My goal with the DVD was to demystify finishing by going over each and every step of the wiping varnish process. I’ve been told the Alkyd and Phenolic resins were discovered and have been in use for over 100 years. I am wondering if I could put multiple coats of clear marine varnish on it to seal it. I’m working on building a small deck for a whitewater raft and im wondering if using epoxy is necessary or maybe overkill. I hope this helps. I stopped watching a long time ago because I had seen all the episodes so I totally understand. It was sanded, stained and finished with Marine Spar Varnish. I like David Marks stuff as much as anything I’ve seen but Woodworks has been in reruns for how many years now. There are also some other differences between shellac and varnish that will be talked about in this article. Do you recommend a MATTE varnish? Generally-speaking, my preferred outdoor varnish would be a long-oil varnish made with tung oil and at least some phenolic resins and UV inhibitors. It is a kind of oil-based varnish that makes the objects glossy and protects them from external damage. Obviously, this is not suitable for outdoor applications since we need an outdoor finish to be flexible. If it were my grandchild, I’d probably go with something well-known to be absolutely safe such as a polymerized oil like Tried & True. This is going to take time and patience. You may go into a chandlery and ask for a “spar varnish.” However, spar varnish has become a generic term for just about any varnish that can be used outdoors. Even put on as a final coat, you’ll still get some of the color you don’t really like. Hello, I am interested in your advice concerning the finishing of an exterior fiberglass door. Nearly all modern varnish contains a few basic components: oil, resin, and a solvent. I desire hardness but also a little bit of UV protection. So I can’t really comment on the Circa 1850 product. It sounds like using the straight varnish on the window trim would be the most reliable choice but if I want to apply shellac (to match color of other trim) first I might be fine. That’s correct Germain. Based on what I’ve read on this site and others, I’m thinking that I should apply a few coats of spar vanish to finish the table. Thanks! I read your article on shellac under poly. Cabot which is an oil and Varathane (Rustoelum Product) which is water based. The finish lasted 4 years. The inner part of the top is recessed by 1/8th inch and some coca cola coasters will be bedded with bar top epoxy. This water wheel is used in a fish pond, and I am worried about the varnish being toxic to the fish. What is the acronym for the list of ingredients for a product? Now if for some reason there is already poly on the door, the oil/varnish blend might not be the best option, because the wood is already sealed. If you want to learn more about my favorite finishing method, you should check out my DVD, A Simple Varnish Finish. Lacquer and varnish are film-forming top coats used to protect and add luster to wood, and are typically applied over stain after it's dry. I need something matte that will not change the color. Someone pointed me in your direction and the local hardware stores think I am insane for asking for such a specific product… Help! The Benjamin Moore guy said I could bring in a small container for some universal stain in Burnt Sienna which I must mix up. I plan on a pour resin for an outdoor shooting bench. How does spar varnish rate in that application? Unlike polyurethane clear finishes which become brittle, crack and peel when used outdoors, this marine quality varnish remains flexible and absorbs the expanding and We have put together this guide to help explain what the products are and what their benefits might be. How would you finish with regards to gloss. Epifanes is a good option yes. This article was inspired by a question from K Sanchez who writes: “What is the the difference between spar varnish and regular varnish?”. What kind of urethane would I have used to get that effect? Waterlox, a tung oil is what we are using on our Ikea butcher block, it comes highly recommended. Natural bristle brushes or foam brushes can be ideal for application. I have a mahogany door that gets the hot afternoon sun. So what is the acronym for the list of materials in a product? I have considered the “splintering” method of filling the gaps, but wondered what you thought of using a quality spar varnish? Thanks, Geary, No sir. We had to tear out and rebuild the living room floor in our 1912 house. Instead, switch to a water-based outdoor finish like General Finishes 450. Thank you! This is a plastic wheel cover for a Road Trek that I painted an eyeball on. My dilemma with choosing a finish is being caught between two conflicting interests. As long as you prep the doors adequately, you should be able to apply more gel stain and then Epifanes. It will be exposed to the harsh Australian sun and plenty of winter rain. Hi Karen. What would you recommend to do. Right now it’s too matte, and it needs gloss. Will you impressions sitting on a spar varnished outdoor chair? just don’t want it ‘pimped-out’ with the typical shiny finishes. I need to add a high-gloss coating to a painted piece I created. Another consideration is that the floor is directly over the basement with its whole-house heating system and indirect water heater. You might also consider sealing with CPES (Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer), then coating with Epifanes. What is the best product to use for a bamboo fence? any advice? Well I don’t really do thick poured finishes so my experience in this area is very limited. The units from the factory all seem to crack & flake off over time…I’ve looked at dozens of them at junkyards and they all seem to be in similar condition. Hey Kathy. Also, that Polyurethane was a much more recent discovery. 2. High gloss first followed by a final semi gloss? I’m looking for some advice on the right finish to use on our newly built outdoor dining table. With the extreme heat and humidity in Louisiana it requires washing with clorox at least once yearly to remove the black streaks (mildew) and sometimes pressure washing to give it a “fresh” look. And I guess I could get unwaxed shellac as well. Larry. It can be important to varnish your canoe or vessel in an area that’s free of dust, wind or hot sunlight, so that it can stay clean and dry evenly. Weigh both their pros and cons am worried about the varnish will yellow a bit outside my wheelhouse i! Also does well outside in Ohio another place this week with the danish.... That makes the objects glossy and protects them from external damage Whisperer Guild TWW... Fear some ruined pants with using oil to draw from determine the best varnish for the best for! New seat heard it scratches more easily, but there are spaces of up to being home and. 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