The scope of the project is to compute the metric usage of reports of various learning networks. A dataset of 32,833 songs with 12 audio features for each of the songs provided by Spotify was analyzed to determine whether these audio features could be used to classify songs into 6 different genres. Further exploratory data analysis was conducted in order to determine the effect of volunteering on donation amount. According to a survey, 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations for purchasing any item on an e- commerce website. Otto group is a multinational group with thousands of products that need to be classified consistently in nine groups. Vidhi Rathod, Sentiment Analysis & Recommender system for Amazon’s Utility Product line, August 2020 (Yan Yu, Peng Wang). Among 10,000 plants selected in this study, 711 completed the survey and sent it back to the Gardner's Publication. Based on this criterion, the Logistic Regression model is most interpretable and has the highest predictive power. details first before we move onto the tips and tricks to crack AZ-900 exam. In case you plan to cancel or reschedule an appointment then it should be done at least 6 business days before the schedule exam time, such that there are no charges for the cancellation. We have used 2 statistical methods in this project: Linear regression to predict the expected revenue generated in each zip code; Multiple Logistic Regression to predict the preferred product type in each zip code. On any day, these dashboards help analyze the time-series data associated with these categories and assess how the business has fared on certain metrics for the month, identify anomalies and get a comprehensive view of the expected sales for the rest of the month. Two such specialty resources are bariatric beds and bariatric rooms. Kratika Gupta, Talkingdata Adtracking Fraud Detection Challenge, August 2019, (Peng Wang, Liwei Chen) In the state of Ohio, a public K-12 school district goes to the public to ask for money to cover the remainder after state and federal dollars. Spam messages are identical messages sent to numerous recipients by email or text messages for reasons like mass marketing, gain clicks on website, scam users and steal data etc. Initially, the analysis would investigate a content-based filtering algorithm. Swagatam Das, IMDB Movie Score Prediction: An Analytical Approach, July 2019, (Dungang Liu, Liwei Chen) The data collected for the analysis was divided into 2 categories transactional and demographical. The goal of this capstone is to determine the usefulness of driver motor vehicle records to predict a loss ratio defined as the total dollar amount of losses due to a claim, divided by the summed dollar loss of monthly premiums on a trucking insurance policy. All the models have been evaluated basis the out of sample accuracy and they performed exceptionally well giving accuracy between 80%-90% on the test dataset. The accuracy achieved could change significantly if new objects are included in the background. For providing the best viewing experience and retaining the users, it is important for the OTT platforms to seamlessly suggest movies to both existing and new users. This received very positive feedback from clients because such charts helped them find patterns also in areas where they weren’t expecting them. The leagues people play in range from daily fantasy football, where different players can be selected each week, to dynasty fantasy football, where players can be kept for their whole career. Customers doing a digital BT tend to do a greater number of BT’s but with each BT being of lesser value compared to non-digital BT’s. Using population comparisons through exploratory data analysis and model creation for prediction, contributory factors to devastating injuries have been identified. I have listed the advantages and disadvantages of each of the recommenders. Finally, we study different combinations of features applied to different sentiment scales. “Logistic Regression” is a supervised learning technique where I provide an input data with past results and let the system predict the dichotomous result of future outcomes. There are 80 variables and 2919 observations in the data set. My second study was a proof of concept study of integrating R language to the Spotfire dash boarding environment. The objective of this project is to determine the optimal vehicle routing for prescription home delivery for a local chain of pharmacy stores, Clark's Pharmacy, to reduce its delivery costs. These measures and the following recommendations for editing the answer flow trees will serve as a starting point for more advanced, holistic techniques to design algorithms which generate new answer flow trees having the best performance across all metrics while considering the constraints which limits the reordering and pruning of the answer flow graph. The main problem that the company faces is demand uncertainty at the customer location, which can have an adverse effect on its transportation costs. In this project, segmentation is applied to contributors of United Way of Greater Cincinnati (UWGC), a non-profit organization that receives contributions from around 300,000 employees of more than 2500 companies every year. Finally, we fitted several forms of GARCH models in normal distributions as well as in student t distributions and found the GARCH (1,1) Student-t model as the best model in terms of the Akaike’s Information Criteria and log-likelihood values. The goal of the second project is to study the maintenance logs which consisted of the work order description and work order action related to the aircrafts that were reported to go under maintenance. Equilibrium decisions include suppliers' wholesale prices and planned production quantities, retailers' order quantities, and retail prices. If hit 90% within 65 minutes, we get 75% of profit, and so on. Quotient Technology Inc.’s Website delivers personalized digital offers in accordance to user’s purchasing behavior data. Therefore, this is clearly a ‘Multiclass-Multilabel’ classification problem. However, there is more to attrition than a shrinking workforce. Predictive models based on these characteristics are used to forecast the sales efficiently and accurately. The main idea of this project is to use Image recognition techniques to identify handwritten digits in the image. While the results of the evolutionary algorithm-driven simulation suggested deficiencies in the current implementation, the underlying methodology is sound and provides a basis for future improvements in evaluation criteria, computational efficiency, and evolutionary operators. In this paper, the orders processed under Priceline’s Cancel and exception policy will be analyzed for two of the top cancel reasons. In this world, clicks translate to dollars, and data is of utmost importance. Phishers exploit users’ trust on the appearance of a site by using webpages that are visually similar to an authentic site. This report will go through a few visuals I developed during my internship at Symphony Health. Sample size is not arbitrarily decided and it is usually determined by using a statistical power analysis. We also demonstrate that selective targeting of customers using Uplift Modeling increases incremental revenue when compared to the existing alternative called Traditional Response Modeling. All four models in some way involve the factors AGE, BRACE ("Do you wear a knee brace? Let’s just look at the exam In certain states, the state government controls a portions of the three-tier system. Chunyan Su, Are Lego sets priced too high?, November 2019, (Peng Wang, Yichen Qin). Kroger’s supply chain network is very complex and consists of 38 manufacturing facilities and 42 distribution centers, all strategically placed at different local, regional, and national levels. Srujana Guduru, Netflix Movie Recommendation System using Collaborative Filtering, August 2020 (Yichen Qin, Dungang Liu). Most banks that issue credit cards run acquisition campaigns to acquire customers. We develop a flowchart of the methodology for customer-centric pricing, illustrate this methodology using several examples, as well as show the magnitude of differences in the overall profitability of a firm with customized pricing policies in different scenarios. From Data Exploration some factors which were identified which have a different behavior in both the group. The approach to achieve this goal is to borrow the information from an existing dataset which consisted of the corporation bankruptcy data of other industries. Using SAS/STAT, variable-selection methods are provided by the PROC LOGISTIC procedure. In order to better understand what Trump has tweeted in the last ten years I will use natural language processing techniques on all 39,000+ tweets from the “Trump Twitter Archive” online. Instead, model comparison was done on ROC AUC score. Entering into my time as Ever-Green Energy’s Business Analyst Intern, a defined project goal was established to create a variety of reports for client and internal use alike. The project is based on fraudulent click traffic for mobile app ads. A recommendation system employs a statistical algorithm to predict the users’ preference and make suggestions based on those preferences. In this report we look at one instance where call notes of customers is used as an indication of possible attrition. Ashutosh Mhasekar, Application of Statistical Procedures to Target Specific Segments for Upgrading Marginally Sub-par Members to Rewards-eligible Level in a Retail Loyalty Environment, August 19, 2009 (Michael Magazine, Uday Rao, Marc Schulkers) Two additional predictor variables for bikes rented in the past two hours were added. This capstone project is a natural extension of the Graduate Case Study that I worked on in the Spring Semester, 2017 as part of the Business Analytics program at University of Cincinnati. In this paper, I detail the steps involved in developing associated product sets using association Rules. The fundamental components of a neural network are the activation function, the error measurement and the method of backpropagation. As with any asset that a company purchases, several questions must be answered. Microsoft Azure Fundamentals”. My data analysis work can be put into four categories: Turnaround Time Analysis, Supervisor Inspection Analysis, Patient Survey Analysis, and Full-time Employee Analysis. The statistical software package SAS is used for implementation. By recursively using hierarchical clustering with Ward's linkage, this project proposes a novel method to cluster the contributing companies for UWGC. Automation of Azure tasks using PowerShell, Resource Management in Azure, using Clients from different sectors such as retail banking, credit cards, cell-phone providers, satellite/TV providers, healthcare, and insurance outsource their processes to the CVG inbound and outbound contact center. A malware is a software designed to cause damage. Rahul Agrawal, Bringing Customers Home: Customer Purchase Prediction for an Ecommerce - Propensity to Buy (Predictions), July 2019, (Yichen Qin, Liwei Chen) Path modeling, based on structural equation modeling, is a widely used technique in market research industries to analyze interrelationships between various measures and to measure which ones are really significant in driving sales. This can be due to the actual environment that an analyst is trying to model or to increase the efficiency of simulating random variates from a model. Edmund A. Berry, National Estimates of the Inpatient Burden of Pediatric Bipolar Disorder in an Inpatient Setting. Computers are good at answering questions with single, verifiable answers. The data of the borrowers is public. In addition, Random Forest and Tree models are built in SAS Enterprise Miner and the random forest model with hour and neighborhood factors shows the best performance with the lowest misclassification rate (0.67). These metrics evaluate the product from different perspectives of teams involving performance data from marketing, operations and finance. This project is created to predict the high rating applications on google play store so that the app developers can invest their time and resources properly to gain profit. Stochastic processes have been applied in many fields, for example, marketing, gambling, inventory control, biology, and healthcare. Hospitals can use the ratings to assess their current market standings. The main goal of this project is to provide a machine learning walkthrough of a dataset and through the process of Data Munging, Exploration, Imputation, Engineering and Modeling show that the stages of Preprocessing and Feature Engineering are the most important, and is the foundation upon which a model can be more powerful. Daniel Schwendler, Single Asset Multi-period Schedule Optimization, April 2019 (Mike Fry, Paul Bessire) Analysts tend to concentrate on voluntary churn, because it typically occurs due to factors of the company-customer relationship which companies control, such as how billing interactions are handled or how after-sales help is provided. Rui Ding, Analysis of Price Premium for Online Health Consultations by Statistical Modeling, July 2017, (Peng Wang, Liwei Chen) One year after the event announcement, the firms are able to recover their performance. Homogeneous clusters of similar states were identified and a predictive model for each one of them was developed. Previous theoretical studies of ensembles have shown that one of the key reasons for this performance is diversity among ensemble models. The response variable of interest is binary, indicating whether the recipient will respond or not. The entertainment technology industry runs on data. It helps them in structuring store lay out, designing various promotion and coupons and combining all with a customer loyalty card which makes all the above strategy even more useful. This project report is to demonstrate my contribution to the Analytics Division at IBM. They are interested in pursuing marketing interests in emerging markets in Asia. The data is first transformed to account for the non-stationarity in variance, and a step-wide iterative procedure is outlined for model diagnostics and model fitting. The neuralnet package has a myriad of options, but only handles standardized data. Optimal and heuristic solution methods are explored in this project. Any software that does something that causes harm to a user, computer, or network can be considered malware. This company helps organizations capture feedback regarding the employee experience and analyses that data to help organizations attract desired talent and improve employee retention, performance and productivity. A logistic regression model is also built in this study to compare with the decision-tree model. Yong Han, Whose Votes Changed the Presidential Elections?, April 2018, (Dungang Liu, Liwei Chen) These include: lack of restraint use, deployment of an air bag, crashing into a fixed object, crashing head-on, a roadside collision, time of day is night, the vehicle type is a car, speeding, a rollover occurred, impact of first collision occurred in the front-left corner, disabling damage occurred to the vehicle, and alcohol involved. Season ticket holders (STH) are important for both collegiate and professional sports teams. Alternating Least Squares algorithm was implemented to predict user ratings using PySpark. Mingye Su, Retail Store Sales Forecasting: A Time-Series Analysis, July 25, 2014 (Yan Yu, David Rogers) To understand the customers better and provide them better service, Cintas Corporation collects large amounts of data from customers. The user needs to input the customer name to populate the data for the concerned customer. This project formulates a problem to minimize total travel distance NCAA athletic teams travel by finding a realignment based on a distance metric. Further, consideration of market supply and demand during the same period gives a view into the drivers behind the decline and rebounds around the recession. As these products have less takers in comparison to those for other mainstream products such as household products etc. In this research, I will investigate these two questions with Term Frequency. An average of nearly 7,000 students become dropouts each day. The response variable, the price range is to be predicted with the highest accuracy possible. Gene networks built from top differentially co-expressed gene pairs showed a consistent enrichment for already-established SLE associated genes. Whether you shop from meticulously planned grocery lists or let whimsy guide your grazing, our unique food rituals define who we are. Predictive models have been built using these 4 techniques and based on a few selected performance criteria the best model has been identified. The new pavement alternative is a permeable surface that allows rain water and snow melt to seep through, thus reducing the amount of water -– called storm water runoff -– flowing into a city's sewer system. One of the products is Customer 360, which provides a unified customer profile including internal and external data sources. Approximately 90% of people diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD) have speech impairments. Desired ending inventory is calculated in each weekly time period of the planning horizon by accumulating the demand forecasts over contiguous future weeks specified by the safety-time. The dataset that is analyzed lists all real estate transactions in Cincinnati from 1998 to 2009. including overall performance in the exam, PASS/FAIL status, a bar chart demonstrating About 6.2K restaurants with 50 attributes and having 2M reviews are analyzed. Brian Floyd, Stochastic Simulation of Perishable Inventory, April 2015, (Amitabh Raturi, David Kelton) This classifier achieved an out-of-sample Log Loss of 0.5739, an improvement of approximately 17% on the baseline predictive model. Local homeowners in the Cincinnati tri-state also felt the impact of the downturn. Also, various demographic factors like age, sex, education, marital status has been considered to build the model. By analyzing the given data, this project aims to develop a strategic action plan for improving the representation of these protected groups by understanding where in the hiring process (recruitment, interviews, selection) are barriers present for such groups. Thus, Group LASSO can improve the interpretation of the regression model via variable selection and stabilize the regression by shrinking the absolute values of the regression coefficients. 50,000 employees of Boehringer Ingelheim create value through innovation with a clear goal: to provide better health outcomes and improve the lives of both humans and animals. Conversely, research shows that a huge percentage of the Nigerian population still adopts the traditional methods of banking, thus internet banking facilities are largely underutilized. Random Forest performs best and returned the lowest misclassification rate and highest AUC. In such a negative situation, it is important to build and use models to estimate the potential risk and to try to maximize profits from credit-card use. Therefore, better care coordination promises to reduce readmission rate which minimizes cost and improve patients’ lives. The data provided by the client comprised of household level demographic data, campaign data and item level point of sales data for the past two years. This challenge was hosted on a website “Analytics Vidhya” and the metric chosen by them to assess the best model was RMSE. However, there are significant differences in the quality of the wine which may be due to several factors. The goal of the project is to study different data-mining models in predicting the potential of loan delinquency based on borrowers' demographic information and payment history, and to identify the most important factors (variables) for risk assessment. Sample size refers to the number of subjects or participants planned to be included in an experiment or study. After applying this technique, we realized that sulphate, an anti-oxidant and smelling agent, and volatile acidity, responsible for the acidic taste, are significant factors for grading the wine. The process involves outsourcing of data to private vendors wherein the failed data from one vendor are sent to the next vendor until we have tested against all. Aniket Sunil Mahapure, Quora Question Pairs Data Challenge, August 2019, (Peng Wang, Liwei Chen) Because of its magnitude within the industry, looking into particular markets to target or avoid is important to help minimize losses paid on workers compensation claims. You are Every year, banks make billions of dollars on credit cards, so they are always looking to get more debt. The goal of finding the benefit to risk control by actively reallocating using a CVaR optimization model is performed. This inability is especially problematic given the explicit and implicit cost of under or overestimating the need. This can be done using traditional truncation. This study gave a list of important variables that affects the model and should be considered for predicting defaults. Santosh Kumar Biswal, Telco Customer Churn Prediction, July 2019, (Dungang Liu, Yichen Qin) Three sets of hypotheses are developed that assess the antecedent and ex post financial metrics of firms that made such announcements. The insurance industry tends to be very stagnant and resistant to change and new ideas. Therefore, it is important to select the right way of marketing a product. This project will present the application of data-mining approaches to credit-scoring analysis in the financial industry. Preethi Jayaram Jayaraman, Prediction of Kickstarter Project Success, July 2018, (Yichen Qin, Bradley Boehmke) Ridesharing systems generate a lot of data that can be used for studying mobility in a city. The analysis will use multivariate techniques such as factor and cluster analysis. The results of analysis were used to build dashboards in Tableau. Sixteen out of 138 independent variables were found significant and were used to fit the multiple logistic regression model. This is basically a ranking of the relative strengths (during that week) of the NFL teams based on the votes of several panel members ( NFL writers/bloggers). Another learning is that generally, fans buy their main food items (hot dog, burger, pizza) before the game and then beverages, desserts and snacks during the game. This is an extremely conservative approach. Two different machine learning techniques, Artificial Neural Networks, and Gradient Boosted Trees were used to build the models. Models are built using the training dataset. The dataset consists of 11162 rows and 17 variables, including the dependent variable: ‘Deposit’. The success of these deep learning algorithms relies on their capacity to model complex and non-linear relationships within the data. William Newton, Concrete Compressive Strength Analysis, July 2017, (Yan Yu, Edward Winkofsky) With relaxed rules and less oversight, the possibility of an investor losing money has greatly increased. Key findings of the paper are that LOS has a positive relation with Average standard working hours of employees in the store and a negative relation with the number of full-time employees in the store. Movie Recommendation system is the way to recommend users movies based on their ratings on movies they have already watched. The theoretical driving time is calculated based on the street-level conditions including factors such as street types, slopes, and speed limits, with a view to minimizing turns. In recent years the business world has started adopting analytics, and the insurance industry is finally starting to catch up. We review the stepwise method and compare it with a rank-of-predictors method that is based on the idea of bootstrapping. The Healthcare Industry is one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing industries, consuming over 10% of GDP for most developed nations. Over 100 million people visit Quora every month, so it's no surprise that many people ask similarly worded questions. This paper will discuss the application of the logistic regression model and compare three models based on different variable-selection methods. Time series analysis is commonly used in economic forecasting as well as analyzing climate data over large periods of time. This project was motivated by our interaction with the Cincinnati Department of Health (CDH) via a project that focused on persuading the Cincinnati council that EMR should be immediately invested in at all six of the CDH clinics. LSI finds ‘topics’ in reviews, which are words having similar meanings or words occurring in a similar context. There are not many articles that talk about the methods or features through which one can identify these phishing websites. Results from this study indicated that the total performance of the Hamilton County fire departments based on the six-minutes criterion is good, and the frequency of incidents is growing year by year. The purpose of this paper is to explore and quantify the effectiveness of wearing a knee brace vs. not wearing a brace in preventing motorcycling knee injuries, by providing statistical analysis on the questionnaire data. Our final model will be built with the help of machine learning algorithm and then we will evaluate our model with evaluation measures like accuracy, precisions, recall, etc. Cassie Kramer, Leveraging Student Information System Data for Analytics, November 2017, (Michael Fry, Nicholas Frame) Spatial analysis was done using pivot table in Excel and simple descriptive analysis was done in SAS. The NET team is responsible for ABC’s drugs in the Neuro-endocrine tumor area, a disease area with a market of about $1.5B globally. Percutaneous cardiovascular surgery is a popular elective procedure, with more than half a million Americans undergoing the procedure every year. The food delivery services like Grubhub, Doordash, Zomato 30000 observations 371. By shopping cards and recorded coupon codes, accompanied by transaction information people not experiencing any growth! Likelihood to purchase ” analysis team is leveraging a sample dataset created by the users are concerned providing... As 0.57 important variable, followed by outlet type Chhabra, Uber & Lyft price prediction, August,... Analyzed by aggregating the data clearly shows the aforementioned KPIs and profitability measures over time, prediction accuracy SVD! 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