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I feel like I am not in a bright or open environment, even in blazing sunshine, if the rooms are divided off. After THAT moment at the EMA's earlier this year we're judging Zac may no longer be so afraid of being in the buff in public. Anxiety & Depression Association of America. Agoraphobia, a fear of places or situations that trigger fear or helplessness, is singled out as a particularly common fear with its own unique diagnosis. Arachibutyrophobia Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. So yes to all your questions, There are many dynamics at play here and I know there is much more to this story, so any attempts to explain your sons behaviors would be inaccurate, other than to say he has unresolved issues, is deeply conflicted about himself, his identity, his past and how he can process his emotions. Hi, i have a fear of going somewhere to ask, or fear of asking people in person. i always feel like im drowning when i drink water, this usually causes me to grip things like im trying to save myself. Medorthophobia Fear of an erect penis. So you can imagine what happened when Kylie went out to London Zoo and ventured into the butterfly exhibit. It ' s called peristerophobia. We all behave oddly at times. Katagelophobia Fear of ridicule. My husband helped me learn to cope with my Achluophobia when i was 23 and now it is much easier and i only need a nightlight when i am alone. Ailurophobia Fear of cats. are born. Of course another part is not being able to effectively deal with lose. I have to wash my hands a lot because of it and change my clothes even if I cant see the food on me. I am assuming you experience this, so we know it is real, but it may not be a phobia. Microbiophobia Fear of microbes. Not enough info. Phasmophobia Fear of ghosts. (Baddest of Them All)' on iTunes. my friends dont take this fear seriously and think Im being lazy which really hurts my feelings . On the contrary, if Im the one with the problem Ill wont say anything to a person for months at a time and it gets me super depressed because nothing changes. Oprah Winfrey has a fear of gum, aka "chiclephobia." Get the best of Cracked sent directly to your inbox! Nyctohylophobia Fear of dark wooded areas or of forests at night And when I tell people about it, they think Im crazy. Exposure to the source of the fear triggers an immediate anxiety response. Demi Lovato - Elevators. You may want to see or talk to a professional to see what is going on behind these reactions. Liz, dont get hung up on finding a name for your fear, since the mind can create fears for almost anything. Some phobias are very specific and limited. But i was getting my hair highlighted and it was my mum. I use forget everything so quickly the things like the dress i wear or the people whom I met a day before, the thing is that i don`t even notice the things around me. That doesnt mean your situation is special or that you have some new disorder. doi:10.12688/f1000research.20082.1, Valiente-Gmez A, Moreno-Alczar A, Treen D, et al. Is there a name for it? Hydrophobophobia Fear of rabies. Didaskaleinophobia Fear of going to school. Hedonophobia Fear of feeling pleasure. In a relatively safe world, the part of our brain that alerts us to danger just seems to get bored sometimes. The Fear: Whoopie Goldberg wasn't always petrified of flying. Is there a name for this, I dont know, i decided to coin a name for it because I also have it. Thanks. I ve suffered from it and Ive found nothing about what it really is called. The celebrity is a person well known for his well-knownness. Or considered not intelligent, cause Ive suffered from this. Chaetophobia Fear of hair. I seem to be getting the feeling a lot lately, its like someone is behind me, watching me but I dont want to turn around because opinion scared of what might be there. What is a fear of crying in public called? Dystychiphobia: The fear of accidents. Nicole Kidman. Cyberphobia Fear of computers or working on a computer.. So all it would take is a fall on any city street resulting in eye/gum contact for terminal eye gonorrhea to take hold. He is also afraid of tunnels and driving through them. So yeah . A phobia is an anxiety disorder involving excessive and persistent fear of a situation or object. Botanophobia is not to be mistaken with Boitanophobia, which is the understandable fear of being forced to watch competitive male figure skating. Gephyrophobia or Gephydrophobia or Gephysrophobia Fear of crossing bridges.. is there a fear of having something inside of you? Tetanophobia- Fear of lockjaw, tetanus. Not sure you should be looking for phobia names. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Recent developments in the intervention of specific phobia among adults:Arapid review, EMDR beyond PTSD: A systematic literature review, Current issues in the treatment of specific phobia: Recommendations for innovative applications of hypnosis, Fear related to medical treatments or issues. If this is really an issue, seek counseling. I have this similar fear, or at least an anxiety of it sufficient to curtail nearly all of my social interactions. Contreltophobia Fear of sexual abuse. Theophobia Fear of gods or religion. Not sure you will find a name for this. ". I have a small question that Ive been curious about. She is reported to have been brought to tears when shooting in cemeteries. It's ok Justin, you're still all man to us. Pogonophobia Fear of beards.. Richard I am assuming you mean could there be a reason for having this fear. Fear in a dangerous situation is normal. I dont know if its a phobia or not. Celebrities who have been upfront about suffering from clown phobia include rapper-singer Sean (P.Diddy) Combs, Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe and heartthrob Johnny Depp. He refuses to inhabit a room with furniture built before 1950, which we guess means he has to maintain an entourage of several qualified antique appraisers or carbon-dating specialists. All phobia names have a Greek or Latin origin based off of words that match the subject matter. The celebrity having a phobia of mirrors is Baywatch star Pamela Anderson. Singer-actor Justin Timberlake is believed to be afraid of spiders, snakes and all other creepy crawlers. Urophobia Fear of urine or urinating. Apparently her less-than-fastidious grandmother would store it in rows in the cabinet for safe keeping as well applying it directly to dinner plates during meals. Phagophobia Fear of swallowing or of eating or of being eaten. You do not need a label to seek help and I would encourage you to do so, because this can create a huge burden on all facets of your life. Laliophobia or Lalophobia Fear of speaking. Come, on Swift,the ocean is cool! I cant believe I didnt get arrested. Find someone in your area who can help you, or if that is problematic, feel free to call Designed Thinking at 866-718-9995, i got OCD with stupid tnghis, like not being able to drink from a cup and other stupid stuff like that. Sitting in the back row of a Phish concert, guaranteeing a dozen of these in view at any time: Some of you will say there should be a name for when people aren't afraid of clowns, since this proud lineage of entertainers has long been the object of scorn and outright fear. Not failure. Not sexually its just someone coming really close to you physically.. and is there a fear of people sneezing or coughing or burping or any of these types of stuff? Neopharmaphobia Fear of new drugs.. Please let me know if there are other people out there who suffer from this. It only bothers me when it happens, so it doesnt effect my day to day living. The actual fear. The Hunger Games actress told The Sun, "I get so nervous before going down red carpets particularly after that fall at the Oscars". Lisa, I believe your fear is real, but I do not know what it is called. If someone doesnt think they have a problem, why would they listen to advice from anyone. I am assuming there is one, This would fall under the heading of agoraphobia, which is the fear of large or open places, Depends on whats causing it. (I need it for a story Im writing, its really important for the story line). Carpophobia fear of wrists I have something like that, I think its because of my dreams. I have a fear of everything thats smaller than me and can move faster than me like bugs, reptiles, amphibians, some small mammals but not dogs and cats, Since our nervous systems can fear anything imagined, not everything will have a name, since people put their own unique spin on things. Triskaidekaphobia Fear of the number 13. Look up the Greek word for coat sleeve and put phobia on the end of it and you would have an official name, Is there a fear of someone being able to hear your thoughts, If someone has the fear, then it exists. What does this suggest? Atychiphobia Fear of failure. Who is Katy mixon body double eastbound and down season 1 finale? Lyssophobia Fear of rabies or of becoming mad. I will lay awake for hours & barely move a muscle out of fear of a shadow in a corner . I have to have the tags cut off everything. I dont think its on the list so Im hoping you can help me figure out what it is. This fear most likely can be overcome, but you will have to find someone to work with you, since you probably wouldnt be able to do this on your own. Any fear that can be imagined can be realized. What you want to do is find someone to work with that can help you. Social Phobia Fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations. Maybe there is a level of uncertainty it brings up, but thats just me and I dont have all the info (Baddest of Them All) Kathisophobia Fear of sitting down. Once, when I was in an extracurricular class and it was break time, this guy got up and just randomly started scratching the blackboard, and I ran out of the classroom screeching. You dont need a name for something to work with one. You know we're pretty sure there's evil on top of the surface, too, Johnny. Sigmund Freud had pteridophobia, which is the morbid fear of ferns. Rare phobias may be novel terms coined to identify a single, unique case or fear that occur quite infrequently. I just cant breathe without it. Well you know if you dont do anything, nothing will change. Psychophobia Fear of mind. Linonophobia Fear of string. I wasnt sure but when i typed into the search bar this came up. Staurophobia Fear of crosses or the crucifix. The name of the problem is less important then finding out what is really going on behinf her fears. Ever since then, if I hear a light tapping sound, just barely audible I feel afraid. I was recently told that there is a word for fear of women with fat butts. Does anyone know what the word is? You may be suffering from social anxieties, PTSD or some form of paranoid feelings. If this is an on going issue for you, then you may want to get checked for OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder. I also have this fear, and I was looking for someone who has it also. World Psychiatry. If you have a phobia that only shows its ugly self a few times a year, you may want to question taking meds. Christina Ricci is deathly fearful of being alone in a swimming pool as she believes that a door would open up in its floor and swallow her alive. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I never learned how to say, Oops, I didnt know that! Its amazing how crippling it is. When people treat me important and are really nice . Ligyrophobia Fear of loud noises. I suppose this could be related to clausterophobia, but I have a very hard times with rooms. I think that somehow a little magic door is going to open up and let the shark out.". Aaron is unashamed to be a native Clevelander and the proud driver of a Hyundai Veloster Turbo (which recently replaced his 1995 Saturn SC-2). I get terrified. You may be placing too much emphasis on how people perceive you, What do you call a phobia of not being in control? Is there a phobia name for that? Is there a name for this? Worst case scenario for a lepidopterophobe: Tapinophobia Fear of being contagious. Then that wave came to me again and as Im writing this I feel it now because Im thinking about it. Ive been searching through it over the net, but I cant find one. Im curious is there is such thing as fear of tall men. The fear of public speaking is so common that some researchers have estimated that as much as 77% of people have some level of this fear. What is the phobia of Allah? It all began when the rap diva had to take an escalator for a photo op. Thanks. Emetophobia Fear of vomiting. Hominophobia Fear of men. The English suffixes -phobia, -phobic, -phobe (from Greek phobos, "fear") occur in technical usage in psychiatry to construct words that describe irrational, abnormal, unwarranted, persistent, or disabling fear as a mental disorder (e.g. Is there a phobia or fear of not being heard or what youre saying is not being heard? Like nets women wear on their heads. Is there a phobia fo the feeling of always being watched? Most phobia names are made up by using the Greek or Latin word and placing phobia behind it. This is the darkest, most embracing fear. How many nieces and nephew luther vandross have?