Dublin Basketball Schedule, Operations Admin I Fedex Salary, Articles A

, Jw | 157,000 Jw , 3 | (, ) 250 , | ?+ /14F , Lg | Diy ( Ee Ef ) , 2021 | 2021 E , , Mbux, , 6450, 166 , | [#] | Ep12 248 , Free | (Eng) ! You can lower the enemy's effective Airspace Control by increasing your total AA stat. All enemy ships sunk. 0.25 Exercises are another form of combat. When this value is reduced mid-sortie under the required value (ex. 1 Most event maps lack this combination of good blueprint designs, a favorable Siren layout, reasonable Hard Mode fleet requirements, and decent XP for a 1:1 fleet. = These critical hits are RNG based. + X + = FinalDamageReduction eHP means Effective Health Pool. As such, you generally want to fight the hardest enemies you can reliably beat without getting any of your ships sunk. i ( LevelAdvantageDamageReduction EquipmentRarity Air Denial { Special barrages may have their own levels. + 0.15 2 ReloadTime Ice-Cold Naengguk, Perfect for the Summer! r 7990 , | 1 !! = After the oxygen runs out, the submarines will surface and stay for 5 additional seconds to fire its deck gun, and then will retreat after that. For more information, refer to Skills. 1 It is also affected by items that reduce this value, notably the SG Radar. Here are some stages of particular interest: All XP here is the maximum possible versus medium fleets: 1.2 from S rank, 1.2 from high Morale, and flagship gets MVP. 200 + ( Failing or retreating from Hard Mode will NOT deduct one of the daily entries. 1 Further heals cost Gems. 3856 , 7177 : " - [ EP.99]"? ( ) DefenderLuck By equipping certain Augment Modules, a vanguard can perform a Slash Attack. Health + eHP is the theoretical effective health pool a ship has. ( 126 , Additionally, Commanders can freely switch between which PR1 ship they would prefer to have the Catch-Up system to be used on. {\displaystyle {\text{TileMovement}}={\begin{cases}2&X\leq 25\\3&25